5122 AMS HOLY S1159.1
SB 5122 - S AMD 11
By Senator Holy
NOT ADOPTED 02/05/2025
On page 2, line 18, after "state;" insert "or"
On page 2, beginning on line 21, after "threshold" strike all material through "state" on line 23
On page 2, line 28, after "(1)(b)" strike "or (c)"
On page 4, beginning on line 5, after "section 3" strike "(1), (2), or (3)" and insert "(1) or (2)"
On page 4, beginning on line 16, strike all of section 9
Renumber the remaining section consecutively and correct any internal references accordingly.
SB 5122 - S AMD 11
By Senator Holy
NOT ADOPTED 02/05/2025
On page 1, line 2 of the title, after "act;" strike "amending RCW
EFFECT: Reverts to current law governing provider and provider organization Hart-Scott-Rodino filings with the attorney general.
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