HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 66th Legislature - 2020 Regular Session |
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Speaker | Speaker Pro Tempore | |
BERNARD DEAN, Chief Clerk | ||
2020 |
Bill No. | Description | Sponsors | Committee Inf. | ||
HB | 1010 | f | Forfeited firearms/WSP | Senn,Lovick | CRJ DPS9 DNP6 |
HB | 1013 | f | Walla Walla watershed pilot | Jenkin,Blake | APP DPS33 |
HB | 1031 | f | Bulkhead obligations | Walsh,Irwin | ENVI DPS9 w/oRec1 |
HB | 1047 | Limited jdx. court comm'rs | Jinkins,Stokesbary | CRJ DP9 DNP4 w/oRec2 | |
HB | 1072 | f | Prevailing wage laws | Sells,Doglio | LAWS DPS4 DNP3 |
HB | 1088 | Littering restitution | MacEwen | ENVI DPS11 | |
HB | 1117 | f | Motor vehicle laws | Valdez | TR DP29 |
HB | 1143 | f | Firefighting foam notices | Reeves,Gregerson | ENVI DPS7 DNP3 w/oRec1 |
HB | 1159 | f | Definition of theft | Griffey,Goodman | PS DP11 |
HB | 1165 | Low-water landscaping | Orwall,Dent | CB DP14 DNP9 | |
HB | 1167 | Composting/nuisance lawsuits | Walen,Blake | RDAN DP10 w/oRec3 | |
HB | 1173 | f | Obsolete school provisions | Santos,Ortiz-Self | ED DPS15 DNP4 |
HB | 1192 | Marriage/elected officials | Hudgins,Dolan | CRJ DPS10 DNP4 w/oRec1 | |
HB | 1223 | f | Diaper changing stations | Reeves,Doglio | CPB DPS9 DNP2 w/oRec1 |
HB | 1229 | f | Traffic cameras, photo tolls | Caldier,Kilduff | PS DPS11 |
HB | 1237 | f | Marijuana license compliance | Kirby,MacEwen | APP DP2S(w/o sub COG)32 |
HB | 1241 | f | Water-sewer comm'r insurance | Appleton,Griffey | LG DP5 DNP1 |
HB | 1242 | f | Lodging special excise taxes | Blake,Walsh | FIN DP9 DNP3 w/oRec1 |
HB | 1261 | f | Clean water act/discharges | Peterson,Fitzgibbon | ENVI DPS7 DNP4 |
HB | 1277 | Bicycle definitions | Shea,Irwin | TR DPS30 | |
HB | 1282 | f | Driver's license suspensions | Reeves,Valdez | TR DP17 DNP14 |
HB | 1292 | f | Voter registration deadlines | Walsh,Dolan | SGOV DPS9 |
HB | 1330 | f | Public guardianship cases | Kilduff,Harris | CRJ DP15 |
HB | 1331 | f | Opioid use disorder | Cody,Caldier | APP DP2S(w/o sub HCW)32 |
HB | 1334 | f | Electric util wildland fires | Blake,Kretz | RDAN DPS12 |
HB | 1347 | f | Vehicle reseller permits | Barkis,Kirby | FIN DP13 |
HB | 1359 | Local government procurement | Leavitt,Irwin | LG DPS4 DNP3 | |
HB | 1372 | f | State guard retirement age | Klippert,Ryu | HOUS DP8 |
HB | 1376 | Mistreatment/faith exemption | Sells,Klippert | CRJ DP10 DNP3 w/oRec2 | |
HB | 1393 | f | Behavioral health, integrate | Cody,Jinkins | APP DPS32 |
HB | 1395 | f | Direct contractor liability | Pellicciotti,Hansen | APP DPS(LAWS)19 DNP12 |
HB | 1416 | f | Liquor licensees/events | Stanford,Jenkin | COG DPS10 |
HB | 1419 | f | Emergency planning/nuclear | MacEwen,Shea | HOUS DP9 |
HB | 1437 | f | Noncollection of taxes | Pollet,Kraft | LG DP6 DNP1 |
HB | 1456 | f | Aviation revital. loan prg | Dent,Springer | TR DPS28 DNP1 |
HB | 1457 | f | Aircraft fuel tax distrib. | Dent,Springer | TR DPS29 DNP1 w/oRec1 |
HB | 1487 | f | Elevators | Chapman,Chandler | LAWS DPS7 |
HB | 1494 | Redistricting deadlines | Walsh,Gregerson | SGOV DP9 | |
HB | 1503 | f | Data brokers | Smith,Hudgins | APP DP2S(w/o sub ITED)32 w/oRec1 |
HB | 1521 | f | Government contracting | Dolan,Harris | APP DP2S(w/o sub SGOV)21 DNP9 w/oRec1 |
HB | 1524 | f | Street rod & custom vehicles | Van Werven,Chapman | TR DP30 |
HB | 1544 | f | GMA actions effective date | Mead,Fitzgibbon | ENVI DPS7 DNP3 |
HB | 1551 | f | Communicable disease control | Cody,Stonier | HCW DPS9 DNP6 |
HB | 1585 | f | Brain injury fee increase | Doglio,DeBolt | APP DP29 |
HB | 1590 | Housing tax/councilmanic | Doglio,Dolan | FIN DP9 DNP4 | |
HB | 1598 | f | City annexing/interlocal ag. | Doglio,Dolan | LG DPS4 DNP3 |
HB | 1608 | f | Patient care/health entities | Macri,Dolan | HCW DPS9 DNP5 w/oRec1 |
HB | 1614 | f | Traffic lane merge education | Young,Gildon | TR DP30 |
HB | 1625 | f | Utility rate making/property | Fitzgibbon,Shea | ENVI DP11 |
HB | 1630 | f | Naturopathy | DeBolt,Macri | HCW DPS11 DNP4 |
HB | 1631 | f | Child welfare workers | Senn,Caldier | APP DPS31 |
HB | 1642 | f | On-bill repayment programs | Doglio,Fey | ENVI DPS9 DNP1 |
HB | 1656 | Residential tenants | Macri,Jinkins | CRJ DPS9 DNP5 w/oRec1 | |
HB | 1665 | f | Domestic waste stream | Smith,Morris | ITED DP8 |
HB | 1666 | f | Abandon/council-manager plan | Vick,Walen | LG DP6 |
HB | 1687 | f | Victim identity defenses | Stanford,Doglio | PS DP8 DNP3 |
HB | 1694 | Tenants/installment payments | Morgan,Macri | CRJ DP9 DNP4 w/oRec2 | |
HB | 1699 | f | Deannexation/parks & rec. | Eslick,Peterson | LG DP7 |
HB | 1708 | f | Fishing and hunting licenses | Blake,Fitzgibbon | APP DP2S(w/o sub RDAN)22 DNP11 |
HB | 1718 | f | Existing resources/local gov | Volz,Senn | FIN DP10 DNP3 |
HB | 1729 | f | Subst use disorder treatment | Macri,Jinkins | APP DPS(HCW)18 DNP11 w/oRec1 |
HB | 1750 | County sheriff vacancies | Mosbrucker,Lovick | LG DP7 | |
HB | 1754 | Homeless hosting/religious | Santos,Jinkins | HOUS DPS6 DNP3 | |
HB | 1762 | f | Ticket sale interference | Young | ITED DP8 |
HB | 1787 | Filipino American history | Chandler,Santos | SGOV DP9 | |
HB | 1808 | f | Nonprofit fund-raising/tax | Orcutt | FIN DPS13 |
HB | 1843 | f | Railroad workers | Chapman,Volz | LAWS DP6 DNP1 |
HB | 1894 | f | Wildland fire advisory comm. | Dent,Griffey | RDAN DP15 |
HB | 1902 | f | Single bill/health services | Cody,Appleton | HCW DP10 DNP4 |
HB | 1951 | f | County road emergency loans | Walsh,Chapman | TR DP30 |
HB | 1965 | f | Workplace violations/qui tam | Hansen,Stonier | APP DP2S(w/o sub LAWS)17 DNP13 w/oRec1 |
HB | 2013 | f | Allied veteran emblems | Van Werven,Ryu | TR DP30 |
HB | 2031 | f | Foster parent case aides | Frame | HSEL DP12 |
HB | 2037 | f | DFW sergeants/interest arb. | Sells,Pollet | APP DPS23 DNP9 |
HB | 2047 | f | Carbon sequestration | Ramos,Springer | APP DP2S(w/o sub RDAN)22 DNP10 |
HB | 2070 | f | Vehicle lamp colors | Lovick,Dent | TR DP30 |
HB | 2074 | f | Livestock inspection | Blake,Chandler | APP DP30 |
HB | 2117 | f | State tax structure | Frame,Tarleton | APP DP2S(w/o sub FIN)19 DNP12 |
HB | 2157 | f | Tax structure | Tarleton,Sullivan | APP DP2S(w/o sub FIN)19 DNP14 |
HJM | 4000 | Biochar | Shea,Fitzgibbon | RDAN DP14 |
SHB | 1002 | Rape in the third degree | PS(Orwall) | PS DPS11 | |
SHB | 1009 | f | State auditor | SGOV(Dolan) | SGOV DPS9 |
SHB | 1028 | Off-road vehicles/local gov. | TR(Shea) | TR DPS27 w/oRec3 | |
E2SHB | 1033 | f | Mobile home relocation asst. | APP(Ryu) | APP DP2S(w/o sub HOUS)23 DNP7 |
2SHB | 1039 | f | Opioid medications/schools | APP(Pollet) | APP DP2S(w/o sub HCW)28 DNP5 |
EHB | 1058 | Motorcycle parking methods | Irwin,Blake | TR DP30 | |
HB | 1061 | State clam | Blake,Walsh | SGOV DP9 | |
HB | 1079 | f | Board of regents/faculty | Pollet,Kloba | CWD DP15 DNP1 w/oRec1 |
SHB | 1082 | Massage therapists/photo | HCW(Kraft) | HCW DPS14 | |
HB | 1089 | f | Certificates of achievement | MacEwen,Volz | ED DP16 DNP2 |
SHB | 1100 | f | Competency eval. payment | CRJ(Jinkins) | APP DPS(CRJ)32 |
E2SHB | 1110 | f | Greenhouse gas/transp. fuels | APP(Fitzgibbon) | APP DP2S(w/o sub ENVI)19 DNP14 |
SHB | 1158 | Permanent cosmetics | CPB(Ryu) | CPB DPS7 DNP5 w/oRec1 | |
SHB | 1168 | f | Self-help housing dev./taxes | FIN(Leavitt) | FIN DPS13 |
EHB | 1169 | f | Fire juris. reimbursement | Peterson,Griffey | LG DP5 DNP1 |
HB | 1187 | f | Fish habitat projects | Dent,Blake | RDAN DP15 |
ESHB | 1207 | f | Manuf. housing communities | HOUS(Ryu) | HOUS DPS9 |
HB | 1212 | f | Election materials/names | Shea,McCaslin | SGOV DP9 |
HB | 1220 | f | Insurance commissioner/PEBB | Dolan,Volz | SGOV DP9 |
SHB | 1231 | f | Sex offenses/modify SOL | PS(Griffey) | APP DPS(PS)29 |
SHB | 1244 | f | Appraisal mngmt companies | CPB(Walen) | CPB DPS13 |
SHB | 1251 | f | Election security breaches | SGOV(Tarleton) | SGOV DPS9 |
HB | 1278 | f | College bound/room & board | Hudgins,Valdez | APP DP23 DNP9 |
HB | 1279 | Committee on trade policy | Hudgins,Stokesbary | ITED DP9 | |
HB | 1285 | f | Treasurer/public works board | Doglio,Steele | CB DP23 |
2SHB | 1304 | f | CTE/alt. learning exp. prgs. | APP(MacEwen) | APP DP2S(w/o sub ED)26 w/oRec3 DNP3 |
HB | 1305 | Notices of disqualification | Walen,Irwin | CRJ DP13 DNP2 | |
ESHB | 1308 | Retirement system defaults | APP(Stanford) | APP DPS22 DNP9 w/oRec2 | |
ESHB | 1332 | f | Energy site eval. council | ENVI(Wylie) | ENVI DPS11 |
HB | 1335 | f | Life sciences discovery fund | Slatter,Schmick | ITED DP9 |
HB | 1341 | f | UAVs near marine species | Hudgins,Morris | ITED DP8 DNP1 |
HB | 1368 | f | Cooperative finance org. B&O | Springer,Kretz | FIN DP12 |
SHB | 1383 | Patronizing a prostitute | PS(Pellicciotti) | PS DPS11 | |
HB | 1397 | f | Electric aircraft | Slatter,Dent | TR DP24 DNP5 |
E2SHB | 1401 | f | Hemp production | APP(Shea) | |
HB | 1413 | f | Optional life annuity | Ormsby,Volz | APP DP25 DNP8 |
HB | 1423 | f | Adult family home egress | Tharinger,Harris | HCW DP14 |
HB | 1441 | f | Local infrastruct. financing | Tharinger,Doglio | CB DP16 DNP6 w/oRec1 |
ESHB | 1453 | f | Residential tenants | CRJ(Macri) | CRJ DPS9 DNP4 w/oRec2 |
3SHB | 1498 | f | Broadband service | APP(Hudgins) | APP DP3S(w/o 2 sub CB)31 DNP1 |
SHB | 1520 | f | Ballot envelope dates | SGOV(Morgan) | SGOV DPS7 DNP2 |
E2SHB | 1523 | f | Individual health ins market | APP(Cody) | APP DP2S(w/o sub HCW)19 DNP13 |
SHB | 1529 | Peer counselors/agency affil | HCW(Davis) | HCW DPS14 | |
HB | 1548 | f | WA medical commission | Davis,Cody | HCW DP15 |
SHB | 1576 | Construction defect actions | CRJ(Senn) | CRJ DPS15 | |
2SHB | 1580 | f | Orca whales/vessels | APP(Blake) | APP DP2S(w/o sub RDAN)25 DNP4 w/oRec2 |
HB | 1583 | f | Mosquito control districts | Kraft,Pollet | LG DP6 |
SHB | 1595 | Child sexual abuse investig. | PS(Stonier) | PS DPS11 | |
ESHB | 1622 | f | Drought preparedness | RDAN(Blake) | CB DPS(RDAN)12 DNP9 w/oRec2 |
SHB | 1644 | Youth development work group | HSEL(Ortiz-Self) | HSEL DPS12 DNP1 | |
HB | 1670 | Fire district bid limits | Eslick,Sutherland | LG DP6 | |
HB | 1676 | f | Arts & crafts/liquor license | MacEwen | COG DP11 |
SHB | 1686 | f | Hospital access to care | HCW(Macri) | HCW DPS14 |
HB | 1702 | f | Low-cost course material/CTC | Van Werven,Leavitt | APP DP33 |
HB | 1707 | f | Disabled veterans/lic plates | Gildon,Ryu | TR DP31 |
SHB | 1715 | Withholding of transcripts | ED(Entenman) | ED DPS12 DNP7 | |
ESHB | 1723 | Active transp safety council | TR(Kloba) | TR DPS19 DNP9 w/oRec2 | |
2SHB | 1725 | Pesticide application safety | APP(Dent) | APP DP2S(w/o sub LAWS)32 | |
ESHB | 1747 | Risk-based water standards | LG(Doglio) | LG DPS4 DNP2 | |
HB | 1755 | f | Education doctorate degrees | Leavitt,Van Werven | CWD DP16 DNP1 |
SHB | 1769 | Vessel crewmember license | RDAN(Blake) | RDAN DPS14 | |
2SHB | 1776 | All payer claims database | APP(Cody) | APP DP2S(w/o sub ITED)29 DNP2 | |
ESHB | 1788 | WA state bar association | CRJ(Stokesbary) | ||
SHB | 1791 | Vuln. children ed. opport. | APP(Reeves) | APP DPS28 DNP5 | |
ESHB | 1793 | Auto. traffic safety cameras | TR(Fitzgibbon) | TR DPS17 DNP14 | |
ESHB | 1799 | f | Death certificate short form | HCW(Hoff) | HCW DPS15 |
ESHB | 1813 | Pupil transp. contracts | APP(Sullivan) | APP DPS19 DNP14 | |
HB | 1829 | f | Veterans' assistance levies | Chapman,Goehner | FIN DP11 DNP1 w/oRec1 |
HB | 1838 | f | Distillery information | Walsh,Goehner | COG DP11 |
HB | 1841 | f | Crew size on certain trains | Riccelli,Chandler | LAWS DP6 w/oRec1 |
SHB | 1847 | f | Aircraft noise abatement | LG(Pellicciotti) | LG DPS4 DNP2 |
ESHB | 1880 | Problem gambling task force | COG(Kloba) | COG DPS6 DNP4 w/oRec1 | |
HB | 1952 | f | Building communities fund | Ortiz-Self,Kilduff | CB DP13 DNP9 w/oRec1 |
ESHB | 1966 | f | Pedestrian, etc. safety | TR(Kilduff) | TR DPS26 DNP5 |
ESHB | 1997 | f | Manufactured/mobile homes | HOUS(Ryu) | APP DPS(HOUS)22 DNP8 w/oRec1 |
HB | 2008 | Ballot security alt. methods | Hudgins,Gregerson | SGOV DP9 | |
EHB | 2009 | f | Environ. health disparities | Reeves,Lekanoff | SGOV DP5 DNP3 w/oRec1 |
HB | 2033 | f | Mandatory reporting of abuse | Chambers,Paul | HSEL DP12 |
HB | 2040 | f | Nonhigh school districts | MacEwen | APP DP32 |
HB | 2051 | f | Pension & disability boards | Lovick,Chapman | APP DP33 |
HB | 2075 | f | Livestock brand inspections | Chandler,Ormsby | APP DP32 |
HB | 2110 | f | Affordable workforce housing | Ryu,Santos | FIN DP9 DNP4 |
HB | 2129 | f | Harassment | Stokesbary,Pollet | APP DP32 |