SB 5545 - DIGEST |
Creates the recycling development center, within the department of ecology, to provide or facilitate basic and applied research and development, marketing, and policy analysis in furthering the development of markets and processing for recycled commodities and products. |
Requires the department of ecology to: (1) Enter into an interagency agreement with the department of commerce to perform or contract for certain activities; |
(2) Create and implement a statewide recycling contamination reduction and outreach plan based on best management practices for recycling, developed with stakeholder input; and |
(3) Provide technical assistance and create guidance to help local jurisdictions determine the extent of contamination in their regional recycling and to develop contamination reduction and outreach plans. |
Requires each county and city comprehensive solid waste management plan to include a contamination reduction and outreach plan. |
Authorizes certain local governments to apply to the department for financial aid for the preparation and implementation of the contamination reduction and outreach plans. |
Adjusts the functions of the waste reduction, recycling, and litter control account regarding expenditures to the department of ecology and what unspent funds may be used for. |