1710-S2 AMH MENA OMLI 216


2SHB 1710 - H AMD 102

By Representative Mena

On page 1, line 18, after "law;" insert "or"

On page 1, beginning on line 19, strike all of subsections (b) and (c)

Renumber the remaining subsection consecutively and correct any internal references accordingly.

On page 2, beginning on line 33, after "class" strike all material through "jurisdiction" on line 34

On page 2, line 36, after "jurisdiction" insert ", except for changes to precinct boundaries"

On page 3, line 8, after "site" strike "or ballot drop boxes"

On page 3, beginning on line 33, after "of" strike all material through "jurisdiction" on line 35 and insert "a protected class or classes"

On page 5, line 6, after "this" strike "subdivision" and insert "section"

On page 5, at the beginning of line 16, strike "institute an action for a declaratory judgment or to"

On page 5, line 25, after "this" strike "subdivision" and insert "section"

On page 5, line 31, after ""aggrieved" strike "person" and insert "party"

On page 5, at the beginning of line 34, strike "this section" and insert "section 2 of this act"

On page 5, line 35, after "of" strike "this section" and insert "section 2 of this act"

On page 6, beginning on line 20, after "objection" strike all material through "act" on line 22

EFFECT: Narrows the definition of "covered jurisdiction" by removing from the definition political subdivisions which meet certain population thresholds of voting age citizens who are members of a protected class, and where at any point within the previous 10 years:

(1) the percentage of registered voting age citizens who are members of the protected class is at least 10 percentage points lower than the percentage of all citizens of the political subdivision who are registered voters;

(2) the percentage of the citizen voting age population of the protected class that participated in any general election for any office of the political subdivision is at least 10 percentage points lower than the percentage of all citizens of voting age that participated in that election; or

(3) the poverty rate of the protected class meeting the population threshold exceeds the poverty rate of the whole population of the political subdivision by at least 10 percentage points.

Removes as a "covered practice" changes to precinct boundaries and changes in the number, location, or hours of ballot drop boxes.

Makes conforming and grammatical changes.

Corrects drafting errors to: (1) change a reference to "aggrieved person" to be "aggrieved party"; (2) remove leftover provisions relating to the process for covered jurisdictions to obtain preclearance from superior court which was previously removed from the underlying bill; and (3) correct internal references.

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