"NEW SECTION. Sec. 1. (1) The legislature recognizes that the high school and beyond plan is both a graduation requirement and a critical component in our education system. However, the practices and technologies that school districts employ for facilitating high school and beyond plans vary significantly. These variances can create inequities for students and families, and do not reflect the legislature's vision for the role of the high school and beyond plan in promoting student success in secondary and postsecondary endeavors.
(2) A universal online high school and beyond plan platform that can be readily accessed by students, parents, teachers, and others who support academic progress will alleviate equity issues and create new opportunities for students to develop and curate plans that align with their needs and interests. With the assistance of a flexible, portable, and expandable platform, all students with high school and beyond plans will be able to easily personalize and revise their plans, explore education options of relevance and interest, and receive supports that will help them make informed choices about their education and career objectives.
(3) The legislature, therefore, intends to revise and strengthen high school and beyond plan requirements and to direct the office of the superintendent of public instruction to facilitate the transition to a universal online high school and beyond plan platform to guide students' secondary education experiences and ensure preparation for their postsecondary goals."
On page 6, after line 33 insert the following:
"(1) This section establishes the school district, content, and other substantive requirements for the high school and beyond plan required by RCW
(2) Adds language connecting the statutory requirement for a high school and beyond plan (HSBP) with separate provisions establishing the school district, content, and other substantive requirements for HSBPs, and makes corresponding cross-reference changes.