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Washington State Senate | ||
Introduction and First Reading of Bills, Memorials, Joint Resolutions and Concurrent Resolutions |
2019 Regular Session of the 66th Legislature |
CYRUS HABIB, President of the Senate | KAREN KEISER, President Pro Tem | ||
BRAD HENDRICKSON, Secretary of the Senate | STEVE CONWAY, Vice President Pro Tem | ||
March 8, 2019 - Friday | 54TH DAY | ||
E2SHB 1033 | By House Committee on Appropriations (originally sponsored by Representatives Ryu, Barkis, Dolan, Macri, Stanford, Kloba, Sells, Tharinger, Bergquist, Doglio, Robinson, Pollet, Santos, Reeves and Leavitt) Concerning relocation assistance for manufactured/mobile home park tenants. Referred to Committee on HOUSING STABILITY & AFFORDABILITY. |
EHB 1056 | By Representatives Mosbrucker, Orwall, Sells, Appleton, Jinkins, Macri, Wylie, Bergquist, Doglio, Stanford and Reeves Creating a task force to identify the role of the workplace in helping curb domestic violence. Referred to Committee on LABOR & COMMERCE. |
SHB 1116 | By House Committee on Transportation (originally sponsored by Representatives Lovick and Ryu; by request of Department of Licensing and Washington Traffic Safety Commission) Addressing motorcycle safety. Referred to Committee on TRANSPORTATION. |
SHB 1151 | By House Committee on Education (originally sponsored by Representatives Volz and Pollet; by request of Superintendent of Public Instruction) Modifying education reporting requirements. Referred to Committee on EARLY LEARNING & K-12 EDUCATION. |
SHB 1155 | By House Committee on Appropriations (originally sponsored by Representatives Riccelli, Appleton, Sells, Chapman, Fitzgibbon, Cody, Pellicciotti, Frame, Sullivan, Wylie, Jinkins, Orwall, Valdez, Ortiz-Self, Stonier, Thai, Lovick, Reeves, Doglio, Pollet, Bergquist, Santos, Macri, Goodman, Robinson and Stanford) Concerning meal and rest breaks and mandatory overtime for certain health care employees. Referred to Committee on LABOR & COMMERCE. |
2SHB 1166 | By House Committee on Appropriations (originally sponsored by Representatives Orwall, Mosbrucker, Lovick, Griffey, Dolan, Doglio, Valdez, Wylie, Tarleton, Cody, Jinkins, Dent, Ortiz-Self, Van Werven, Stonier, Fitzgibbon, Fey, Walen, Bergquist, Leavitt, Macri, Kloba and Stanford) Supporting sexual assault survivors. Referred to Committee on LAW & JUSTICE. |
EHB 1219 | By Representatives Walen, Springer, Kloba, Goodman, Slatter, Stanford, Fey, Jinkins, Fitzgibbon, Ortiz-Self, Valdez, Lekanoff, Doglio, Frame, Wylie, Tharinger, Gregerson and Macri Providing cities and counties authority to use real estate excise taxes to support affordable housing and homelessness projects. Referred to Committee on HOUSING STABILITY & AFFORDABILITY. |
SHB 1231 | By House Committee on Public Safety (originally sponsored by Representatives Griffey, Orwall, Irwin, Klippert, Kraft, MacEwen, Macri, Eslick, Caldier, Walen, Chambers and Dent) Modifying the statute of limitations for certain felony sex offenses. Referred to Committee on LAW & JUSTICE. |
SHB 1254 | By House Committee on Transportation (originally sponsored by Representatives Fey, Barkis, Wylie and Tharinger) Clarifying the authority of unregistered vehicles shipped as marine cargo through public ports to operate on public roadways. Referred to Committee on TRANSPORTATION. |
2SHB 1272 | By House Committee on Appropriations (originally sponsored by Representatives Thai, Harris, Slatter, Ryu, Riccelli, Kilduff, Caldier, Paul, Peterson, Stonier, Shewmake, Appleton, Orwall, Wylie, Gregerson and Pollet) Concerning school lunch durations. Referred to Committee on EARLY LEARNING & K-12 EDUCATION. |
HB 1278 | By Representatives Hudgins, Valdez, Sells, Bergquist, Appleton, Slatter, Wylie, Santos and Doglio Concerning room and board for college bound scholarship students. Referred to Committee on HIGHER EDUCATION & WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT. |
2SHB 1303 | By House Committee on Appropriations (originally sponsored by Representatives Shewmake, Eslick, Pollet, Griffey, Riccelli, Senn, Appleton, Dolan, Frame, Paul, Goodman, Robinson, Springer, Lekanoff, Macri, Thai, Tharinger, Stanford, Bergquist, Jinkins, Leavitt and Ormsby) Improving access and completion for students at institutions of higher education, especially at community and technical colleges, by removing restrictions on subsidized child care. Referred to Committee on EARLY LEARNING & K-12 EDUCATION. |
SHB 1326 | By House Committee on Public Safety (originally sponsored by Representatives Klippert and Goodman) Collecting DNA samples. Referred to Committee on LAW & JUSTICE. |
ESHB 1355 | By House Committee on College & Workforce Development (originally sponsored by Representatives Ortiz-Self, Orwall, Ryu, Sells, Macri, Entenman, Stonier, Valdez, Frame, Gregerson, Tarleton, Doglio, Dolan, Appleton, Bergquist, Slatter, Goodman, Pollet and Santos) Concerning staffing standards and ratios for counselors in community and technical colleges. Referred to Committee on HIGHER EDUCATION & WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT. |
HB 1382 | By Representatives Pellicciotti, Kraft, Macri, Goodman, Doglio, Pettigrew, Ormsby, Jinkins, Stanford, Appleton and Riccelli Increasing access to emergency assistance for victims by providing immunity from prosecution for prostitution offenses in some circumstances. Referred to Committee on LAW & JUSTICE. |
SHB 1383 | By House Committee on Public Safety (originally sponsored by Representatives Pellicciotti, Kraft, Kilduff, Orwall, Dolan, Doglio, Ormsby, Ryu, Macri, Stanford, Appleton, Riccelli and Leavitt) Modifying the crime of patronizing a prostitute. Referred to Committee on LAW & JUSTICE. |
E2SHB 1391 | By House Committee on Appropriations (originally sponsored by Representatives Senn, Dent, Eslick, Reeves, Pollet and Ortiz-Self) Implementing improvements to the early achievers program as reviewed and recommended by the joint select committee on the early achievers program. Referred to Committee on EARLY LEARNING & K-12 EDUCATION. |
ESHB 1440 | By House Committee on Civil Rights & Judiciary (originally sponsored by Representatives Robinson, Macri, Riccelli, Gregerson, Doglio, Tarleton, Kloba, Frame, Jinkins, Morgan, Ortiz-Self and Ormsby) Providing longer notice of rent increases. Referred to Committee on FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT & TRADE. |
ESHB 1453 | By House Committee on Civil Rights & Judiciary (originally sponsored by Representatives Macri, Jinkins, Morgan, Dolan, Frame, Peterson, Thai, Doglio, Gregerson, Pellicciotti, Orwall, Davis, Lekanoff, Senn, Kloba, Stanford and Ortiz-Self) Concerning residential tenant protections. Referred to Committee on HOUSING STABILITY & AFFORDABILITY. |
SHB 1469 | By House Committee on Transportation (originally sponsored by Representatives Jenkin, Chapman, Lovick, Young, Ryu, Orcutt, McCaslin and Barkis) Modifying provisions relating to approaching emergency or work zones and tow truck operators. Referred to Committee on TRANSPORTATION. |
SHB 1480 | By House Committee on Environment & Energy (originally sponsored by Representatives Fey, Barkis and Jinkins) Streamlining the permitting process for disposing of dredged materials. Referred to Committee on ENVIRONMENT, ENERGY & TECHNOLOGY. |
HB 1505 | By Representatives Klippert, Kraft and Appleton Concerning confidential information of child victims of sexual assault. Referred to Committee on LAW & JUSTICE. |
E2SHB 1517 | By House Committee on Appropriations (originally sponsored by Representatives Goodman, Mosbrucker, Orwall, Griffey, Lovick, Davis, Appleton, Pettigrew, Pellicciotti, Kilduff and Valdez; by request of Uniform Law Commission) Concerning domestic violence. Referred to Committee on LAW & JUSTICE. |
SHB 1532 | By House Committee on Public Safety (originally sponsored by Representatives Mosbrucker, Pettigrew, Dye, Goodman, Griffey, Walsh, Eslick, Corry, Graham, Kraft, Appleton, Senn, Shea, Stanford, Valdez, Kloba, Leavitt and Macri) Concerning traumatic brain injuries in domestic violence cases. Referred to Committee on LAW & JUSTICE. |
E2SHB 1543 | By House Committee on Appropriations (originally sponsored by Representatives Mead, Doglio, Lekanoff, Peterson, Fey, Appleton, Shewmake, Stanford, Tharinger, Jinkins, Pollet, Slatter, Frame and Davis; by request of Department of Ecology) Concerning sustainable recycling. Referred to Committee on ENVIRONMENT, ENERGY & TECHNOLOGY. |
HB 1589 | By Representatives Chapman, Rude, Blake, Lovick, Goodman, Griffey, Irwin, Volz, Mead, Eslick, Sells, Ryu, Pollet, Stonier, Peterson, Fey, Senn, Gregerson, Riccelli, Lekanoff, Appleton, Steele, Tharinger and Leavitt Concerning requirements for the correctional personnel and community corrections officer exemption from restrictions on carrying firearms. Referred to Committee on LAW & JUSTICE. |
SHB 1621 | By House Committee on Education (originally sponsored by Representatives Ybarra, Steele, Santos, Harris, Bergquist, Ortiz-Self and Jinkins; by request of Professional Educator Standards Board) Concerning basic skills assessments for approved teacher preparation programs. Referred to Committee on EARLY LEARNING & K-12 EDUCATION. |
EHB 1638 | By Representatives Harris, Stonier, Robinson, Macri, Jinkins, Cody, Thai, Davis, Appleton, Doglio, Frame, Stanford, Bergquist, Santos and Tarleton Promoting immunity against vaccine preventable diseases. Referred to Committee on HEALTH & LONG TERM CARE. |
ESHB 1643 | By House Committee on State Government & Tribal Relations (originally sponsored by Representatives Doglio, Walsh, Dolan, Irwin, Orwall, Lovick, Macri, Appleton, Shewmake, Jinkins, Davis, Frame and Leavitt) Concerning property ownership for participants in the address confidentiality program. Referred to Committee on STATE GOVERNMENT, TRIBAL RELATIONS & ELECTIONS. |
E2SHB 1646 | By House Committee on Appropriations (originally sponsored by Representatives Goodman, Eslick, Senn, Corry, Irwin, Griffey, Lovick, Graham, Davis, Frame, Appleton, Jinkins, Valdez and Ormsby) Concerning confinement in juvenile rehabilitation facilities. Referred to Committee on HUMAN SERVICES, REENTRY & REHABILITATION. |
HB 1647 | By Representatives Chapman, Boehnke, Barkis, Ortiz-Self, Shewmake and Goodman; by request of Board of Pilotage Commissioners Concerning mandatory rest periods for pilots. Referred to Committee on TRANSPORTATION. |
SHB 1658 | By House Committee on Education (originally sponsored by Representatives Paul, Steele, Bergquist, Harris, Santos, Callan, Appleton, Doglio, Pollet and Young) Concerning paraeducators. Referred to Committee on EARLY LEARNING & K-12 EDUCATION. |
SHB 1715 | By House Committee on Education (originally sponsored by Representatives Entenman, Boehnke, Jinkins, Ortiz-Self, Bergquist and Pollet; by request of State Board for Community and Technical Colleges) Removing school districts' ability to withhold pupils' grades and transcripts. Referred to Committee on EARLY LEARNING & K-12 EDUCATION. |
ESHB 1723 | By House Committee on Transportation (originally sponsored by Representatives Kloba, Goodman, Lovick, Doglio, Bergquist, Eslick, Shewmake, Kilduff, Ortiz-Self, Stanford and Riccelli; by request of Washington Traffic Safety Commission) Establishing the Cooper Jones active transportation safety council. Referred to Committee on TRANSPORTATION. |
EHB 1756 | By Representatives Orwall, Mosbrucker, Appleton, Frame, Goodman, Lovick, Gregerson, Sells, Davis, Doglio and Ormsby Concerning the safety and security of adult entertainers. Referred to Committee on LABOR & COMMERCE. |
2SHB 1767 | By House Committee on Appropriations (originally sponsored by Representatives Lovick, Leavitt, Davis, Orwall, Appleton, Macri, Gregerson, Jinkins, Ryu, Pellicciotti, Dolan, Ormsby, Stanford, Peterson, Pollet, Slatter, Valdez, Walen, Frame and Tharinger) Establishing a law enforcement grant program to expand alternatives to arrest and jail processes. Referred to Committee on HEALTH & LONG TERM CARE. |
ESHB 1768 | By House Committee on Health Care & Wellness (originally sponsored by Representatives Davis, Macri, Jinkins, Ormsby, Slatter and Tharinger) Concerning substance use disorder professional practice. Referred to Committee on HEALTH & LONG TERM CARE. |
SHB 1791 | By House Committee on Appropriations (originally sponsored by Representatives Reeves, Sullivan, Springer, Senn, Frame, Fey, Appleton, Ortiz-Self, Bergquist and Goodman) Enhancing educational opportunities for vulnerable children and youth using funding distributed from the Puget Sound taxpayer accountability account. Referred to Committee on WAYS & MEANS. |
EHB 1801 | By Representatives Orcutt and DeBolt Entering abandoned cemeteries for authorized purposes. Referred to Committee on LOCAL GOVERNMENT. |
ESHB 1817 | By House Committee on Labor & Workplace Standards (originally sponsored by Representatives Sells, Chapman, Gregerson, Ormsby and Morgan) Ensuring for a skilled and trained workforce in high hazard facilities. Referred to Committee on LABOR & COMMERCE. |
SHB 1836 | By House Committee on Public Safety (originally sponsored by Representatives Kraft, Van Werven, Chambers, Maycumber, Graham, Caldier, Eslick and Mosbrucker) Prohibiting the waiver, reduction, or suspension of certain fees charged to persons who commit offenses involving the sexual exploitation of children. Referred to Committee on LAW & JUSTICE. |
EHB 1846 | By Representatives Paul, Walsh and Shewmake Making a technical correction for the disposition of off-road vehicle moneys. Referred to Committee on TRANSPORTATION. |
2SHB 1893 | By House Committee on Appropriations (originally sponsored by Representatives Entenman, Leavitt, Pollet, Paul, Stanford and Valdez) Providing assistance for certain postsecondary students. Referred to Committee on HIGHER EDUCATION & WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT. |
HB 1901 | By Representatives Lovick, Griffey and Orwall; by request of Washington State Patrol Clarifying the exemption from safety belt use for physical or medical reasons. Referred to Committee on TRANSPORTATION. |
SHB 1909 | By House Committee on Labor & Workplace Standards (originally sponsored by Representatives Graham, Lovick, Griffey, Davis, MacEwen and Corry) Concerning the confidentiality of industrial insurance claim records. Referred to Committee on LABOR & COMMERCE. |
EHB 1912 | By Representatives Blake, Griffey, Kretz, Appleton, Lovick, Santos and Morris Concerning pension benefits and contributions in the volunteer firefighters' and reserve officers' relief and pension system. Referred to Committee on WAYS & MEANS. |
SHB 1931 | By House Committee on Labor & Workplace Standards (originally sponsored by Representatives Leavitt, Kilduff, Volz, Cody, Caldier, Jinkins, Rude, Sells, Lekanoff and Riccelli) Concerning workplace violence in health care settings. Referred to Committee on LABOR & COMMERCE. |
HB 1934 | By Representatives Caldier, Kilduff, Mosbrucker, Irwin, Pollet, Chapman, Leavitt and Van Werven Renewing a concealed pistol license by members of the armed forces. Referred to Committee on LAW & JUSTICE. |
SHB 1949 | By House Committee on Civil Rights & Judiciary (originally sponsored by Representatives Hansen, Irwin, Griffey, Kilduff and Graham) Conducting a feasibility study to examine and make recommendations regarding the establishment of a single point of contact firearm background check system. Referred to Committee on LAW & JUSTICE. |
HB 1952 | By Representatives Ortiz-Self, Kilduff, Lovick, Thai and Fey Concerning the building communities fund program. Referred to Committee on WAYS & MEANS. |
ESHB 1998 | By House Committee on College & Workforce Development (originally sponsored by Representatives Pellicciotti, Leavitt, Jinkins, Callan, Stonier, Valdez, Frame, Stanford, Pollet, Tarleton, Bergquist, Santos, Macri and Doglio) Creating a task force on sexual violence at institutions of higher education. Referred to Committee on HIGHER EDUCATION & WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT. |
EHB 2020 | By Representatives Dolan, Kretz, Doglio, Stanford, Slatter, Klippert, Davis, Hudgins, Macri, Jinkins, Morgan, Frame and Ormsby Exempting the disclosure of names in employment investigation records. Referred to Committee on STATE GOVERNMENT, TRIBAL RELATIONS & ELECTIONS. |
HB 2052 | By Representatives Stanford, MacEwen, Kloba and Reeves Clarifying marijuana product testing by revising provisions concerning marijuana testing laboratory accreditation and establishing a cannabis science task force. Referred to Committee on LABOR & COMMERCE. |
EHB 2067 | By Representatives Davis, Chambers, Jinkins, Dufault, Riccelli, Doglio, Tarleton, Kilduff and Pollet Prohibiting the disclosure of certain individual vehicle and vessel owner information of those participating in the address confidentiality program. Referred to Committee on TRANSPORTATION. |
SHJM 4007 | By House Committee on Transportation (originally sponsored by Representatives Orcutt and Appleton) Designating the bridge over the Skookumchuck river on state route number 507 as the Regina Clark memorial bridge. Referred to Committee on TRANSPORTATION. |