Washington State
House of Representatives
Office of Program Research
Agriculture & Natural Resources Committee
HB 1955
Brief Description: Encouraging youth participation in fishing and shellfishing.
Sponsors: Representatives Rule, Dent, Simmons and Nance.
Brief Summary of Bill
  • Expands the youth exemption from fishing and shellfishing license fees.
Hearing Date: 2/21/25
Staff: Lily Smith (786-7175).

The Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) issues licenses for fishing and shellfishing in Washington.  Categories of licenses include freshwater fishing, saltwater fishing, and shellfish and seaweed (shellfish/seaweed) licenses, as well as combination licenses, which include all of the previous categories. 


Fishing and shellfish/seaweed licenses are required for individuals aged 15 or older.  License fees have a base amount set in statute, with the total fee cost including additional surcharge, transaction and dealer fees.  For fishing and shellfish/seaweed licenses, individuals aged 15 qualify for a lower youth base fee of $5 ($8.05 total) for a combination license, compared to the resident adult base fee of $45 ($55.35 total) for the same license.  Individuals aged 16 or older pay adult license fees.  Fee amounts vary by type and the individual's resident, military, disability, veteran, or senior status.  


There are several other fishing license types and endorsements required for specific activities, such as Puget Sound crabbing or razor clamming.  All individuals must hold a catch record card, which are free for the first card and have a base fee of $11 ($12.60 total) for each subsequent card.

Summary of Bill:

Fishing and shellfish/seaweed licenses are required for individuals aged 18 or older.  Individuals aged 18 qualify for the lower youth fee for a combination license.  Individuals aged 19 or older pay adult fees

Appropriation: None.
Fiscal Note: Available.
Effective Date: The bill takes effect 90 days after adjournment of the session in which the bill is passed.