HB 1760
As Reported by House Committee On:
Consumer Protection & Business
Title: An act relating to removing barriers for organizations selling manufactured homes to low-income households at cost.
Brief Description: Removing barriers for organizations selling manufactured homes to low-income households.
Sponsors: Representatives Volz, Peterson, Connors, Griffey, Schmidt, Waters, Barnard, Low, Chase, Eslick and Ramel.
Brief History:
Committee Activity:
Consumer Protection & Business: 2/14/25, 2/21/25 [DP].
Brief Summary of Bill
  • Excludes certain entities that sell 12 or less manufactured homes to low-income households at cost in any 12-month period from being licensed as vehicle dealers. 
Majority Report: Do pass.Signed by 15 members:Representatives Walen, Chair; McClintock, Ranking Minority Member; Dufault, Assistant Ranking Minority Member; Abbarno, Berry, Corry, Donaghy, Fosse, Kloba, Morgan, Reeves, Ryu, Santos, Steele and Volz.
Staff: Megan Mulvihill (786-7304).

Manufactured homes are designed, structured, and constructed to be transportable, built on a permanent chassis that allow them to be trailered and relocated.  This mobile design classifies manufactured homes as personal property, rather than real property, and they are titled as vehicles.  As a result, dealers of manufactured homes are subject to vehicle dealer laws.  Vehicle dealers are required to be licensed by the Department of Licensing and must adhere to specific regulations.  Any person or association engaged in the buying and selling of five or more vehicles is required to obtain a vehicle dealer license.  The initial vehicle dealer licensing fee is $975, and vehicle dealers must obtain a surety bond of $30,000.

Summary of Bill:

A community land trust, resident nonprofit cooperative, local government, public housing authority, nonprofit community or neighborhood-based organization, federally recognized Indian tribe in Washington, or regional or statewide nonprofit housing assistance organization that does not sell more than 12 manufactured homes to low-income households at cost in any 12-month period is not considered a vehicle dealer and is not subject to licensing and regulation requirements for vehicle dealers. 

Appropriation: None.
Fiscal Note: Available.
Effective Date: The bill takes effect 90 days after adjournment of the session in which the bill is passed.
Staff Summary of Public Testimony:

(In support) This is a practical and essential step toward increasing affordable home ownership opportunities across Washington by removing unnecessary barriers and empowering nonprofit organizations and community-based groups to sell manufactured homes at cost to low-income households.  Right now small organizations that sell more than four manufactured homes must meet burdensome requirements that can cost $50,000 or more annually.  Advancing this legislation would make it cheaper to sell new homes at cost.  These homes are a vital resource offering safe, stable, and affordable options for families.


(Opposed) None.

Persons Testifying:

Victoria OBanion, Northwest Cooperative Development Center; and Sarah Olson, Village Cohousing Works.

Persons Signed In To Testify But Not Testifying: None.