Washington State
House of Representatives
Office of Program Research
Transportation Committee
HB 1283
Brief Description: Concerning certificates of title.
Sponsors: Representatives Low, Schmidt, Wylie, Klicker, Barkis, Donaghy and Richards.
Brief Summary of Bill
  • Requires applicants for vehicle and vessel titles to be issued electronic records of ownership under the standard titling process.
  • Renames the quick title process, in which an applicant pays a $50 quick title fee to receive a paper title at the time of application, as the paper title process and renames the quick title fee the paper title fee.?
Hearing Date: 1/27/25
Staff: Michael Hirsch (786-7195).

Vehicle and Vessel Title.

Vehicle and vessel title changes in Washington can be made at a county auditor's office, or offices of other agents or subagents, or through the Department of Licensing (DOL).? The applicant must fill out a Vehicle or Vessel Certificate of Ownership Application.? Documentation and the required taxes and fees are collected at the location and sent to the DOL.? Under the standard process, the vehicle title is mailed to the recipient.

Quick Title.

A quick title is a certificate of title printed and received at the time of application.? A vehicle or vessel owner may request a quick title by submitting an application created by the DOL to the DOL, county auditor or other agent, or subagent.? The quick title application must be submitted with evidence of vehicle or vessel ownership and a quick title service fee of $50 in addition to any other fees or taxes required by law.


Subagents may perform vehicle quick title transactions in accordance with rules adopted by the DOL.? Subagents may perform vessel quick title transactions providing that:? the county auditor or agent is providing quick title services in the county in which the subagent is located for at least six months; the county auditor or other agent has selected the subagent to perform quick title services; and the DOL has instituted a process in which blank certificates of title can be inventoried.


Quick?title?service fees are distributed as follows:

For Vehicles:

  • If a?quick?title?service fee is collected by the DOL, the full amount of the service fee ($50) is deposited into the Motor Vehicle Fund.
  • If a?quick?title?service fee is collected by a county auditor or other agent, half of the amount of the service fee ($25) is deposited into the Motor Vehicle Fund, and the remaining half ($25) is retained by the county treasurer.
  • If a?quick?title?service fee is collected by a subagent, half of the amount of the service fee ($25) is deposited into the Motor Vehicle Fund, one-quarter of the service fee ($12.50) is submitted to the county treasurer, and the remaining quarter ($12.50) is retained by the subagent.

For Vessels:

  • If a?quick?title?service fee is collected by the DOL, the full amount of the service fee ($50) is deposited into the General Fund.
  • If a?quick?title?service fee is collected by a county auditor or other agent, half of the amount of the service fee ($25) is deposited into the General Fund, and the remaining half ($25) is retained by the county treasurer.
  • If the?quick?title?service fee is collected by a subagent, half of the amount of the service fee ($25) is deposited into the General Fund, one-quarter of the service fee ($12.50) is submitted to the county treasurer, and the remaining quarter ($12.50) is retained by the subagent.
Summary of Bill:

Quick titles are renamed paper titles.


A certificate of title for a vehicle or vessel may only be issued as an electronic record of ownership unless the applicant applies for a paper title under the paper title process and pays the paper title fee.? A paper title must be printed at the time of application, except in cases restricted or prohibited by the DOL, in which case a paper title is subject to a processing period before a paper title may be issued.


A subagent appointed by the Director of the DOL?may remove liens on electronic records.

Appropriation: None.
Fiscal Note: Available.
Effective Date: The bill takes effect 90 days after adjournment of the session in which the bill is passed.