State of Washington | 66th Legislature | 2019 Regular Session |
BySenators Cleveland, Rivers, Conway, Fortunato, Frockt, Palumbo, Rolfes, Saldaña, Kuderer, Becker, and Nguyen
Prefiled 12/03/18.Read first time 01/14/19.Referred to Committee on Health & Long Term Care.
AN ACT Relating to allowing animal care and control agencies and nonprofit humane societies to provide additional veterinary services to low-income households; and amending RCW
Sec. 1. RCW
18.92.260 and 2002 c 157 s 2 are each amended to read as follows:
(1)(a) Subject to the limitations in this section, animal care and control agencies as defined in RCW
16.52.011 and nonprofit humane societies, that have qualified under section 501(c)(3) of the internal revenue code may provide ((
limited)) veterinary services to animals owned by qualified low-income households. ((
The veterinary services provided shall be limited to electronic identification, surgical sterilization, and vaccinations.)) A veterinarian or veterinary technician acting within his or her scope of practice must perform the ((
limited)) veterinary services. For purposes of this section, "low-income household" means the same as in RCW
(b) Animal control agencies and nonprofit humane societies, receiving any animals on an emergency basis, may provide emergency care((, subject to a local ordinance that defines an emergency situation and establishes temporary time limits))where there is an unexpected, serious occurrence or situation that urgently requires prompt action in order to prevent an animal's death or permanent injury of the animal.
(c) Animal control agencies and nonprofit humane societies may provide veterinary care for sick animals up to thirty days postadoption.
(d) Any local ordinance addressing the needs under this section that was approved by the voters and is in effect on July 1, 2003, remains in effect.
(2) Veterinarians and veterinary technicians employed at these facilities must be licensed under this chapter. No officer, director, supervisor, or any other individual associated with an animal care or control agency or nonprofit humane society owning and operating a veterinary medical facility may impose any terms or conditions of employment or direct or attempt to direct an employed veterinarian in any way that interferes with the free exercise of the veterinarian's professional judgment or infringes upon the utilization of his or her professional skills.
(3) Veterinarians, veterinary technicians, veterinary medication clerks, and animal control agencies and humane societies acting under this section shall, for purposes of providing the ((limited)) veterinary services, meet the requirements established under this chapter and are subject to the rules adopted by the veterinary board of governors in the same fashion as any licensed veterinarian or veterinary medical facility in the state.
(4) The Washington state veterinary board of governors shall adopt rules to:
(a) Establish registration and registration renewal requirements;
(b) ((
Govern the purchase and use of drugs for the limited veterinary services authorized under this section))
Establish annual reporting requirements that demonstrate the animal care and control facilities and nonprofit humane societies are serving only low-income households as defined in RCW 43.185A.010; and
(c) Ensure that agencies and societies are in compliance with this section.
(5) The ((
limited)) veterinary medical service authority granted by registration under this section may be denied, suspended, revoked, or conditioned by a determination of the board of governors for any act of noncompliance with this chapter. The uniform disciplinary act, chapter
18.130 RCW, governs unregistered operation, the issuance and denial of registrations, and the discipline of registrants under this section.
(6) No animal control agency or humane society may operate under this chapter without registering with the department. An application for registration shall be made upon forms provided by the department and shall include the information the department reasonably requires, as provided by RCW
43.70.280. The department shall establish registration and renewal fees as provided by RCW
43.70.250. A registration fee shall accompany each application for registration or renewal.
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