Wildfire Mitigation and Resilience.
The Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is responsible for forest fire prevention and response on both private and state-owned forestland in Washington. The DNR, in collaboration with other entities, provides guidance, funding, and other forms of assistance through multiple programs to support community resilience and preparedness for wildfires. The DNR must assess areas at significant risk of wildfire and begin providing decadal assessments to the Legislature by 2027.
A number of counties and communities have created community wildfire protection plans to outline priorities for the protection of life, property, and critical infrastructure before and during wildfires.
Cancellation or Nonrenewal of an Insurance Policy.
An insurance contract establishes conditions under which the insurer may cancel or not renew an insurance policy. An insurer must give the insured a certain number of days written notice prior to the effective date of the cancellation or nonrenewal.
Wildfire Mitigation and Resiliency Standards Work Group.
The Wildfire Mitigation and Resiliency Standards Work Group (work group) is established, to include:
The Work Group must study and make recommendations on:
The Work Group must submit a report to the Legislature, the Office of the Insurance Commissioner, and the Department of Natural Resources by December 1, 2025.