Prior to election certification, the county auditor must conduct a comparison of duplicated ballots to original ballots. ?The county auditor must also conduct an additional audit using at least one of the following methods:
There are two types of risk-limiting audits authorized in statute:
Immediately after the certification of an election, an impartial, independent company must perform a statistically significant manual hand count of all physical ballots tabulated for that election in at least 12 precincts in a county. ?The chairpersons of the Democratic and Republican parties (chairpersons) of the county each choose six precincts to be audited.? Additional precincts must be audited if the 12 selected precincts are less than 5 percent of the county's cast ballots.? The chairpersons of the county select the races or ballot measures to be audited.? The selected races and ballot measures are not required to be the same for each precinct.? During the manual hand count, the voter markings on the ballots for the selected race or measure are compared to the results generated by the county's tabulation equipment for those same ballots.? Public election observers are permitted to observe all parts of the auditing process.
Within 30 days of the effective date of the act, an audit of the 2024 general election must be performed in each county.? For the audit of the 2024 general election, the independent auditing company for each county must be agreed upon by the chairpersons of the county.? For subsequent election cycles, the chairpersons of a county are permitted to select different companies to perform audits of the county.
For each election, the independent company must submit a report to the Legislature about the audit findings and recommendations to improve ballot integrity by December 31 of the year of that election.?