1332-S AMH SCHM LEON 966


SHB 1332 - H AMD 193

By Representative Schmidt

On page 2, beginning on line 35, after "may" strike all material through "requests" on line 38 and insert "apply to the department to be reinstated to the product class in accordance with the eligibility standards in effect at the time the vehicle was onboarded to the platform. If the department determines the vehicle meets all safety standards and other requirements under this chapter and any other local regulation, the department shall submit notification to the transportation network company. Upon receipt of a notification from the department, the transportation network company must reinstate the vehicle to the product class"

EFFECT: Allows a driver with a vehicle that has lost eligibility for a particular product class in the previous five years to apply for reinstatement through the Department of Licensing (DOL) (rather than make a request through the transportation network company (TNC) as provided in the underlying bill). Requires the DOL to submit notification to the TNC if it determines that the vehicle meets all state and local standards. Requires the TNC to reinstate the vehicle to the product class upon receipt of the notification.

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