NEW SECTION. Sec. 2. A new section is added to chapter
38.52 RCW to read as follows:
(1) A political subdivision, under existing plan structures, shall, to the extent practicable based on available resources and site-specific circumstances, address cosheltering for emergency shelters in each update of its local comprehensive emergency management plan required by RCW
(2) A political subdivision, under existing plan structures, shall, to the extent practicable based on available resources and site-specific circumstances, identify emergency shelters able to accommodate persons with companion animals.
(3) Whenever a political subdivision identifies any number of emergency shelters in response to a natural disaster or extreme weather event, it should, to the extent practicable, identify at least one coshelter.
(4) An emergency shelter that is identified to accommodate persons with companion animals must have safety procedures regarding the sheltering of companion animals and comply with disaster assistance policies and procedures published by the federal emergency management agency.
(5) A political subdivision shall provide companion animal emergency preparedness information on its website, including:
(a) To the extent practicable, whether each identified emergency shelter can accommodate companion animals;
(b) Information for creating a companion animal evacuation plan and emergency checklist, consistent with the federal emergency management agency recommendations; and
(c) Identification of local organizations that provide emergency companion animal assistance.
(6) The following definitions apply to this section:
(a) "Companion animal" means a domesticated animal, such as a dog or cat, that is commonly kept in the home for pleasure rather than for commercial purposes;
(b) "Coshelter" means a temporary shelter that allows an individual to stay in an adjacent area or the same facility as a companion animal;
(c) "Emergency shelter" means a temporary location that provides basic shelter for individuals affected by an emergency or disaster; and
(d) "Existing plan structure" means planning documents describing how political subdivisions, in collaboration with nonprofit organizations, and state and federal government, will provide emergency shelter and temporary housing to individuals displaced by a disaster."
• Removes the identification of cooling and warming centers that can accommodate companion animals from a political subdivision's update to its local comprehensive emergency management plan.
• Requires a political subdivision to identify emergency shelters that can accommodate companion animals in its existing plan structures.
• Removes definitions of cooling center and warming center.
• Defines an "existing plan structure" as a planning document describing how a political subdivision, in collaboration with nonprofit organizations, the state government, and the federal government will provide emergency shelter and temporary housing to an individual displaced by a disaster.
• Amends the definition of "coshelter" to mean a temporary shelter that allows an individual to stay in an adjacent area or the same facility as a companion animal.