1108-S AMH ORWA H0602.30
SHB 1108 - H AMD 11
By Representative Orwall
On page 1, after line 21, insert the following:
Sec. 2. "RCW 61.24.005 and 2014 c 164 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:
The definitions in this section apply throughout this chapter unless the context clearly requires otherwise.
(1) "Affiliate of beneficiary" means any entity which controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with a beneficiary.
(2) "Beneficiary" means the holder of the instrument or document evidencing the obligations secured by the deed of trust, excluding persons holding the same as security for a different obligation.
(3) "Borrower" means a person or a general partner in a partnership, including a joint venture, that is liable for all or part of the obligations secured by the deed of trust under the instrument or other document that is the principal evidence of such obligations, or the person's successors if they are liable for those obligations under a written agreement with the beneficiary.
(4) "Commercial loan" means a loan that is not made primarily for personal, family, or household purposes.
(5) "Department" means the department of commerce or its designee.
(6) "Fair value" means the value of the property encumbered by a deed of trust that is sold pursuant to a trustee's sale. This value shall be determined by the court or other appropriate adjudicator by reference to the most probable price, as of the date of the trustee's sale, which would be paid in cash or other immediately available funds, after deduction of prior liens and encumbrances with interest to the date of the trustee's sale, for which the property would sell on such date after reasonable exposure in the market under conditions requisite to a fair sale, with the buyer and seller each acting prudently, knowledgeably, and for self-interest, and assuming that neither is under duress.
(7) "Grantor" means a person, or its successors, who executes a deed of trust to encumber the person's interest in property as security for the performance of all or part of the borrower's obligations.
(8) "Guarantor" means any person and its successors who is not a borrower and who guarantees any of the obligations secured by a deed of trust in any written agreement other than the deed of trust.
(9) "Housing counselor" means a housing counselor that has been approved by the United States department of housing and urban development or approved by the Washington state housing finance commission.
(10) "Owner-occupied" means property that is the principal residence of the borrower.
(11) "Person" means any natural person, or legal or governmental entity.
(12) "Record" and "recorded" includes the appropriate registration proceedings, in the instance of registered land.
(13) "Residential real property" means property consisting solely of a single-family residence, a residential condominium unit, or a residential cooperative unit. For the purposes of the application of RCW 61.24.163, ((owner-occupied)) residential real property includes residential real property of up to four units.
(14) "Senior beneficiary" means the beneficiary of a deed of trust that has priority over any other deeds of trust encumbering the same residential real property.
(15) "Tenant-occupied property" means property consisting solely of residential real property that is the principal residence of a tenant subject to chapter 59.18 RCW or other building with four or fewer residential units that is the principal residence of a tenant subject to chapter 59.18 RCW.
(16) "Trustee" means the person designated as the trustee in the deed of trust or appointed under RCW 61.24.010(2).
(17) "Trustee's sale" means a nonjudicial sale under a deed of trust undertaken pursuant to this chapter.
Sec. 3. RCW 61.24.030 and 2018 c 306 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:
It shall be requisite to a trustee's sale:
(1) That the deed of trust contains a power of sale;
(2) That the deed of trust contains a statement that the real property conveyed is not used principally for agricultural purposes; provided, if the statement is false on the date the deed of trust was granted or amended to include that statement, and false on the date of the trustee's sale, then the deed of trust must be foreclosed judicially. Real property is used for agricultural purposes if it is used in an operation that produces crops, livestock, or aquatic goods;
(3) That a default has occurred in the obligation secured or a covenant of the grantor, which by the terms of the deed of trust makes operative the power to sell;
(4) That no action commenced by the beneficiary of the deed of trust is now pending to seek satisfaction of an obligation secured by the deed of trust in any court by reason of the grantor's default on the obligation secured: PROVIDED, That (a) the seeking of the appointment of a receiver, or the filing of a civil case to obtain court approval to access, secure, maintain, and preserve property from waste or nuisance, shall not constitute an action for purposes of this chapter; and (b) if a receiver is appointed, the grantor shall be entitled to any rents or profits derived from property subject to a homestead as defined in RCW 6.13.010. If the deed of trust was granted to secure a commercial loan, this subsection shall not apply to actions brought to enforce any other lien or security interest granted to secure the obligation secured by the deed of trust being foreclosed;
(5) That the deed of trust has been recorded in each county in which the land or some part thereof is situated;
(6) That prior to the date of the notice of trustee's sale and continuing thereafter through the date of the trustee's sale, the trustee must maintain a street address in this state where personal service of process may be made, and the trustee must maintain a physical presence and have telephone service at such address;
(7)(a) That, for residential real property, before the notice of trustee's sale is recorded, transmitted, or served, the trustee shall have proof that the beneficiary is the holder of any promissory note or other obligation secured by the deed of trust. A declaration by the beneficiary made under the penalty of perjury stating that the beneficiary is the holder of any promissory note or other obligation secured by the deed of trust shall be sufficient proof as required under this subsection.
(b) Unless the trustee has violated his or her duty under RCW 61.24.010(4), the trustee is entitled to rely on the beneficiary's declaration as evidence of proof required under this subsection.
(c) This subsection (7) does not apply to association beneficiaries subject to chapter 64.32, 64.34, or 64.38 RCW;
(8) That at least thirty days before notice of sale shall be recorded, transmitted or served, written notice of default and, for residential real property, the beneficiary declaration specified in subsection (7)(a) of this section shall be transmitted by the beneficiary or trustee to the borrower and grantor at their last known addresses by both first-class and either registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, and the beneficiary or trustee shall cause to be posted in a conspicuous place on the premises, a copy of the notice, or personally served on the borrower and grantor. This notice shall contain the following information:
(a) A description of the property which is then subject to the deed of trust;
(b) A statement identifying each county in which the deed of trust is recorded and the document number given to the deed of trust upon recording by each county auditor or recording officer;
(c) A statement that the beneficiary has declared the borrower or grantor to be in default, and a concise statement of the default alleged;
(d) An itemized account of the amount or amounts in arrears if the default alleged is failure to make payments;
(e) An itemized account of all other specific charges, costs, or fees that the borrower, grantor, or any guarantor is or may be obliged to pay to reinstate the deed of trust before the recording of the notice of sale;
(f) A statement showing the total of (d) and (e) of this subsection, designated clearly and conspicuously as the amount necessary to reinstate the note and deed of trust before the recording of the notice of sale;
(g) A statement that failure to cure the alleged default within thirty days of the date of mailing of the notice, or if personally served, within thirty days of the date of personal service thereof, may lead to recordation, transmittal, and publication of a notice of sale, and that the property described in (a) of this subsection may be sold at public auction at a date no less than one hundred twenty days in the future, or no less than one hundred fifty days in the future if the borrower received a letter under RCW 61.24.031;
(h) A statement that the effect of the recordation, transmittal, and publication of a notice of sale will be to (i) increase the costs and fees and (ii) publicize the default and advertise the grantor's property for sale;
(i) A statement that the effect of the sale of the grantor's property by the trustee will be to deprive the grantor of all their interest in the property described in (a) of this subsection;
(j) A statement that the borrower, grantor, and any guarantor has recourse to the courts pursuant to RCW 61.24.130 to contest the alleged default on any proper ground;
(k) In the event the property secured by the deed of trust is ((owner-occupied)) residential real property of up to four units, a statement, prominently set out at the beginning of the notice, which shall state as follows:
You may be eligible for mediation in front of a neutral third party to help save your home.
CONTACT A HOUSING COUNSELOR OR AN ATTORNEY LICENSED IN WASHINGTON NOW to assess your situation and refer you to mediation if you might benefit. Mediation MUST be requested between the time you receive the Notice of Default and no later than twenty days after the Notice of Trustee Sale is recorded.
DO NOT DELAY. If you do nothing, a notice of sale may be issued as soon as 30 days from the date of this notice of default. The notice of sale will provide a minimum of 120 days' notice of the date of the actual foreclosure sale.
BE CAREFUL of people who claim they can help you. There are many individuals and businesses that prey upon borrowers in distress.
REFER TO THE CONTACTS BELOW for sources of assistance.
Housing counselors and legal assistance may be available at little or no cost to you. If you would like assistance in determining your rights and opportunities to keep your house, you may contact the following:
The statewide foreclosure hotline for assistance and referral to housing counselors recommended by the Housing Finance Commission
Telephone: . . . . . . . Website: . . . . . .
The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development
Telephone: . . . . . . . Website: . . . . . . .
The statewide civil legal aid hotline for assistance and referrals to other housing counselors and attorneys
Telephone: . . . . . . . Website: . . . . . ."
The beneficiary or trustee shall obtain the toll-free numbers and website information from the department for inclusion in the notice;
(l) In the event the property secured by the deed of trust is residential real property, the name and address of the holder of any promissory note or other obligation secured by the deed of trust and the name, address, and telephone number of a party acting as a servicer of the obligations secured by the deed of trust;
(m) For notices issued after June 30, 2018, on the top of the first page of the notice:
(i) The current beneficiary of the deed of trust;
(ii) The current mortgage servicer for the deed of trust; and
(iii) The current trustee for the deed of trust;
(9) That, for ((owner-occupied)) residential real property of up to four units, before the notice of the trustee's sale is recorded, transmitted, or served, the beneficiary has complied with RCW 61.24.031 and, if applicable, RCW 61.24.163;
(10) That, in the case where the borrower or grantor is known to the mortgage servicer or trustee to be deceased, the notice required under subsection (8) of this section must be sent to any spouse, child, or parent of the borrower or grantor known to the trustee or mortgage servicer, and to any owner of record of the property, at any address provided to the trustee or mortgage servicer, and to the property addressed to the heirs and devisees of the borrower.
(a) If the name or address of any spouse, child, or parent of such deceased borrower or grantor cannot be ascertained with use of reasonable diligence, the trustee must execute and record with the notice of sale a declaration attesting to the same.
(b) Reasonable diligence for the purposes of this subsection (10) means the trustee shall search in the county where the property is located, the public records and information for any obituary, will, death certificate, or case in probate within the county for the borrower and grantor;
(11) Upon written notice identifying the property address and the name of the borrower to the servicer or trustee by someone claiming to be a successor in interest to the borrower's or grantor's property rights, but who is not a party to the loan or promissory note or other obligation secured by the deed of trust, a trustee shall not record a notice of sale pursuant to RCW 61.24.040 until the trustee or mortgage servicer completes the following:
(a) Acknowledges the notice in writing and requests reasonable documentation of the death of the borrower or grantor from the claimant including, but not limited to, a death certificate or other written evidence of the death of the borrower or grantor. The claimant must be allowed thirty days from the date of this request to present this documentation. If the trustee or mortgage servicer has already obtained sufficient proof of the borrower's death, it may proceed by acknowledging the claimant's notice in writing and issuing a request under (b) of this subsection.
(b) If the mortgage servicer or trustee obtains or receives written documentation of the death of the borrower or grantor from the claimant, or otherwise independently confirms the death of the borrower or grantor, then the servicer or trustee must request in writing documentation from the claimant demonstrating the ownership interest of the claimant in the real property. A claimant has sixty days from the date of the request to present this documentation.
(c) If the mortgage servicer or trustee receives written documentation demonstrating the ownership interest of the claimant prior to the expiration of the sixty days provided in (b) of this subsection, then the servicer or trustee must, within twenty days of receipt of proof of ownership interest, provide the claimant with, at a minimum, the loan balance, interest rate and interest reset dates and amounts, balloon payments if any, prepayment penalties if any, the basis for the default, the monthly payment amount, reinstatement amounts or conditions, payoff amounts, and information on how and where payments should be made. The mortgage servicers shall also provide the claimant application materials and information, or a description of the process, necessary to request a loan assumption and modification.
(d) Upon receipt by the trustee or the mortgage servicer of the documentation establishing claimant's ownership interest in the real property, that claimant shall be deemed a "successor in interest" for the purposes of this section.
(e) There may be more than one successor in interest to the borrower's property rights. The trustee and mortgage servicer shall apply the provisions of this section to each successor in interest. In the case of multiple successors in interest, where one or more do not wish to assume the loan as coborrowers or coapplicants, a mortgage servicer may require any nonapplicant successor in interest to consent in writing to the application for loan assumption.
(f) The existence of a successor in interest under this section does not impose an affirmative duty on a mortgage servicer or alter any obligation the mortgage servicer has to provide a loan modification to the successor in interest. If a successor in interest assumes the loan, he or she may be required to otherwise qualify for available foreclosure prevention alternatives offered by the mortgage servicer.
(g) (c), (e), and (f) of this subsection (11) do not apply to association beneficiaries subject to chapter 64.32, 64.34, or 64.38 RCW; and
(12) Nothing in this section shall prejudice the right of the mortgage servicer or beneficiary from discontinuing any foreclosure action initiated under the deed of trust act in favor of other allowed methods for pursuit of foreclosure of the security interest or deed of trust security interest.
Sec. 4. RCW 61.24.031 and 2014 c 164 s 2 are each amended to read as follows:
(1)(a) A trustee, beneficiary, or authorized agent may not issue a notice of default under RCW 61.24.030(8) until: (i) Thirty days after satisfying the due diligence requirements as described in subsection (5) of this section and the borrower has not responded; or (ii) if the borrower responds to the initial contact, ninety days after the initial contact with the borrower was initiated.
(b) A beneficiary or authorized agent shall make initial contact with the borrower by letter to provide the borrower with information required under (c) of this subsection and by telephone as required under subsection (5) of this section. The letter required under this subsection must be mailed in accordance with subsection (5)(a) of this section and must include the information described in (c) of this subsection and subsection (5)(e)(i) through (iv) of this section.
(c) The letter required under this subsection, developed by the department pursuant to RCW 61.24.033, at a minimum shall include:
(i) A paragraph printed in no less than twelve-point font and bolded that reads:
"You must respond within thirty days of the date of this letter. IF YOU DO NOT RESPOND within thirty days, a notice of default may be issued and you may lose your home in foreclosure.
IF YOU DO RESPOND within thirty days of the date of this letter, you will have an additional sixty days to meet with your lender before a notice of default may be issued.
You should contact a housing counselor or attorney as soon as possible. Failure to contact a housing counselor or attorney may result in your losing certain opportunities, such as meeting with your lender or participating in mediation in front of a neutral third party. A housing counselor or attorney can help you work with your lender to avoid foreclosure.
If you filed bankruptcy or have been discharged in bankruptcy, this communication is not intended as an attempt to collect a debt from you personally, but is notice of enforcement of the deed of trust lien against the property. If you wish to avoid foreclosure and keep your property, this notice sets forth your rights and options.";
(ii) The toll-free telephone number from the United States department of housing and urban development to find a department-approved housing counseling agency, the toll-free numbers for the statewide foreclosure hotline recommended by the housing finance commission, and the statewide civil legal aid hotline for assistance and referrals to other housing counselors and attorneys;
(iii) A paragraph stating that a housing counselor may be available at little or no cost to the borrower and that whether or not the borrower contacts a housing counselor or attorney, the borrower has the right to request a meeting with the beneficiary; and
(iv) A paragraph explaining how the borrower may respond to the letter and stating that after responding the borrower will have an opportunity to meet with his or her beneficiary in an attempt to resolve and try to work out an alternative to the foreclosure and that, after ninety days from the date of the letter, a notice of default may be issued, which starts the foreclosure process.
(d) If the beneficiary has exercised due diligence as required under subsection (5) of this section and the borrower does not respond by contacting the beneficiary within thirty days of the initial contact, the notice of default may be issued. "Initial contact" with the borrower is considered made three days after the date the letter required in (b) of this subsection is sent.
(e) If a meeting is requested by the borrower or the borrower's housing counselor or attorney, the beneficiary or authorized agent shall schedule the meeting to occur before the notice of default is issued. An assessment of the borrower's financial ability to modify or restructure the loan obligation and a discussion of options must occur during the meeting scheduled for that purpose.
(f) The meeting scheduled to assess the borrower's financial ability to modify or restructure the loan obligation and discuss options to avoid foreclosure may be held telephonically, unless the borrower or borrower's representative requests in writing that a meeting be held in person. The written request for an in-person meeting must be made within thirty days of the initial contact with the borrower. If the meeting is requested to be held in person, the meeting must be held in the county where the property is located unless the parties agree otherwise. A person who is authorized to agree to a resolution, including modifying or restructuring the loan obligation or other alternative resolution to foreclosure on behalf of the beneficiary, must be present either in person or on the telephone or videoconference during the meeting.
(2) A notice of default issued under RCW 61.24.030(8) must include a declaration, as provided in subsection (9) of this section, from the beneficiary or authorized agent that it has contacted the borrower as provided in subsection (1) of this section, it has tried with due diligence to contact the borrower under subsection (5) of this section, or the borrower has surrendered the property to the trustee, beneficiary, or authorized agent. Unless the trustee has violated his or her duty under RCW 61.24.010(4), the trustee is entitled to rely on the declaration as evidence that the requirements of this section have been satisfied, and the trustee is not liable for the beneficiary's or its authorized agent's failure to comply with the requirements of this section.
(3) If, after the initial contact under subsection (1) of this section, a borrower has designated a housing counseling agency, housing counselor, or attorney to discuss with the beneficiary or authorized agent, on the borrower's behalf, options for the borrower to avoid foreclosure, the borrower shall inform the beneficiary or authorized agent and provide the contact information to the beneficiary or authorized agent. The beneficiary or authorized agent shall contact the designated representative for the borrower to meet.
(4) The beneficiary or authorized agent and the borrower or the borrower's representative shall attempt to reach a resolution for the borrower within the ninety days from the time the initial contact is sent and the notice of default is issued. A resolution may include, but is not limited to, a loan modification, an agreement to conduct a short sale, or a deed in lieu of foreclosure transaction, or some other workout plan. Any modification or workout plan offered at the meeting with the borrower's designated representative by the beneficiary or authorized agent is subject to approval by the borrower.
(5) A notice of default may be issued under RCW 61.24.030(8) if a beneficiary or authorized agent has initiated contact with the borrower as required under subsection (1)(b) of this section and the failure to meet with the borrower occurred despite the due diligence of the beneficiary or authorized agent. Due diligence requires the following:
(a) A beneficiary or authorized agent shall first attempt to contact a borrower by sending, by both first-class and either registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, a letter to the address in the beneficiary's records for sending account statements to the borrower and to the address of the property encumbered by the deed of trust. The letter must be the letter described in subsection (1)(c) of this section.
(b)(i) After the letter has been sent, the beneficiary or authorized agent shall attempt to contact the borrower by telephone at least three times at different hours and on different days. Telephone calls must be made to the primary and secondary telephone numbers on file with the beneficiary or authorized agent.
(ii) A beneficiary or authorized agent may attempt to contact a borrower using an automated system to dial borrowers if the telephone call, when answered, is connected to a live representative of the beneficiary or authorized agent.
(iii) A beneficiary or authorized agent satisfies the telephone contact requirements of this subsection (5)(b) if the beneficiary or authorized agent determines, after attempting contact under this subsection (5)(b), that the borrower's primary telephone number and secondary telephone number or numbers on file, if any, have been disconnected or are not good contact numbers for the borrower.
(iv) The telephonic contact under this subsection (5)(b) does not constitute the meeting under subsection (1)(f) of this section.
(c) If the borrower does not respond within fourteen days after the telephone call requirements of (b) of this subsection have been satisfied, the beneficiary or authorized agent shall send a certified letter, with return receipt requested, to the borrower at the address in the beneficiary's records for sending account statements to the borrower and to the address of the property encumbered by the deed of trust. The letter must include the information described in (e)(i) through (iv) of this subsection. The letter must also include a paragraph stating: "Your failure to contact a housing counselor or attorney may result in your losing certain opportunities, such as meeting with your lender or participating in mediation in front of a neutral third party."
(d) The beneficiary or authorized agent shall provide a means for the borrower to contact the beneficiary or authorized agent in a timely manner, including a toll-free telephone number or charge-free equivalent that will provide access to a live representative during business hours for the purpose of initiating and scheduling the meeting under subsection (1)(f) of this section.
(e) The beneficiary or authorized agent shall post a link on the home page of the beneficiary's or authorized agent's internet website, if any, to the following information:
(i) Options that may be available to borrowers who are unable to afford their mortgage payments and who wish to avoid foreclosure, and instructions to borrowers advising them on steps to take to explore those options;
(ii) A list of financial documents borrowers should collect and be prepared to present to the beneficiary or authorized agent when discussing options for avoiding foreclosure;
(iii) A toll-free telephone number or charge-free equivalent for borrowers who wish to discuss options for avoiding foreclosure with their beneficiary or authorized agent; and
(iv) The toll-free telephone number or charge-free equivalent made available by the department to find a department-approved housing counseling agency.
(6) Subsections (1) and (5) of this section do not apply if the borrower has surrendered the property as evidenced by either a letter confirming the surrender or delivery of the keys to the property to the trustee, beneficiary, or authorized agent.
(7)(a) This section applies only to deeds of trust that are recorded against ((owner-occupied)) residential real property of up to four units. This section does not apply to deeds of trust: (i) Securing a commercial loan; (ii) securing obligations of a grantor who is not the borrower or a guarantor; or (iii) securing a purchaser's obligations under a seller-financed sale.
(b) This section does not apply to association beneficiaries subject to chapter 64.32, 64.34, or 64.38 RCW.
(8) As used in this section:
(a) "Department" means the United States department of housing and urban development.
(b) "Seller-financed sale" means a residential real property transaction where the seller finances all or part of the purchase price, and that financed amount is secured by a deed of trust against the subject residential real property.
(9) The form of declaration to be provided by the beneficiary or authorized agent as required under subsection (2) of this section must be in substantially the following form:
Please select applicable option(s) below.
The undersigned beneficiary or authorized agent for the beneficiary hereby represents and declares under the penalty of perjury that [check the applicable box and fill in any blanks so that the beneficiary, authorized agent, or trustee can insert, on the beneficiary's behalf, the applicable declaration in the notice of default required under chapter 61.24 RCW]:
(1) [ ] The beneficiary or beneficiary's authorized agent has contacted the borrower under, and has complied with, RCW 61.24.031 (contact provision to "assess the borrower's financial ability to pay the debt secured by the deed of trust and explore options for the borrower to avoid foreclosure") and the borrower responded but did not request a meeting.
(2) [ ] The beneficiary or beneficiary's authorized agent has contacted the borrower as required under RCW 61.24.031 and the borrower or the borrower's designated representative requested a meeting. A meeting was held on (insert date, time, and location/telephonic here) in compliance with RCW 61.24.031.
(3) [ ] The beneficiary or beneficiary's authorized agent has contacted the borrower as required in RCW 61.24.031 and the borrower or the borrower's designated representative requested a meeting. A meeting was scheduled for (insert date, time, and location/telephonic here) and neither the borrower nor the borrower's designated representative appeared.
(4) [ ] The beneficiary or beneficiary's authorized agent has exercised due diligence to contact the borrower as required in RCW 61.24.031(5) and the borrower did not respond.
(5) [ ] The borrower has surrendered the secured property as evidenced by either a letter confirming the surrender or by delivery of the keys to the secured property to the beneficiary, the beneficiary's authorized agent or to the trustee.
Additional Optional Explanatory Comments:
. . . .
Sec. 5. RCW 61.24.165 and 2014 c 164 s 4 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) RCW 61.24.163 applies only to deeds of trust that are recorded against ((owner-occupied)) residential real property of up to four units. ((The property must have been owner-occupied as of the date the initial contact under RCW 61.24.031 was made.))
(2) ((A borrower under a deed of trust on owner-occupied residential real property who has received a notice of default on or before July 22, 2011, may be referred to mediation under RCW 61.24.163 by a housing counselor or attorney.
(3))) RCW 61.24.163 does not apply to deeds of trust:
(a) Securing a commercial loan;
(b) Securing obligations of a grantor who is not the borrower or a guarantor; or
(c) Securing a purchaser's obligations under a seller-financed sale.
(((4)))(3) RCW 61.24.163 does not apply to association beneficiaries subject to chapter 64.32, 64.34, or 64.38 RCW.
(((5)))(4) For purposes of referral and mediation under RCW 61.24.163, a person may be referred to mediation if the borrower is deceased and the person is a successor in interest of the deceased borrower who occupies the property as his or her primary residence. The referring counselor or attorney must determine a person's eligibility under this section and indicate the grounds for eligibility on the referral to mediation submitted to the department. For the purposes of mediation under RCW 61.24.163, the person must be treated as a "borrower." This subsection does not impose an affirmative duty on the beneficiary to accept an assumption of the loan.
(((6)))(5) For purposes of referral and mediation under RCW 61.24.163, a person may be referred to mediation if the person has been awarded title to the property in a proceeding for dissolution or legal separation. The referring counselor or attorney must determine the person's eligibility under this section and indicate the grounds for eligibility on the referral to mediation submitted to the department. For the purposes of mediation under RCW 61.24.163, the person must be treated as a "borrower." This subsection does not impose an affirmative duty on the beneficiary to accept an assumption of the loan."
Renumber the remaining sections consecutively, correct any internal references accordingly, and correct the title.
On page 2, line 8, after "of" strike "owner-occupied" and insert "((owner-occupied))"
On page 2, line 8, after "property" insert "of up to four units"
EFFECT: (1) Removes the requirement that residential real property of up to four units be owner-occupied for purposes of the application of the mediation requirement under the Foreclosure Fairness Program.
(2) Modifies the exemption from the mediation requirement so that the exemption is based on the number of trustee sales of residential real property of up to four units, rather than owner-occupied residential real property.
(3) Removes the "owner-occupied" requirement from the definition of "residential real property" and expands that definition to include residential real property of up to four units in the provisions requiring a notice of mediation prior to a trustee's sale.
(4) Removes the "owner-occupied" requirement from the definition of "residential real property" and expands that definition to include residential real property of up to four units in the provisions requiring the issuance of a notice of default and participation in mediation prior to recording a notice of the trustee's sale.
(5) Extends the applicability of the provisions related to issuing a notice of default to residential real property of up to four units and removes the requirement that the residential real property be owner-occupied.
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