Creates a new marijuana license called a craft cannabis producer/processor license, which is issued by the Liquor and Cannabis Board (LCB), and available to up to 50 qualifying social equity applicants in addition to currently licensed marijuana producers who qualify and choose to switch licenses.
Sets fees for the new license and provides for a reduced application fee and license fee for social equity applicants and licensees.
Establishes production limits for a craft cannabis producer/processor producing marijuana by indoor production, seasonal sungrown production, and by a combination of both methods.
Authorizes craft cannabis producers/processors to make retail sales of their own marijuana products to customers from their licensed production facility pursuant to LCB rules adopted by January 1, 2022.
Establishes a Task Force on Cannabis Policy, with legislative members, representatives of craft cannabis producers/processors, and a representative of the LCB, to review specific issues and report to the Legislature and Governor in 2022 and 2023.
Hearing Date:3/13/21
Staff: Elizabeth Allison (786-7129).
Appropriation: None.
Fiscal Note: Preliminary fiscal note available.
Effective Date: The bill contains an emergency clause and takes effect immediately.