1644-S AMH FOSS LEON 102


SHB 1644 - H AMD 226

By Representative Fosse

On page 8, line 19, after "49.12.121" insert "or an applicable rule"

On page 8, after line 35, insert the following:

"NEW SECTION. Sec. 6. A new section is added to chapter 49.30 RCW to read as follows:

Before granting a variance from this chapter or an applicable rule in order to allow a minor participating in a bona fide cooperative vocational education program, diversified career experience program, work experience program certified and monitored by the office of the superintendent of public instruction or the minor employee's school district, or a registered apprenticeship program to perform a work duty typically prohibited based on the minor's age, the department shall:

(1) Conduct a safety and health consultation at the worksite; and

(2) Consult with the employer on the types of tools, equipment, and practices permitted under the variance."

Renumber the remaining sections consecutively and correct any internal references accordingly.

EFFECT: Applies the provisions regarding student-learner variances to agricultural industries (in addition to nonagricultural industries as provided in the underlying bill), including requiring the Department of Labor and Industries to conduct a safety and health consultation at the worksite and consult with the employer on certain practices before granting a variance allowing a minor to perform work typically prohibited based on the minor's age. Modifies provisions to clarify that variances are from applicable rules (in addition to the relevant statute).

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