The state government operates on a fiscal biennium that begins July 1 of each odd-numbered?year.? Supplemental budgets are typically enacted in each of the following two years after adoption of the biennial budget.? Appropriations are made in the biennial and supplemental transportation budgets for the operation and capital expenses of state transportation agencies and?programs.
Appropriations totaling $14.6 billion are made for state transportation agencies and programs for the 2025-27 fiscal biennium from a number of transportation accounts. ?Capital-related appropriations total $8.4 billion, and operating-related appropriations total $6.2 billion.? Appropriations for the fiscal biennium include: ?$11.0 billion for the Washington State Department of Transportation; $1.9 billion for debt service; $795 million for the Washington State Patrol; and $453 million for the Department of Licensing. ?Fund transfers and other provisions are made. ?Additional detail can be found at