State of Washington | 67th Legislature | 2022 Regular Session |
BySenators Keiser, Van De Wege, Cleveland, Conway, Frockt, Hasegawa, Hunt, Lovick, Nguyen, Pedersen, Randall, Stanford, and C. Wilson
Prefiled 12/16/21.Read first time 01/10/22.Referred to Committee on Health & Long Term Care.
AN ACT Relating to insulin affordability; amending RCW
41.05.017 and
70.14.160; reenacting and amending RCW
48.43.780; providing an effective date; and providing expiration dates.
Sec. 1. RCW
48.43.780 and 2020 c 346 s 5 and 2020 c 245 s 1 are each reenacted and amended to read as follows:
(1) Except as required in subsection (2) of this section, a health plan issued or renewed on or after January 1, ((2021))2023, that provides coverage for prescription insulin drugs for the treatment of diabetes must cap the total amount that an enrollee is required to pay for a covered insulin drug at an amount not to exceed ((one hundred dollars))$35 per ((thirty-day))30-day supply of the drug. Prescription insulin drugs must be covered without being subject to a deductible, and any cost sharing paid by an enrollee must be applied toward the enrollee's deductible obligation.
(2) If the federal internal revenue service removes insulin from the list of preventive care services which can be covered by a qualifying health plan for a health savings account before the deductible is satisfied, for a health plan that provides coverage for prescription insulin drugs for the treatment of diabetes and is offered as a qualifying health plan for a health savings account, the carrier must establish the plan's cost sharing for the coverage of prescription insulin for diabetes at the minimum level necessary to preserve the enrollee's ability to claim tax exempt contributions from his or her health savings account under internal revenue service laws and regulations. The office of the insurance commissioner must provide written notice of the change in internal revenue service guidance to affected parties, the chief clerk of the house of representatives, the secretary of the senate, the office of the code reviser, and others as deemed appropriate by the office.
(3) This section expires January 1, ((2023))2024.
Sec. 2. RCW
41.05.017 and 2021 c 280 s 2 are each amended to read as follows:
Each health plan that provides medical insurance offered under this chapter, including plans created by insuring entities, plans not subject to the provisions of Title
48 RCW, and plans created under RCW
41.05.140, are subject to the provisions of RCW
48.43.505 through
48.43.780, and chapter
48.49 RCW.
Sec. 3. RCW
70.14.160 and 2020 c 346 s 2 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The total cost of insulin work group is established. The work group membership must consist of the insurance commissioner or designee and the following members appointed by the governor:
(a) A representative from the prescription drug purchasing consortium described in RCW
(b) A representative from the pharmacy quality assurance commission;
(c) A representative from an association representing independent pharmacies;
(d) A representative from an association representing chain pharmacies;
(e) A representative from each health carrier offering at least one health plan in a commercial market in the state;
(f) A representative from each health carrier offering at least one health plan to state or public school employees in the state;
(g) A representative from an association representing health carriers;
(h) A representative from the public employees' benefits board or the school employees' benefits board;
(i) A representative from the health care authority;
(j) A representative from a pharmacy benefit manager that contracts with state purchasers;
(k) A representative from a drug distributor or wholesaler that distributes or sells insulin in the state;
(l) A representative from a state agency that purchases health care services and drugs for a selected population;
(m) A representative from the attorney general's office with expertise in prescription drug purchasing; and
(n) A representative from an organization representing diabetes patients who is living with diabetes.
(2) The work group must review and design strategies to ((reduce)):
(a) Reduce the cost of and total expenditures on insulin in this state. Strategies the work group must consider include, but are not limited to, a state agency becoming a licensed drug wholesaler, a state agency becoming a registered pharmacy benefit manager, and a state agency purchasing prescription drugs on behalf of the state directly from other states or in coordination with other states; and
(b) Provide a once yearly 30-day supply of insulin to individuals on an emergency basis. The strategies identified by the work group must include recommendations on eligibility criteria, patient access, program monitoring, and pharmacy reimbursement, if applicable.
(3) Staff support for the work group shall be provided by the health care authority.
(4) By December 1, ((2020))2022, the work group must submit a preliminary report detailing strategies to reduce the cost of and total expenditures on insulin for patients, health carriers, payers, and the state. The work group must submit a final report by July 1, ((2021))2023, to the governor and the legislature. The final report must include any statutory changes necessary to implement the strategies.
(5) This section expires December 1, ((2022))2023.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 4. Section 1 of this act takes effect January 1, 2023.
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