The Liquor and Cannabis Board (LCB) issues cannabis licenses in Washington.? A cannabis producer license authorizes a licensee to produce, harvest, trim, dry, cure, and package cannabis into lots for sale at wholesale to cannabis processors and other cannabis producers.? A cannabis producer may produce and sell:
A cannabis producer license is subject to an application fee of $250, and the license must be renewed annually, with an annual fee of $1,381.? A separate license is required for each location at which a cannabis producer intends to produce cannabis.? The LCB is currently not accepting new?applications for cannabis producer licenses.?
The LCB must suspend a cannabis producer license if no activity has been recorded on the license between July 1, 2023, and December 31, 2024.? No activity refers to no business activity reported to the Department of Revenue.? A license that is suspended must be reissued if: