SB |
5773 |
Concerning public defense services. |
Torres |
12/4/2023 |
SB |
5774 |
Increasing the capacity to conduct timely fingerprint-based background checks for prospective child care employees and other programs. |
Billig |
12/4/2023 |
SB |
5775 |
Concerning cost-sharing requirements for prescription epinephrine autoinjectors. |
Keiser |
12/4/2023 |
SB |
5776 |
Accessing an emergency supply of insulin. |
Keiser |
12/4/2023 |
SB |
5777 |
Concerning unemployment insurance benefits for striking or lockout workers. |
Keiser |
12/4/2023 |
SB |
5778 |
Protecting the rights of workers to refrain from attending meetings or listening to their employer's speech on political or religious matters. |
Keiser |
12/4/2023 |
SB |
5779 |
Concerning the public records exemptions accountability committee. |
Wilson, J. |
12/4/2023 |
SB |
5780 |
Expanding training opportunities for public defense. |
Torres |
12/4/2023 |
SB |
5781 |
Establishing a law student rural public defense program. |
Torres |
12/4/2023 |
SB |
5782 |
Evaluating the provision of right to counsel services. |
Torres |
12/4/2023 |
SB |
5783 |
Mitigating the consumer impacts of the climate commitment act by creating greater administrability of emissions exemptions and improving the transparency and business practices under the act. |
Mullet |
12/4/2023 |
SB |
5784 |
Concerning deer and elk damage to commercial crops. |
Van De Wege |
12/4/2023 |
SB |
5785 |
Concerning department of fish and wildlife authority with regard to certain nonprofit and volunteer organizations. |
Warnick |
12/4/2023 |
SB |
5786 |
Making updates to the Washington business corporation act. |
Pedersen |
12/4/2023 |
SB |
5787 |
Enacting the uniform electronic estate planning documents act. |
Pedersen |
12/4/2023 |
SB |
5788 |
Concerning service animal training. |
Pedersen |
12/4/2023 |
SB |
5789 |
Concerning the sales and use tax for school construction assistance program capital projects. |
Mullet |
12/4/2023 |
5790 |
Concerning bleeding control equipment in schools. (REVISED FOR ENGROSSED: Concerning medical equipment in schools. ) |
Dhingra |
12/4/2023 |
SB |
5791 |
Concerning the evaluation of the effectiveness of oral fluid roadside information in the enforcement of driving under the influence laws. |
Padden |
12/4/2023 |
SB |
5792 |
Concerning the definition of multiunit residential buildings. |
Padden |
12/4/2023 |
SB |
5793 |
Concerning paid sick leave. |
Saldaña |
12/4/2023 |
SB |
5794 |
Concerning architecture licensing examinations. |
King |
12/4/2023 |
SB |
5795 |
Implementing year-round Pacific standard time. |
Padden |
12/4/2023 |
SB |
5796 |
Concerning common interest communities. |
Pedersen |
12/4/2023 |
SB |
5797 |
Concerning fines levied upon authorized insurers. |
Kuderer |
12/4/2023 |
SB |
5798 |
Extending certain insurance notice requirements. |
Kuderer |
12/4/2023 |
SB |
5799 |
Concerning the sale of halal foods. |
Wilson, C. |
12/5/2023 |
SB |
5800 |
Improving access to department of licensing issued documents by clarifying the application requirements for a minor, modifying the requirements for at-cost identicards, and studying the feasibility of reduced-fee identicards. |
Wilson, C. |
12/5/2023 |
SB |
5801 |
Concerning special deposits. |
Dozier |
12/5/2023 |
SB |
5802 |
Providing flexibility in calculation of nursing rates. |
Muzzall |
12/6/2023 |
SB |
5803 |
Concerning the recruitment and retention of Washington national guard members. |
Conway |
12/6/2023 |
SB |
5804 |
Concerning opioid overdose reversal medication in high schools. |
Kuderer |
12/6/2023 |
SB |
5805 |
Developing a schedule for court appointment of attorneys for children and youth in dependency and termination proceedings. |
Frame |
12/6/2023 |
SB |
5806 |
Concerning the confidentiality of insurance company data. |
Kuderer |
12/6/2023 |
SB |
5807 |
Concerning housing authorities. |
Frame |
12/6/2023 |
SB |
5808 |
Granting interest arbitration to certain public safety telecommunicators. |
Van De Wege |
12/6/2023 |
SB |
5809 |
Concerning enrichment funding for charter public schools. |
Mullet |
12/6/2023 |
SB |
5810 |
Clarifying the collective bargaining unit for interpreters providing language access services to certain state agencies. |
Saldaña |
12/6/2023 |
SB |
5811 |
Expanding the definition of family member for individual providers. |
Kauffman |
12/7/2023 |
SB |
5812 |
Concerning the response to electric vehicle fires. |
Wilson, J. |
12/7/2023 |
SB |
5813 |
Mandating instruction on agricultural literacy for students in grades seven through 12. |
Dozier |
12/7/2023 |
SB |
5814 |
Concerning coverage of prescription drugs for advanced metastatic cancer. |
Muzzall |
12/7/2023 |
SB |
5815 |
Concerning the physician assistant compact. |
Muzzall |
12/7/2023 |
5816 |
Concerning alcohol server permits. |
Van De Wege |
12/8/2023 |
SB |
5817 |
Requiring state agencies to share information to encourage economic development. |
Van De Wege |
12/8/2023 |
SB |
5818 |
Authorizing an exemption to the seashore conservation area for a qualified infrastructure project. |
Van De Wege |
12/8/2023 |
SB |
5819 |
Making financial education instruction a graduation prerequisite and a required component of public education. |
Valdez |
12/8/2023 |
SB |
5820 |
Establishing protections for citizens participating in the initiative and referendum process. |
Wilson, J. |
12/8/2023 |
SB |
5821 |
Establishing a uniform standard for creating an established relationship for the purposes of coverage of audio-only telemedicine services. |
Muzzall |
12/8/2023 |
SB |
5822 |
Increasing the licensure fees that support the Washington physicians health program. |
Muzzall |
12/11/2023 |
SB |
5823 |
Concerning school district elections. |
Hunt |
12/11/2023 |
5824 |
Concerning the dissolution of libraries and library districts. |
Hunt |
12/11/2023 |
SB |
5825 |
Concerning guardianship and conservatorship. |
Pedersen |
12/11/2023 |
SB |
5826 |
Requiring customer charges to be listed on utility billing statements if the charges are a result of implementing the Washington climate commitment act. |
MacEwen |
12/11/2023 |
SB |
5827 |
Adding an additional superior court judge in Whatcom county. |
Shewmake |
12/11/2023 |
SB |
5828 |
Concerning water rights adjudication commissioners and referees. |
Shewmake |
12/11/2023 |
SB |
5829 |
Screening newborn infants for congenital cytomegalovirus. |
Frame |
12/11/2023 |
SB |
5830 |
Establishing the Washington state commission on boys and men. |
Lovick |
12/11/2023 |
SB |
5831 |
Providing permanent registration for vintage snowmobiles. |
Hawkins |
12/11/2023 |
SB |
5832 |
Strengthening campaign finance disclosure by prohibiting campaign contributions and expenditures by foreign-influenced corporations. |
Nguyen |
12/11/2023 |
SB |
5833 |
Requiring counties and cities to provide the administrative office of the courts with notice of court reorganizations. |
Torres |
12/11/2023 |
SB |
5834 |
Concerning urban growth areas. |
Short |
12/11/2023 |
SB |
5835 |
Concerning transparency in rule making. |
Wilson, L. |
12/12/2023 |
SB |
5836 |
Adding an additional superior court judge in Clark county. |
Wilson, L. |
12/12/2023 |
SB |
5837 |
Codifying the state election database to publish, evaluate, and analyze certain election data. |
Valdez |
12/12/2023 |
SB |
5838 |
Establishing an artificial intelligence task force. |
Nguyen |
12/12/2023 |
SB |
5839 |
Modifying the working families' tax credit by clarifying the refundable nature of the credit, the application requirements, and the eligibility verification process. |
Nguyen |
12/12/2023 |
SB |
5840 |
Concerning leases. |
Padden |
12/12/2023 |
SB |
5841 |
Requiring individuals convicted of offenses related to driving under the influence to pay financial support to minor children and dependents when the offense results in the death or disability of a parent. |
Lovick |
12/13/2023 |
SB |
5842 |
Restricting the use of social security numbers by insurance companies for the purpose of determining child support debt. |
Kuderer |
12/13/2023 |
SB |
5843 |
Concerning security breaches of election systems and election-related systems. |
Nguyen |
12/14/2023 |
SB |
5844 |
Creating a dilapidated recreational vehicle disposal program. |
Muzzall |
12/14/2023 |
SB |
5845 |
Concerning taxation of military housing. |
Muzzall |
12/14/2023 |
SB |
5846 |
Concerning beaver ecosystem management. |
Salomon |
12/14/2023 |
SB |
5847 |
Enhancing prorate and fuel tax collections by improving taxpayer compliance, providing additional enforcement mechanisms, and protecting confidential taxpayer information. |
Liias |
12/14/2023 |
SB |
5848 |
Concerning information sharing and limited investigative authority of supreme court bailiffs. |
Lovick |
12/14/2023 |
SB |
5849 |
Concerning a computer science competency graduation requirement. |
Wellman |
12/15/2023 |
SB |
5850 |
Supporting students who are chronically absent and at risk for not graduating high school. |
Braun |
12/15/2023 |
SB |
5851 |
Concerning Holocaust and genocide education in public schools. |
Braun |
12/15/2023 |
SB |
5852 |
Concerning special education safety net awards. |
Braun |
12/15/2023 |
SB |
5853 |
Extending the crisis relief center model to provide behavioral health crisis services for minors. |
Dhingra |
12/15/2023 |
SB |
5854 |
Providing for recreational licensing of smelt, crawfish, and carp. |
Salomon |
12/15/2023 |
SB |
5855 |
Protecting consumers by requiring summaries for certain agreements and policies presented in an electronic format. |
MacEwen |
12/15/2023 |
5856 |
Concerning voter registration challenges. |
Hunt |
12/15/2023 |
SB |
5857 |
Reorganizing statutes on campaign disclosure and contribution. |
Hunt |
12/18/2023 |
SB |
5858 |
Concerning the just and equitable distribution of real property and liabilities in the dissolution of marriage or domestic partnerships. |
Fortunato |
12/18/2023 |
SB |
5859 |
Studying the use of separate judges to determine parenting plans and property distribution in marriage dissolution cases. |
Fortunato |
12/18/2023 |
SB |
5860 |
Concerning spring blade knives. |
Fortunato |
12/18/2023 |
SB |
5861 |
Concerning procedures and evidence in civil actions involving domestic relations and protection orders. |
Fortunato |
12/18/2023 |
SB |
5862 |
Concerning hunting and fishing licenses for nonresident college students. |
Fortunato |
12/18/2023 |
SB |
5863 |
Prohibiting credit reporting on delinquent accounts that are designated to a person in a divorce. |
Fortunato |
12/18/2023 |
SB |
5864 |
Establishing a point of contact for any person diagnosed with a rare disease. |
Fortunato |
12/18/2023 |
SB |
5865 |
Concerning the custody of a child when a parent has a history of domestic violence. |
Fortunato |
12/18/2023 |
SB |
5866 |
Protecting the continuity of teletherapy services. |
Fortunato |
12/18/2023 |
SB |
5867 |
Concerning banquet provisions for charitable or nonprofit organizations. |
Fortunato |
12/18/2023 |
SB |
5868 |
Providing information on reporting domestic violence and other unlawful conduct in family court proceedings. |
Fortunato |
12/18/2023 |
SB |
5869 |
Concerning rural fire district stations. |
Short |
12/18/2023 |
SB |
5870 |
Expanding and streamlining eligibility for early learning programs. |
Wilson, C. |
12/18/2023 |
SB |
5871 |
Concerning the definition of veteran and restoring honor to veterans. |
Lovick |
12/18/2023 |
SB |
5872 |
Concerning vehicle and operator requirements for autonomous vehicles. |
Lovick |
12/19/2023 |
SB |
5873 |
Providing adequate and predictable student transportation. |
Wellman |
12/19/2023 |
SB |
5874 |
Concerning the removal of unauthorized persons. |
Fortunato |
12/19/2023 |
SB |
5875 |
Balancing energy efficiency with consideration of other factors such as housing affordability, development costs, and feasibility in the state energy code for residential structures. |
Fortunato |
12/19/2023 |
SB |
5876 |
Establishing a streamlined grant application process for ecosystem investments. |
Fortunato |
12/19/2023 |
SB |
5877 |
Providing information about the costs of the climate commitment act to electricity and natural gas customers. |
Fortunato |
12/19/2023 |
SB |
5878 |
Ensuring litter tax funds are used for litter pick up. |
Fortunato |
12/19/2023 |
SB |
5879 |
Establishing standards for civil proceedings and unprofessional conduct involving child abuse and domestic violence. |
Fortunato |
12/19/2023 |
SB |
5880 |
Establishing a primary certification process for magnetic resonance imaging technologists. |
Muzzall |
12/19/2023 |
SB |
5881 |
Concerning membership in the public employees' retirement system for certain part-time bus drivers employed full-time by the federal government. |
MacEwen |
12/19/2023 |
SB |
5882 |
Increasing prototypical school staffing to better meet student needs. |
Stanford |
12/19/2023 |
SB |
5883 |
Concerning the burden of proof for special education due process hearings. |
Trudeau |
12/19/2023 |
SB |
5884 |
Concerning court-ordered restitution in environmental criminal cases. |
Trudeau |
12/19/2023 |
SB |
5885 |
Concerning procedures for certificates of annexation submitted to the office of financial management. |
Torres |
12/20/2023 |
SB |
5886 |
Adding purposes for the use of existing firefighter safety funding. |
Braun |
12/20/2023 |
SB |
5887 |
Modifying the public accountancy act. |
Stanford |
12/20/2023 |
SB |
5888 |
Concerning statewide health care coordination and communication regarding individuals housed in confinement settings. |
Wilson, C. |
12/20/2023 |
SB |
5889 |
Establishing the customer voice council. |
Kauffman |
12/20/2023 |
SB |
5890 |
Reducing ballot rejection rates through updates to ballot curing, canvassing, reporting, and outreach processes. |
Valdez |
12/20/2023 |
SB |
5891 |
Designating trespassing on a public school bus as a felony offense. |
Boehnke |
12/21/2023 |
SB |
5892 |
Concerning diseased elk. |
Wagoner |
12/21/2023 |
SB |
5893 |
Providing gate money to individuals releasing from custody prior to the expiration of their sentence. |
Wilson, C. |
12/21/2023 |
SB |
5894 |
Including protected classes in the Washington equal pay and opportunities act. |
Nobles |
12/21/2023 |
SB |
5895 |
Concerning collective bargaining for certain employees who are enrolled in academic programs at public institutions of higher education. |
Nobles |
12/21/2023 |
SB |
5896 |
Extending the terms of eligibility for financial aid programs. |
Nobles |
12/21/2023 |
SB |
5897 |
Modifying provisions of the business licensing service program. |
Mullet |
12/21/2023 |
SB |
5898 |
Clarifying employment standards for long-term care individual providers. |
Van De Wege |
12/21/2023 |
SB |
5899 |
Adding to the list of provisions prohibited from rental agreements. |
Pedersen |
12/22/2023 |
SB |
5900 |
Concerning construction crane safety. |
Frame |
12/22/2023 |
SB |
5901 |
Concerning co-living housing. |
Salomon |
12/22/2023 |
SB |
5902 |
Reinvesting account revenue for the purpose of supporting the state park system. |
Van De Wege |
12/22/2023 |
SB |
5903 |
Concerning representation in the educator preparation act. |
Wilson, C. |
12/22/2023 |
SB |
5904 |
Extending the terms of eligibility for financial aid programs. |
Nobles |
12/22/2023 |
SB |
5905 |
Concerning certification, background checks, and training requirements for sheriffs, police chiefs, marshals, reserve officers, and volunteers. |
Lovick |
12/22/2023 |
5906 |
Implementing a statewide drug overdose prevention and education campaign. |
Wilson, L. |
12/26/2023 |
SB |
5907 |
Providing for recreational licensing of eulachon, crawfish, and carp. |
Salomon |
12/26/2023 |
SB |
5908 |
Providing extended foster care services to youth ages 18 to 21. |
Wilson, C. |
12/26/2023 |
SB |
5909 |
Concerning electric vehicle impoundment and storage. |
Wilson, J. |
12/26/2023 |
SB |
5910 |
Creating the state department of natural resources' Smokey Bear special license plates. |
Nobles |
12/27/2023 |
SB |
5911 |
Enhancing cancer research funding by dedicating a portion of state sales tax collections in October to the Andy Hill cancer research endowment fund. |
Wilson, L. |
12/27/2023 |
SB |
5912 |
Concerning reentry services and supports. |
Wilson, C. |
12/27/2023 |
SB |
5913 |
Concerning communication between employees of state institutions of higher education and student athletes regarding name, image, and likeness use. |
Valdez |
12/28/2023 |
SB |
5914 |
Concerning activities in which the office of public defense may engage without violating the prohibition on providing direct representation of clients. |
Torres |
12/28/2023 |
SB |
5915 |
Extending an existing hazardous substance tax exemption for certain agricultural crop protection products that are temporarily warehoused but not otherwise used, manufactured, packaged, or sold in the state of Washington. |
Torres |
12/28/2023 |
SB |
5916 |
Reinstating the indigent defense task force. |
Torres |
12/28/2023 |
SB |
5917 |
Concerning criminal penalties for bias-motivated defacement of private or public property. |
Billig |
12/28/2023 |
SB |
5918 |
Concerning the allocation of allowances under chapter 70A.65 RCW, the Washington climate commitment act. |
Van De Wege |
12/28/2023 |
SB |
5919 |
Concerning the sale of biogenic carbon dioxide and other coproducts of biogas processing. |
King |
12/28/2023 |
SB |
5920 |
Lifting certificate of need requirements for psychiatric hospitals and beds. |
Padden |
12/29/2023 |
SB |
5921 |
Concerning tribal representation on the state conservation commission. |
Stanford |
12/29/2023 |
SB |
5922 |
Modifying the department of fish and wildlife's habitat recovery pilot program. |
Stanford |
12/29/2023 |
SB |
5924 |
Concerning access to personnel records. |
Kuderer |
12/29/2023 |
SB |
5925 |
Concerning fire protection district commissioner per diem compensation. |
Torres |
12/29/2023 |
SB |
5926 |
Providing continuous coverage enrollment eligibility in medicaid for children under age six. |
Muzzall |
12/29/2023 |
SB |
5927 |
Concerning authorization of tear gas deployment by sheriffs. |
Padden |
12/29/2023 |
SB |
5928 |
Studying coercive control. |
Padden |
12/29/2023 |
SB |
5929 |
Concerning fentanyl. |
Padden |
12/29/2023 |
SB |
5930 |
Making modifications to small loans under payday lending laws. |
Stanford |
1/2/2024 |
SB |
5931 |
Expediting the safer products for Washington process regarding motorized vehicle tires containing 6PPD. |
Salomon |
1/2/2024 |
SB |
5932 |
Reducing the number of days that a worker's temporary total disability must continue to receive industrial insurance compensation for the day of an injury and the three-day period following the injury. |
Stanford |
1/2/2024 |
SB |
5933 |
Concerning funding for the early support for infants and toddlers program. |
Frame |
1/2/2024 |
SB |
5934 |
Concerning pollinator habitat. |
Padden |
1/2/2024 |
SB |
5935 |
Concerning noncompetition covenants. |
Stanford |
1/2/2024 |
SB |
5936 |
Convening a palliative care benefit work group. |
Conway |
1/2/2024 |
SB |
5937 |
Supporting crime victims and witnesses by promoting victim-centered, trauma-informed responses in the legal system. |
Dhingra |
1/2/2024 |
SB |
5938 |
Modifying the community parenting alternative for eligible participants in the residential parenting program at the department of corrections. |
Wilson, C. |
1/2/2024 |
SB |
5939 |
Protecting livestock from wolf predation. |
Wagoner |
1/2/2024 |
SB |
5940 |
Creating a medical assistant-EMT certification. |
Van De Wege |
1/2/2024 |
SB |
5941 |
Clarifying requirements for subsidized child care. |
Wilson, C. |
1/2/2024 |
SB |
5942 |
Implementing audit recommendations on lead testing for children enrolled in medicaid. |
Muzzall |
1/2/2024 |
SB |
5943 |
Developing a resource data tool to connect Washington residents to services and resources. |
Gildon |
1/2/2024 |
SB |
5944 |
Increasing transparency and accountability regarding prosecutorial filing policies and practices. |
Gildon |
1/2/2024 |
SB |
5945 |
Concerning manufacturer and new dealer franchise agreements. |
Conway |
1/2/2024 |
SB |
5946 |
Establishing a fallen firefighter memorial. |
Van De Wege |
1/3/2024 |
SB |
5947 |
Making supplemental transportation appropriations for the 2023-2025 fiscal biennium. |
Liias |
1/3/2024 |
SB |
5948 |
Addressing affordability through health care provider contracting. |
Robinson |
1/3/2024 |
SB |
5949 |
Concerning the capital budget. |
Mullet |
1/3/2024 |
SB |
5950 |
Making 2023-2025 fiscal biennium supplemental operating appropriations. |
Robinson |
1/3/2024 |
SB |
5951 |
Concerning the purchase of power at state expense for electric vehicle charging stations. |
Schoesler |
1/3/2024 |
SB |
5952 |
Aligning deputy inspector credentials with national standards. |
Schoesler |
1/3/2024 |
SB |
5953 |
Concerning financial aid grants for incarcerated students. |
Wilson, C. |
1/3/2024 |
SB |
5954 |
Concerning the Washington state aerial imagery program. |
Lovick |
1/3/2024 |
SB |
5955 |
Mitigating harm and improving equity in large port districts. |
Keiser |
1/3/2024 |
SB |
5956 |
Concerning the maximum per-pupil limit for enrichment levies. |
Wellman |
1/3/2024 |
SB |
5957 |
Requiring the office of privacy and data protection to develop guidelines for the use of artificial intelligence. |
Boehnke |
1/3/2024 |
SB |
5958 |
Establishing the Washington career skills grant program. |
Boehnke |
1/3/2024 |
SB |
5959 |
Concerning automated traffic safety cameras. |
Liias |
1/3/2024 |
SB |
5960 |
Concerning prescription labels for medications used for abortion. |
Frame |
1/3/2024 |
SB |
5961 |
Improving housing stability for tenants subject to the residential landlord-tenant act and the manufactured/mobile home landlord-tenant act by limiting rent and fee increases, requiring notice of rent and fee increases, limiting fees and deposits, establishing a landlord resource center and associated services, authorizing tenant lease termination, creating parity between lease types, and providing for attorney general enforcement. |
Trudeau |
1/4/2024 |
SB |
5962 |
Concerning fabricated intimate or sexually explicit images and depictions. |
Mullet |
1/4/2024 |
SB |
5963 |
Concerning insurance requirements relating to the ownership of certain deadly weapons. |
Kuderer |
1/4/2024 |
SB |
5964 |
Increasing student access to free meals served at public schools. |
Nobles |
1/4/2024 |
SB |
5965 |
Concerning the environmental impacts of fashion. |
Nguyen |
1/4/2024 |
SB |
5966 |
Concerning restraint or isolation of students in public schools and educational programs. |
Wilson, C. |
1/4/2024 |
SB |
5967 |
Concerning an exemption to the leasehold excise tax for leases on public lands. |
Frame |
1/4/2024 |
SB |
5968 |
Regulating home equity sharing agreements under the consumer loan act. |
Stanford |
1/4/2024 |
SB |
5969 |
Adjusting school districts' authority to contract indebtedness for school construction. |
Dhingra |
1/4/2024 |
SB |
5970 |
Modifying local board of health county commissioner membership. |
Hunt |
1/4/2024 |
SB |
5971 |
Recalculating sentencing ranges for currently incarcerated individuals whose offender score was increased by juvenile convictions. |
Kauffman |
1/4/2024 |
SB |
5972 |
Concerning the use of neonicotinoid pesticides. |
Liias |
1/4/2024 |
SB |
5973 |
Concerning heat pumps in common interest communities. |
Liias |
1/4/2024 |
SB |
5974 |
Concerning the disposition of unenforceable legal financial obligations other than restitution imposed by a court or an agent of the court against a juvenile prior to July 1, 2023. |
Frame |
1/4/2024 |
SB |
5975 |
Authorizing use of the housing trust fund and other legislative appropriations to finance social housing. |
Hasegawa |
1/4/2024 |
SB |
5976 |
Controlling dogs at large. |
Short |
1/4/2024 |
SB |
5977 |
Concerning psilocybin services. |
Salomon |
1/4/2024 |
SB |
5978 |
Authorizing the office of the superintendent of public instruction to act as a guarantor for a county when the county provides a loan to a school district. |
Robinson |
1/4/2024 |
SB |
5979 |
Concerning accrued leave for construction workers. |
Keiser |
1/4/2024 |
SB |
5980 |
Concerning the timeline for issuing a citation for a violation of the Washington industrial safety and health act. |
Keiser |
1/4/2024 |
SB |
5981 |
Concerning the indeterminate sentence review board. |
Frame |
1/4/2024 |
SB |
5982 |
Updating the definition of "vaccine" in RCW 70.290.010 to include all federal food and drug administration-approved immunizations recommended by the centers for disease control and prevention. |
Cleveland |
1/4/2024 |
SB |
5983 |
Allowing medical assistants with telehealth supervision to provide intramuscular injections for syphilis treatment. |
Liias |
1/4/2024 |
SB |
5984 |
Addressing nonresident enrollment at institutions of higher education. |
Schoesler |
1/4/2024 |
SB |
5985 |
Concerning firearms background check program. |
Hansen |
1/4/2024 |
SB |
5986 |
Protecting consumers from out-of-network health care services charges. |
Cleveland |
1/4/2024 |
SB |
5987 |
Improving consumer protection on gift certificates. |
Trudeau |
1/4/2024 |
SB |
5988 |
Concerning gift certificates as unclaimed property. |
Trudeau |
1/4/2024 |
SB |
5989 |
Confirming property ownership or owner authorization for short-term rentals. |
Gildon |
1/4/2024 |
SB |
5990 |
Integrating environmental justice considerations into certain project decisions. |
Lovelett |
1/4/2024 |
SB |
5991 |
Concerning the duties of industrial insurance self-insured employers and third-party administrators. |
Lovelett |
1/4/2024 |
SB |
5992 |
Requiring applicants seeking energy facility site certification for an energy facility that generates electricity using renewable resources to provide evidence of an adequate water supply for the project. |
Warnick |
1/4/2024 |
SB |
5993 |
Concerning voter education. |
Hasegawa |
1/4/2024 |
SB |
5994 |
Concerning penalties relating to antitrust actions. |
Trudeau |
1/4/2024 |
SB |
5995 |
Creating a professional license for spoken language interpreters and translators. |
Saldaña |
1/4/2024 |
SB |
5996 |
Concerning collecting data on the H-2A worker program and from certain hand harvesters. |
Saldaña |
1/4/2024 |
5997 |
Making technical corrections to plumbing supervision and trainee hours reporting. |
King |
1/5/2024 |
SB |
5998 |
Timing of eligibility for vacation of nonfelony convictions. |
Hansen |
1/5/2024 |
SB |
5999 |
Expanding financial aid eligibility. |
Hansen |
1/5/2024 |
SB |
6000 |
Concerning interruptive military service credit for members of the state retirement systems. |
Hunt |
1/5/2024 |
SB |
6001 |
Concerning the disposition of privately owned firearms in the custody of state or local government entities or law enforcement agencies. |
Lovick |
1/5/2024 |
SB |
6002 |
Transferring the professional educator standards board and the paraeducator board to the office of the superintendent of public instruction. |
Hunt |
1/5/2024 |
SB |
6003 |
Concerning the superintendent of public instruction chairing and administering the state board of education. |
Hunt |
1/5/2024 |
SB |
6004 |
Enhancing requirements for the purchase or transfer of firearms. |
Liias |
1/5/2024 |
SB |
6005 |
Improving Washington's solid waste management outcomes. |
Lovelett |
1/5/2024 |
SB |
6006 |
Supporting victims of human trafficking and sexual abuse. |
Dhingra |
1/5/2024 |
SB |
6007 |
Concerning employment standards for grocery workers. |
Conway |
1/5/2024 |
SB |
6008 |
Updating terminology related to criminal insanity and competency to stand trial. |
Trudeau |
1/5/2024 |
SB |
6009 |
Prohibiting the use of hog-tying. |
Trudeau |
1/5/2024 |
SB |
6010 |
Streamlining certain decisions pertaining to the development or extension of a trail or path from the state environmental policy act. |
Shewmake |
1/5/2024 |
SB |
6011 |
Concerning the authority of the commissioner of public lands to enter into tribal interlocal agreements. |
Shewmake |
1/5/2024 |
SB |
6012 |
Helping approved teacher preparation programs respond to the continuously changing needs of the modern classroom. |
Wellman |
1/5/2024 |
SB |
6013 |
Expanding the homeownership development property tax exemption to include real property sold to low-income households for building residences using mutual self-help housing construction. |
Shewmake |
1/5/2024 |
SB |
6014 |
Increasing the special education enrollment funding cap. |
Wellman |
1/5/2024 |
SB |
6015 |
Concerning residential parking configurations. |
Shewmake |
1/5/2024 |
SB |
6016 |
Creating a green energy community fund to support school districts and nonprofit organizations that service the communities where renewable energy projects are located. |
Shewmake |
1/5/2024 |
SB |
6017 |
Expanding the use of the border area fuel tax. |
Shewmake |
1/5/2024 |
SB |
6018 |
Designating early learning coordinators at educational service districts. |
Wilson, C. |
1/5/2024 |
SB |
6019 |
Expanding prescriptive authority for pharmacists. |
Muzzall |
1/5/2024 |
SB |
6020 |
Establishing a Puget Sound nonspot shrimp pot fishery license. |
Muzzall |
1/5/2024 |
SB |
6021 |
Reducing fees and expenses for services for people confined to correctional facilities. |
Hansen |
1/5/2024 |
SB |
6022 |
Concerning retirement medical trust plans for law enforcement officers. |
Fortunato |
1/5/2024 |
SB |
6023 |
Limiting liability arising from the use of trained police dogs. |
Van De Wege |
1/5/2024 |
SB |
6024 |
Promoting community and transit-oriented housing development. |
Trudeau |
1/5/2024 |
SB |
6025 |
Protecting consumers from predatory loans. |
Stanford |
1/5/2024 |
SB |
6026 |
Protecting the rights of parents and guardians by using students' given names in public schools. |
Padden |
1/5/2024 |
SB |
6027 |
Concerning the insurance holding company act. |
Stanford |
1/5/2024 |
SB |
6028 |
Relieving individuals from paying interest on certain unemployment insurance overpayment assessments. |
Braun |
1/5/2024 |
SB |
6029 |
Establishing limitations on detached accessory dwelling units outside urban growth areas. |
Braun |
1/5/2024 |
SB |
6030 |
Amending the county population threshold for counties that may exempt from taxation the value of accessory dwelling units to incentivize rental to low-income households. |
Braun |
1/5/2024 |
SB |
6031 |
Modifying the student transportation allocation to accommodate multiple vehicle types for transporting students. |
Braun |
1/5/2024 |
SB |
6032 |
Fostering community engagement with law enforcement at nonprofit religious schools. |
Braun |
1/5/2024 |
SB |
6033 |
Concerning ceremonial open carry on the Washington state capitol campus. |
Braun |
1/5/2024 |
SB |
6034 |
Clarifying the excise tax treatment of document recording and filing fees received by title and escrow businesses from clients for remittance to county recording and filing offices. |
Schoesler |
1/5/2024 |
SB |
6035 |
Concerning the public service loan forgiveness program. |
Liias |
1/5/2024 |
SB |
6036 |
Concerning agriculture pest and disease response. |
Muzzall |
1/5/2024 |
SB |
6037 |
Providing judicial discretion to modify sentences in the interests of justice. |
Frame |
1/5/2024 |
SB |
6038 |
Reducing the costs associated with providing child care. |
Wilson, C. |
1/5/2024 |
SB |
6039 |
Promoting the development of geothermal energy resources. |
Lovelett |
1/5/2024 |
SB |
6040 |
Concerning prompt payment in public works. |
Valdez |
1/5/2024 |
8009 |
Concerning the federal harbor maintenance tax. |
Hasegawa |
12/22/2023 |
8207 |
Amending the Constitution to allow a majority of voters voting to authorize school district bonds. |
Hunt |
12/8/2023 |
8411 |
Specifying the status of bills, resolutions, and memorials. |
Pedersen |
12/12/2023 |
8412 |
Establishing cutoff dates for the consideration of legislation during the 2024 regular session of the sixty-eighth legislature. |
Pedersen |
12/12/2023 |
8413 |
Naming the new Irving R. Newhouse Building. |
Warnick |
12/19/2023 |