Washington State
House of Representatives
Office of Program Research
Consumer Protection & Business Committee
HB 1807
Brief Description: Regarding catered events with alcohol.
Sponsors: Representatives Springer and Wylie.
Brief Summary of Bill
  • Authorizes holders of the caterer's liquor license to sell alcohol for on-premises consumption at an event that is open to the public, even if the sponsor of the event is a corporation, for-profit business, or other entity not meeting the existing definition of a not-for-profit society or organization.
Hearing Date: 2/11/25
Staff: Peter Clodfelter (786-7127).

There is a caterer's license issued by the Liquor and Cannabis Board (LCB) to sell spirits, beer, and wine, by the individual serving, at retail, for consumption on the premises at an event location that is owned, leased, or operated either by the caterer or the sponsor of the event for which catering services are being provided.? The annual fee is $200 for the beer license, $200 for the wine license, or $400 for a combination beer and wine license. The annual fee for a combined beer, wine, and spirits license is $1,000.?


If the event is open to the public, it must be sponsored by a society or organization as specifically defined in law.? If attendance at the event is limited to members or invited guests of the sponsoring individual, society, or organization, the requirement that the sponsor must be a society or organization is waived.


A society or organization is defined as a not-for-profit group organized and operated solely for charitable, religious, social, political, educational, civic, fraternal, athletic, or benevolent purposes.? It also includes a not-for-profit group organized as a local wine industry association registered as 501(c)(6) organization under the Internal Revenue Code.? No portion of the profits from events sponsored by a not-for-profit group may be paid directly or indirectly to members, officers, directors, or trustees except for services performed for the organization.?


A caterer licensee must serve food as required by rules of the LCB.? A caterer licensee must notify the LCB or its designee of the date, time, place, and location of any catered event at which liquor will be served, sold, or consumed.


Upon request, the licensee must provide to the LCB all necessary or requested information concerning the individual, society, or organization that will be holding the catered function.? A caterer licensee is prohibited from catering events at locations that are already licensed to sell liquor.?

Summary of Bill:

The requirement is removed that if an event is open to the public, a caterer may sell alcohol at the event only if the sponsor of the event is a society or organization as specifically defined in the law.?


The event at which a caterer may sell alcohol may be open to the public, or attendance at the event may be limited to members or invited guests of the sponsoring individual, society, organization, corporation, business, or other for-profit or nonprofit entity.?


Upon request, the licensee must provide to the LCB all necessary or requested information concerning any corporation, business, or other for-profit or nonprofit entity, that will be holding the catered function at which the caterer's liquor license will be used.

Appropriation: None.
Fiscal Note: Requested on February 5, 2025.
Effective Date: The bill takes effect 90 days after adjournment of the session in which the bill is passed.