Washington State
House of Representatives
Office of Program Research
Health Care & Wellness Committee
HB 1090
Brief Description: Concerning contraceptive coverage.
Sponsors: Representatives Alvarado, Parshley, Ryu, Ramel, Berry, Reed, Fitzgibbon, Taylor, Macri, Callan, Obras, Farivar, Doglio, Fosse, Ortiz-Self, Simmons, Peterson, Goodman, Wylie, Pollet, Kloba, Duerr, Berg, Ormsby, Lekanoff, Salahuddin, Stonier, Reeves, Bernbaum, Tharinger and Hill.
Brief Summary of Bill
  • Applies the requirement that health plans reimburse for a 12-month supply of contraceptives to all prescriptions, instead of only refills.
Hearing Date: 1/15/25
Staff: Jim Morishima (786-7191).

Health plans are required to cover contraceptive drugs without cost sharing. ?A health plan must provide reimbursement for a 12-month supply of contraceptive drugs obtained at one time by the enrollee, unless the enrollee requests a smaller supply or the prescriber instructs the enrollee to receive a smaller supply. ?The health plan must allow the enrollee to receive the contraceptive drugs on-site at the provider's office, if available. ?The 12-month supply requirement applies only to refills of contraceptive drugs, not the original prescription. ?

Summary of Bill:

The 12-month supply requirement is applied to all prescriptions of contraceptive drugs, not just refills.

Appropriation: None.
Fiscal Note: Available.
Effective Date: The bill takes effect on January 1, 2026.