The Law Enforcement Officers' and Fire Fighters' Retirement System Plan 2 contains provisions for employer authorized?unpaid leaves of absences.? Under these provisions, members may purchase up to two years of service credit upon return to full service, by paying the member, employer, and state contributions to the Department of Retirement Systems within five years of returning to service.
A member of the Law Enforcement Officers' and Firefighters' Retirement System Plan 2 on an authorized leave of absence is authorized to purchase up to two years of service credit if the member retires, rather than returns to work.? The contributions shall be based on the member's basic salary at the time the leave was authorized, adjusted for pay increases provided by the employer for similar jobs during the period of leave.
(In support) A member out on a non-duty disability leave of absence was surprised to learn that service credit was not available when it turned out that they could not return to work.? This bill deals with this situation by removing the requirement that the member return.
(Opposed) None.
Jacob White, LEOFF 2 Board.