

State of Washington
68th Legislature
2024 Regular Session
BySenator Billig
Read first time 08/27/24.Referred to Committee on Agriculture, Water, Natural Resources & Parks.
AN ACT Relating to Testing Mark RCW; and amending RCW 81.12.010, 81.12.020, and 81.12.030.
Sec. 1. RCW 81.12.010 and 2007 c 234 s 19 are each amended to read as follows:
"Public service company," as used in this chapter, means every common carrier subject to regulation as to rates and service by the utilities and transportation commission under the provisions of this title. It does not include common carriers subject to regulation by the federal energy regulatory commission or the United States department of transportation, household goods carriers subject to chapter 81.80 RCW, or solid waste collection companies subject to chapter 81.77 RCW. This section does not apply to transfers of permits or certificates.
Sec. 2. RCW 81.12.020 and 1961 c 14 s 81.12.020 are each amended to read as follows:
No public service company shall sell, lease, assign or otherwise dispose of the whole or any part of its franchises, properties or facilities whatsoever, which are necessary or useful in the performance of its duties to the public, and no public service company shall, by any means whatsoever, directly or indirectly, merge or consolidate any of its franchises, properties or facilities with any other public service company, without having secured from the commission an order authorizing it so to do: PROVIDED, That this section shall not apply to any sale, lease, assignment or other disposal of such franchises, properties or facilities to a public utility district.
Sec. 3. RCW 81.12.030 and 1961 c 14 s 81.12.030 are each amended to read as follows:
Any such sale, lease, assignment, or other disposition, merger or consolidation made without authority of the commission shall be void.
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