The Department of Social and Health Services Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA) assists individuals with developmental disabilities and their families to obtain services and support based on individual preferences, capabilities, and needs. ?While some DDA clients live in residential habilitation centers, an institutional setting, most clients live in the community.? Home and community-based services waivers allow clients who live in community settings to receive optional services at the same level as they would receive in an institutional setting. ?Waiver services are designed to promote everyday activities, routines, and relationships, and may include services targeted at community integration, support services provided by contracted professionals, caregiving, equipment, supplies, and other specialized services.
The DDA offers services under five waivers: Core, Basic Plus, Community Protection, Individual and Family Services, and Children's Intensive In-home Behavior Supports (CIIBS). ?To be eligible for waiver services, an individual must meet certain criteria, including:
Based on recent data, there is capacity to serve 27,406 individuals across all waivers, and?there are 1,676 slots available. ?However, availability varies between waiver programs. ?For example, the Core waiver has 692 available slots, about 12 percent of its total capacity. ?In contrast, the CIIBS waiver is nearly at full capacity.
Under DDA rules, when there is capacity on a waiver, first priority is given to current?waiver participants assessed as needing a different waiver. ?From there, the DDA may consider other priority populations, such as those statutorily identified, those at immediate?risk of institutionalization, those who pose a community safety risk, those who are being?served with state-only funds, and others.? There are also statutory requirements to provide waiver services to eligible individuals who are or recently were subject to a?dependency or receiving extended foster care services.? Statute additionally provides that if a person with developmental disabilities is the parent of a child who is about to be placed for adoption or foster care, the parent is eligible to receive services in order to promote the integrity of the family unit.
The Department of Social and Health Services Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA) must prioritize specified populations when enrolling eligible clients in open home and community-based services waiver slots and for purposes of determining access to specific waiver services. ?Specifically, the DDA must prioritize clients who are in the following categories:
The DDA must routinely collect data on the following items related to these prioritized populations and make the data publicly available on its website: