Washington State
House of Representatives
Office of Program Research
Appropriations Committee
HB 2012
Brief Description: Funding the transition to kindergarten program.
Sponsors: Representatives Bergquist, Couture, Ormsby, Pollet, Nance, Gregerson and Scott.
Brief Summary of Bill
  • Provides an appropriation to fund the additional 2024-25 school year forecasted enrollment of the Transition to Kindergarten (TTK) Program not already funded in the 2023-25 biennial budget.
  • Limits TTK program enrollment for each school district, charter school, or state-tribal education compact school to its 2024-25 school year enrollment, beginning in the 2025-26 school year.
Hearing Date: 2/24/25
Staff: Jordan Clarke (786-7123).

Transition to Kindergarten Program.

In 2023 the Transition to Kindergarten (TTK) Program was established to assist eligible children in need of additional preparation to be successful kindergarten students in the following year.  Prior to 2023 some school districts operated similar programs that enrolled 4-year-olds in kindergarten.


Rules.  The Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) was directed to adopt rules for the administration of, the allocation of state funding for, and minimum standards and requirements for the TTK Program.  The rules must include specified minimum requirements for school districts, charter schools, and state-tribal education compact schools operating a TTK Program.


Operation.  School districts, charter schools, and state-tribal education compact schools operating a TTK Program must adopt policies regarding eligibility, recruitment, and enrollment for the TTK Program that, at a minimum, meet the requirements of the OSPI rules.  When adopting TTK policies, school districts, charter schools, and state-tribal education compact schools must consider best practices developed by the OSPI, in collaboration with the Department of Children, Youth, and Families, related to statewide coordinated eligibility, recruitment, enrollment, and selection.  School districts, charter schools, and state-tribal education compact schools may blend or collocate a TTK Program with other early learning programs.


Funding.  Funding for the TTK Program must be calculated using the actual number of annual average full-time equivalent (AAFTE) eligible children enrolled in the TTK Program, and based on the following portions of the prototypical school funding model:  class size; staff types; district-wide support services; materials, supplies, and operating costs; the Learning Assistance Program; and the Transitional Bilingual Instruction Program.  A TTK child must be counted as a kindergarten student for purposes of the model's funding calculations, but be reported separately.  In addition, funding for the TTK Program be based on the transportation distribution formula for public elementary and secondary schools, calculated using reported ridership for eligible children enrolled in the TTK Program.


Funding provided for the TTK Program is not part of the state's statutory program of basic education and must be expended only for the support of operating a TTK Program.

Summary of Bill:

Beginning in the 2025-26 school year, the AAFTE enrollment of eligible children in each TTK Program operated by a school district, charter school, or state-tribal education compact school, may not exceed the AAFTE enrollment of eligible children in the same school district, charter school, or state-tribal education compact school program during the 2024-25 school year.


An appropriation of $20,925,000 is provided for allocation to school districts, charter schools, and state-tribal education compact schools as payment during the 2024-25 school year to fund the additional forecasted enrollment of the TTK program not already funded in the 2023-25 biennial budget.

Appropriation: The sum of $20,925,000 is appropriated from the State General Fund.
Fiscal Note: Requested on February 22, 2025.
Effective Date: The bill takes effect 90 days after adjournment of the session in which the bill is passed.