The Department of Licensing (DOL) regulates and issues licenses for a number of businesses and professions, including architects, landscape architects, embalmers, funeral directors, the Funeral and Cemetery Board, certified real estate appraisers, geologists, and appraisal management companies.? The receipts from licenses, registrations, certifications, and other fees for these professions are currently collected under the following six accounts administered by the DOL:
The Business and Professions Account is also administered by the DOL.? It is used only for expenses incurred in carrying out certain business and professions licensing activities of the DOL. ?The DOL collects and deposits receipts from 24 businesses and professions into the Business and Professions Account.
The six accounts administered by the DOL are repealed, and their existing fund balances are transferred to the Business and Professions Account.? The related businesses and professions are added to the list of professions for which all receipts from licenses and other fees must be deposited into the Business and Professions Account.
(In support) This bill helps avoid volatility for dedicated accounts with a small amount of members or licensees.? Business communities affected by the six accounts repealed in this bill are in favor of this bill.
(Opposed) None.
Alejandro Sanchez, Department of Licensing.