HB 1294
As Reported by House Committee On:
Agriculture & Natural Resources
Title: An act relating to extending the pesticide application safety committee.
Brief Description: Extending the pesticide application safety committee.
Sponsors: Representatives Dent, Reeves, Timmons and Hill.
Brief History:
Committee Activity:
Agriculture & Natural Resources: 1/31/25, 2/7/25 [DP].
Brief Summary of Bill
  • Extends the expiration date of the Pesticide Application Safety Committee to July 1, 2035.
Majority Report: Do pass.Signed by 11 members:Representatives Reeves, Chair; Morgan, Vice Chair; Dent, Ranking Minority Member; Engell, Assistant Ranking Minority Member; Bernbaum, McClintock, Nance, Orcutt, Richards, Schmick and Springer.
Staff: Lily Smith (786-7175).

The Pesticide Application Safety Committee (Committee) explores how multiple agencies and the Washington Poison Center collect and track data, the development of a shared database, and the use of existing tools to better display multiagency data regarding pesticides. ?The Committee may also evaluate and recommend a variety of policy options related to improving agricultural pesticide application safety, including improving communication and education, incentives for new technology, and prevention techniques and best practices. ?The Committee provides an annual report to the Legislature.


Members of the Committee include legislators, agency heads from the Departments of Agriculture, Health, Labor and Industries, and Natural Resources, and representatives from state university agriculture and pesticide-related colleges and programs.

An advisory work group (advisory group) collects information and makes recommendations to the Committee on topics requiring unique expertise and perspectives on issues within the Committee's jurisdiction. ?The advisory group includes a representative from the Department of Agriculture, a number of representatives of farmworkers and growers, a representative of community and migrant health centers, a representative of aerial applicators, and a toxicologist.? The advisory group may hold one in-person meeting per fiscal year, but otherwise must use teleconferencing or other methods. ?

The Committee and advisory group expire July 1, 2025.

Summary of Bill:

The Pesticide Application Safety Committee expires on July 1, 2035, instead of on July 1, 2025. ?The restriction on the advisory group conducting in-person meetings is removed.

Appropriation: None.
Fiscal Note: Available.
Effective Date: The bill contains an emergency clause and takes effect on July 1, 2025.
Staff Summary of Public Testimony:

(In support) The creation of the Committee is the result of work over several years. ?Just about everyone who is involved in pesticide application is represented to some degree on the Committee, which involves multiple agencies along with both sides of the industry. ?The Committee is a valuable tool for communication, collaboration, and understanding the need for safety in pesticide use, where it is critical to be as safe as possible and not cause harm to people or property.


(Opposed) None.

Persons Testifying:

Representative Tom Dent, prime sponsor.

Persons Signed In To Testify But Not Testifying: None.