Local governments divide land within their jurisdictions into regulated zones that designate land into different uses and purposes.? These include residential, commercial, and industrial zones.? Each local government adopts a zoning map which provides visualization of various zones throughout the jurisdiction.? Residential zones include land that is permitted for residential use.
Residential zones may allow single-family residences and multi-family residences.
A city or town must allow neighborhood stores and neighborhood caf?s in any zone allowing residential uses, provided that a caf? must offer food if alcoholic drinks are offered.
Cities may regulate parking, limit the hours of operation, and establish additional regulations as necessary, including maximum square footage requirements. ?Neighborhood stores and caf?s must be permitted to operate for at least 12 consecutive hours.
A neighborhood caf? is an establishment that serves a limited menu of food items and has at least 500 square feet of gross floor area.
A neighborhood store is a convenience grocery store or mini-market that provides a variety of convenience items that may include food, beverages, and household items. ?A neighborhood store must have at least 500 square feet of gross floor area.