

State of Washington
66th Legislature
2019 Regular Session
BySenators Pedersen, Padden, Holy, Becker, Das, Braun, and King; by request of Washington State Bar Association
Prefiled 12/03/18.Read first time 01/14/19.Referred to Committee on Law & Justice.
AN ACT Relating to Washington's business corporation act; amending RCW 23B.06.300, 23B.07.280, 23B.10.205, 23B.01.400, 23B.12.010, and 23B.12.020; and reenacting and amending RCW 23B.02.020.
Sec. 1. RCW 23B.02.020 and 2015 c 176 s 2112 and 2015 c 20 s 2 are each reenacted and amended to read as follows:
(1) The articles of incorporation must set forth:
(a) A corporate name for the corporation that satisfies the requirements of Article 3 of chapter 23.95 RCW;
(b) The number of shares the corporation is authorized to issue in accordance with RCW 23B.06.010 and 23B.06.020;
(c) The name and address of its initial registered agent designated in accordance with Article 4 of chapter 23.95 RCW; and
(d) The name and address of each incorporator in accordance with RCW 23B.02.010.
(2) The articles of incorporation or bylaws must either specify the number of directors or specify the process by which the number of directors will be fixed, unless the articles of incorporation dispense with a board of directors pursuant to RCW 23B.08.010.
(3) Unless its articles of incorporation provide otherwise, a corporation is governed by the following provisions:
(a) The board of directors may adopt bylaws to be effective only in an emergency as provided by RCW 23B.02.070;
(b) A corporation has the purpose of engaging in any lawful business under RCW 23B.03.010;
(c) A corporation has perpetual existence and succession in its corporate name under RCW 23B.03.020;
(d) A corporation has the same powers as an individual to do all things necessary or convenient to carry out its business and affairs, including itemized powers under RCW 23B.03.020;
(e) All shares are of one class and one series, have unlimited voting rights, and are entitled to receive the net assets of the corporation upon dissolution under RCW 23B.06.010 and 23B.06.020;
(f) If more than one class of shares is authorized, all shares of a class must have preferences, limitations, and relative rights identical to those of other shares of the same class under RCW 23B.06.010;
(g) If the board of directors is authorized to designate the number of shares in a series, the board may, after the issuance of shares in that series, reduce the number of authorized shares of that series under RCW 23B.06.020;
(h) The board of directors must approve any issuance of shares under RCW 23B.06.210;
(i) Shares may be issued pro rata and without consideration to shareholders under RCW 23B.06.230;
(j) Shares of one class or series may not be issued as a share dividend with respect to another class or series, unless there are no outstanding shares of the class or series to be issued, or a majority of votes entitled to be cast by such class or series approve as provided in RCW 23B.06.230;
(k) A corporation may issue rights, options, or warrants for the purchase of shares of the corporation under RCW 23B.06.240;
(l) A shareholder of a corporation formed on or after January 1, 2020, has no preemptive right to acquire the corporation's unissued shares, and a shareholder of a corporation formed before January 1, 2020, has, and may waive, a preemptive right to acquire the corporation's unissued shares as provided in RCW 23B.06.300;
(m) Shares of a corporation acquired by it may be reissued under RCW 23B.06.310;
(n) The board may authorize and the corporation may make distributions not prohibited by statute under RCW 23B.06.400;
(o) The preferential rights upon dissolution of certain shareholders will be considered a liability for purposes of determining the validity of a distribution under RCW 23B.06.400;
(p) Corporate action may be approved by shareholders by unanimous consent of all shareholders entitled to vote on the corporate action, unless the approval of a lesser number of shareholders is permitted as provided in RCW 23B.07.040, which shareholder consent shall be in the form of a record;
(q) Unless this title requires otherwise, the corporation is required to give notice only to shareholders entitled to vote at a meeting and the notice for an annual meeting need not include the purpose for which the meeting is called under RCW 23B.07.050;
(r) A corporation that is a public company shall hold a special meeting of shareholders if the holders of at least ten percent of the votes entitled to be cast on any issue proposed to be considered at the meeting demand a meeting under RCW 23B.07.020;
(s) Subject to statutory exceptions, each outstanding share, regardless of class, is entitled to one vote on each matter voted on at a shareholders' meeting under RCW 23B.07.210;
(t) A majority of the votes entitled to be cast on a matter by a voting group constitutes a quorum, unless the title provides otherwise under RCW 23B.07.250 and 23B.07.270;
(u) Corporate action on a matter, other than election of directors, by a voting group is approved if the votes cast within the voting group favoring the corporate action exceed the votes cast opposing the corporate action, unless this title requires a greater number of affirmative votes under RCW 23B.07.250;
(v) All shares of one or more classes or series that are entitled to vote will be counted together collectively on any matter at a meeting of shareholders under RCW 23B.07.260;
(w) ((Directors are elected by cumulative voting))Shareholders of a corporation formed on or after January 1, 2020, do not have a right to cumulate their votes for directors, and shareholders of a corporation formed before January 1, 2020, have a right to cumulate their votes for directors under RCW 23B.07.280;
(x) Directors are elected by a plurality of votes cast by shares entitled to vote under RCW 23B.07.280, except as otherwise provided in the articles of incorporation or a bylaw adopted pursuant to RCW 23B.10.205;
(y) A corporation must have a board of directors under RCW 23B.08.010;
(z) All corporate powers must be exercised by or under the authority of, and the business and affairs of the corporation managed under the direction of, its board of directors under RCW 23B.08.010;
(aa) The shareholders may remove one or more directors with or without cause under RCW 23B.08.080;
(bb) A vacancy on the board of directors may be filled by the shareholders or the board of directors under RCW 23B.08.100;
(cc) A corporation shall indemnify a director who was wholly successful in the defense of any proceeding to which the director was a party because the director is or was a director of the corporation against reasonable expenses incurred by the director in connection with the proceeding under RCW 23B.08.520;
(dd) A director of a corporation who is a party to a proceeding may apply for indemnification of reasonable expenses incurred by the director in connection with the proceeding to the court conducting the proceeding or to another court of competent jurisdiction under RCW 23B.08.540;
(ee) An officer of the corporation who is not a director is entitled to mandatory indemnification under RCW 23B.08.520, and is entitled to apply for court-ordered indemnification under RCW 23B.08.540, in each case to the same extent as a director under RCW 23B.08.570;
(ff) The corporation may indemnify and advance expenses to an officer, employee, or agent of the corporation who is not a director to the same extent as to a director under RCW 23B.08.570;
(gg) A corporation may indemnify and advance expenses to an officer, employee, or agent who is not a director to the extent, consistent with law, that may be provided by its articles of incorporation, bylaws, general or specific approval of its board of directors, or contract under RCW 23B.08.570;
(hh) A corporation's board of directors may adopt certain amendments to the corporation's articles of incorporation without shareholder approval under RCW 23B.10.020;
(ii) Unless this title or the board of directors requires a greater vote or a vote by voting groups, an amendment to the corporation's articles of incorporation must be approved by each voting group entitled to vote on the proposed amendment by two-thirds, or, in the case of a public company, a majority, of all the votes entitled to be cast by that voting group under RCW 23B.10.030;
(jj) A corporation's board of directors may amend or repeal the corporation's bylaws unless this title reserves this power exclusively to the shareholders in whole or in part, or unless the shareholders in amending or repealing a bylaw provide expressly that the board of directors may not amend or repeal that bylaw under RCW 23B.10.200;
(kk) Unless this title or the board of directors require a greater vote or a vote by voting groups, a plan of merger or share exchange must be approved by each voting group entitled to vote on the merger or share exchange by two-thirds of all the votes entitled to be cast by that voting group under RCW 23B.11.030;
(ll) Approval by the shareholders of the sale, lease, exchange, or other disposition of all, or substantially all, the corporation's property in the usual and regular course of business is not required under RCW 23B.12.010;
(mm) Approval by the shareholders of the mortgage, pledge, dedication to the repayment of indebtedness, or other encumbrance of any or all of the corporation's property, whether or not in the usual and regular course of business, is not required under RCW 23B.12.010;
(nn) Unless the board of directors requires a greater vote or a vote by voting groups, a sale, lease, exchange, or other disposition of all or substantially all of the corporation's property, other than in the usual and regular course of business, must be approved by each voting group entitled to vote on such transaction by two-thirds of all votes entitled to be cast by that voting group under RCW 23B.12.020; and
(oo) Unless the board of directors requires a greater vote or a vote by voting groups, a proposal to dissolve must be approved by each voting group entitled to vote on the dissolution by two-thirds of all votes entitled to be cast by that voting group under RCW 23B.14.020.
(4) Unless its articles of incorporation or its bylaws provide otherwise, a corporation is governed by the following provisions:
(a) The board of directors may approve the issuance of some or all of the shares of any or all of the corporation's classes or series without certificates under RCW 23B.06.260;
(b) A corporation that is not a public company shall hold a special meeting of shareholders if the holders of at least ten percent of the votes entitled to be cast on any issue proposed to be considered at the meeting demand a meeting under RCW 23B.07.020;
(c) A director need not be a resident of this state or a shareholder of the corporation under RCW 23B.08.020;
(d) The board of directors may fix the compensation of directors under RCW 23B.08.110;
(e) Members of the board of directors may participate in a meeting of the board by any means of similar communication by which all directors participating can hear each other during the meeting under RCW 23B.08.200;
(f) Corporate action permitted or required by this title to be taken at a board of directors' meeting may be approved without a meeting if approved by all members of the board under RCW 23B.08.210;
(g) Regular meetings of the board of directors may be held without notice of the date, time, place, or purpose of the meeting under RCW 23B.08.220;
(h) Special meetings of the board of directors must be preceded by at least two days' notice of the date, time, and place of the meeting, and the notice need not describe the purpose of the special meeting under RCW 23B.08.220;
(i) A quorum of a board of directors consists of a majority of the number of directors under RCW 23B.08.240;
(j) If a quorum is present when a vote is taken, the affirmative vote of a majority of directors present is the act of the board of directors under RCW 23B.08.240;
(k) A board of directors may create one or more committees and appoint members of the board of directors to serve on them under RCW 23B.08.250; and
(l) Unless approved by the shareholders, a corporation may indemnify, or make advances to, a director for reasonable expenses incurred in the defense of any proceeding to which the director was a party because of being a director only to the extent such action is consistent with RCW 23B.08.500 through 23B.08.580.
(5) The articles of incorporation may contain the following provisions:
(a) The names and addresses of the individuals who are to serve as initial directors;
(b) The par value of any authorized shares or classes of shares;
(c) Provisions not inconsistent with law related to the management of the business and the regulation of the affairs of the corporation;
(d) Any provision that under this title is required or permitted to be set forth in the bylaws;
(e) Provisions not inconsistent with law defining, limiting, and regulating the powers of the corporation, its board of directors, and shareholders;
(f) Provisions authorizing corporate action to be approved by consent of less than all of the shareholders entitled to vote on the corporate action, in accordance with RCW 23B.07.040;
(g) If the articles of incorporation authorize dividing shares into classes, the election of all or a specified number of directors may be effected by the holders of one or more authorized classes of shares under RCW 23B.08.040;
(h) The terms of directors may be staggered under RCW 23B.08.060;
(i) Shares may be redeemable or convertible (i) at the option of the corporation, the shareholder, or another person, or upon the occurrence of a designated event; (ii) for cash, indebtedness, securities, or other property; or (iii) in a designated amount or in an amount determined in accordance with a designated formula or by reference to extrinsic data or events under RCW 23B.06.010;
(j) A director's personal liability to the corporation or its shareholders for monetary damages for conduct as a director may be eliminated or limited under RCW 23B.08.320; and
(k) A provision limiting or eliminating any duty of a director or any other person to offer the corporation the right to have or participate in any, or one or more classes or categories of, business opportunities, prior to the pursuit or taking of the opportunity by the director or other person. However, if such provision applies to an officer or related person (as such term is defined in RCW 23B.08.700) of an officer, the board of directors, by action of qualified directors taken in compliance with the same procedures as are set forth in RCW 23B.08.720 and taken subsequent to the inclusion of such provision in the articles of incorporation, (i) must approve the application of such provision to an officer or a related person of that officer, and (ii) may condition the application of such provision to such officer or related person of that officer on any basis.
(6) The articles of incorporation or the bylaws may contain the following provisions:
(a) A restriction on the transfer or registration of transfer of the corporation's shares under RCW 23B.06.270;
(b) Shareholders may participate in a meeting of shareholders by any means of communication by which all persons participating in the meeting can hear each other under RCW 23B.07.080;
(c) A quorum of the board of directors may consist of as few as one-third of the number of directors under RCW 23B.08.240;
(d) If the corporation is registered as an investment company under the investment company act of 1940, a provision limiting the requirement to hold an annual meeting of shareholders as provided in RCW 23B.07.010(2); and
(e) If the corporation is registered as an investment company under the investment company act of 1940, a provision establishing terms of directors which terms may be longer than one year as provided in RCW 23B.05.050.
(7) The articles of incorporation need not set forth any of the corporate powers enumerated in this title.
Sec. 2. RCW 23B.06.300 and 2002 c 297 s 19 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The shareholders of a corporation do not have a preemptive right to acquire the corporation's unissued shares except to the extent the articles of incorporation provide otherwise or as set forth in subsection (2) of this section. A statement included in the articles of incorporation that "the corporation elects to have preemptive rights," or words of similar import, means that the provisions set forth in subsection (3) of this section apply except to the extent that the articles of incorporation provide otherwise.
(2) Unless the articles of incorporation provide otherwise, the shareholders of a corporation formed before January 1, 2020, have a preemptive right to acquire the corporation's unissued shares.
(3) If shareholders of a corporation have a preemptive right to acquire the corporation's unissued shares under this section, the following provisions apply:
(a) Unless the articles of incorporation provide otherwise, ((and subject to the limitations in subsections (3) and (4) of this section, the shareholders of a corporation have a))such preemptive right((,))is granted on uniform terms and conditions prescribed by the board of directors to provide a fair and reasonable opportunity to exercise the right, to acquire proportional amounts of the corporation's unissued shares upon the decision of the board of directors to issue them.
(((2)))(b) Unless the articles of incorporation provide otherwise, a shareholder may waive the shareholder's preemptive right. A waiver evidenced by an executed record is irrevocable even though it is not supported by consideration.
(((3)))(c) Unless the articles of incorporation provide otherwise, there is no preemptive right with respect to:
(((a)))(i) Shares issued as compensation to directors, officers, agents, ((or)) employees, or other service providers of the corporation, or its subsidiaries or affiliates;
(((b)))(ii) Shares issued to satisfy conversion or option rights created to provide compensation to directors, officers, agents, or employees of the corporation, or its subsidiaries or affiliates;
(((c)))(iii) Shares issued pursuant to the corporation's initial plan of financing; and
(((d)))(iv) Shares ((sold otherwise than for))issued for consideration other than money.
(((4)))(d) Unless the articles of incorporation provide otherwise:
(((a)))(i) Holders of shares of any class without general voting rights but with preferential rights to distributions or assets have no preemptive rights with respect to shares of any class; and
(((b)))(ii) Holders of shares of any class with general voting rights but without preferential rights to distributions or assets have no preemptive rights with respect to shares of any class with preferential rights to distributions or assets unless the shares with preferential rights are convertible into or carry a right to subscribe for or acquire shares without preferential rights.
(((5)))(e) Unless the articles of incorporation provide otherwise, shares subject to preemptive rights that are not acquired by shareholders may be issued to any person for a period of one year after being offered to shareholders at a consideration set by the board of directors that is not lower than the consideration set for the exercise of preemptive rights. An offer at a lower consideration or after the expiration of one year is subject to the shareholders' preemptive rights.
(((6)))(f) For purposes of this section, "shares" includes a security convertible into or carrying a right to subscribe for or acquire shares.
Sec. 3. RCW 23B.07.280 and 2009 c 189 s 21 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) Shareholders do not have a right to cumulate their votes for directors unless the articles of incorporation provide otherwise or as set forth in subsection (2) of this section. A statement included in the articles of incorporation that "[all] [a designated voting group of] shareholders are entitled to cumulate their votes for directors," or words of similar import, means that the shareholders designated are entitled to multiply the number of votes they are entitled to cast by the number of directors for whom they are entitled to vote and to cast the product for a single candidate or distribute the product among two or more candidates.
(2) With respect to a corporation formed before January 1, 2020, unless otherwise provided in the articles of incorporation, shareholders entitled to vote at any election of directors are entitled to cumulate votes by multiplying the number of votes they are entitled to cast by the number of directors for whom they are entitled to vote and to cast the product for a single candidate or distribute the product among two or more candidates.
(((2)))(3) Shares otherwise entitled to vote cumulatively may not be voted cumulatively at a particular meeting unless:
(a) The meeting notice or proxy statement accompanying the notice states conspicuously that cumulative voting is authorized; or
(b) A shareholder who has the right to cumulate the shareholder's votes gives notice to the corporation not less than seventy-two hours before the time set for the meeting of the shareholder's intent to cumulate votes during the meeting, and if one shareholder gives this notice all other shareholders in the same voting group participating.
(4) Unless otherwise provided in the articles of incorporation or in a bylaw adopted under RCW 23B.10.205, in any election of directors the candidates elected are those receiving the largest numbers of votes cast by the shares entitled to vote in the election, up to the number of directors to be elected by such shares.
Sec. 4. RCW 23B.10.205 and 2009 c 189 s 36 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) Unless the articles of incorporation specifically prohibit the adoption of a bylaw pursuant to this section((,))or alter the vote specified in RCW 23B.07.280(((2)))(4), or ((allow for or do not exclude)) cumulative voting is authorized, a public company may elect in its bylaws to be governed in the election of directors as follows:
(a) Each vote entitled to be cast may be voted for, voted against, or withheld for one or more candidates up to that number of candidates that is equal to the number of directors to be elected but without cumulating the votes, or a shareholder may indicate an abstention for one or more candidates;
(b) To be elected, a candidate must have received the number, percentage, or level of votes specified in the bylaws; provided that holders of shares entitled to vote in the election and constituting a quorum are present at the meeting. Except in a contested election as provided in (e) of this subsection, a candidate who does not receive the number, percentage, or level of votes specified in the bylaws but who was a director at the time of the election shall continue to serve as a director for a term that shall terminate on the date that is the earlier of (i) the date specified in the bylaw, but not longer than ninety days from the date on which the voting results are determined pursuant to RCW 23B.07.035(2), or (ii) the date on which an individual is selected by the board of directors to fill the office held by such director, which selection shall be deemed to constitute the filling of a vacancy by the board to which RCW 23B.08.100 applies;
(c) A bylaw adopted pursuant to this section may provide that votes cast against and/or withheld as to a candidate are to be taken into account in determining whether the number, percentage, or level of votes required for election has been received. Unless the bylaw specifies otherwise, only votes cast are to be taken into account and a ballot marked "withheld" in respect to a share is deemed to be a vote cast. Unless the bylaws specify otherwise, shares otherwise present at the meeting but for which there is an abstention or as to which no authority or direction to vote in the election is given or specified, are not deemed to be votes cast in the election;
(d) The board of directors may select any qualified individual to fill the office held by a director who did not receive the specified vote for election referenced in (b) of this subsection; and
(e) Unless the bylaw specifies otherwise, a bylaw adopted pursuant to this subsection (1) shall not apply to an election of directors by a voting group if (i) at the expiration of the time fixed under a provision requiring advance notification of director candidates, or (ii) absent such a provision, at a time fixed by the board of directors which is not more than fourteen days before notice is given of the meeting at which the election is to occur, there are more candidates for election by the voting group than the number of directors to be elected, one or more of whom are properly proposed by shareholders. An individual shall not be considered a candidate for purposes of this subsection (1)(e) if the board of directors determines before the notice of meeting is given that such individual's candidacy does not create a bona fide election contest.
(2) A bylaw containing an election to be governed by this section may be repealed or amended:
(a) If originally adopted by the shareholders, only by the shareholders, unless the bylaw otherwise provides; or
(b) If adopted by the board of directors, by the board of directors or the shareholders.
Sec. 5. RCW 23B.01.400 and 2017 c 28 s 12 are each amended to read as follows:
Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, the definitions in this section apply throughout this title.
(1) "Articles of incorporation" include amended and restated articles of incorporation and articles of merger.
(2) "Authorized shares" means the shares of all classes a domestic or foreign corporation is authorized to issue.
(3) "Conspicuous" means so prepared that a reasonable person against whom the record is to operate should have noticed it. For example, printing in italics or boldface or contrasting color, or typing in capitals or underlined, is conspicuous.
(4) "Controlling interest" means ownership of an entity's outstanding shares or interests in such number as to entitle the holder at the time to elect a majority of the entity's directors or other governors without regard to voting power which may thereafter exist upon a default, failure, or other contingency.
(5) "Corporate action" means any resolution, act, policy, contract, transaction, plan, adoption or amendment of articles of incorporation or bylaws, or other matter approved by or submitted for approval to a corporation's incorporators, board of directors or a committee thereof, or shareholders.
(6) "Corporation" or "domestic corporation" means a corporation for profit, including a social purpose corporation, which is not a foreign corporation, incorporated under or subject to the provisions of this title.
(7) "Deliver" includes (a) mailing, (b) for purposes of delivering a demand, consent, notice, or waiver to the corporation or one of its officers, directors, or shareholders, transmission by facsimile equipment, and (c) for purposes of delivering a demand, consent, notice, or waiver to the corporation or one of its officers, directors, or shareholders under RCW 23B.01.410 or chapter 23B.07, 23B.08, 23B.11, 23B.13, 23B.14, or 23B.16 RCW delivery by electronic transmission.
(8) "Distribution" means a direct or indirect transfer of money or other property, except its own shares, or incurrence of indebtedness by a corporation to or for the benefit of its shareholders in respect to any of its shares. A distribution may be in the form of a declaration or payment of a dividend; a distribution in partial or complete liquidation, or upon voluntary or involuntary dissolution; a purchase, redemption, or other acquisition of shares; a distribution of indebtedness; or otherwise.
(9) "Effective date of notice" has the meaning provided in RCW 23B.01.410.
(10) "Electronic transmission" means an electronic communication (a) not directly involving the physical transfer of a record in a tangible medium and (b) that may be retained, retrieved, and reviewed by the sender and the recipient thereof, and that may be directly reproduced in a tangible medium by such a sender and recipient.
(11) "Electronically transmitted" means the initiation of an electronic transmission.
(12) "Employee" includes an officer but not a director. A director may accept duties that make the director also an employee.
(13) "Entity" includes a corporation and foreign corporation, not-for-profit corporation, business trust, estate, trust, partnership, limited liability company, association, joint venture, two or more persons having a joint or common economic interest, the state, United States, and a foreign governmental subdivision, agency, or instrumentality, or any other legal or commercial entity.
(14) "Execute," "executes," or "executed" means (a) signed with respect to a written record or (b) electronically transmitted along with sufficient information to determine the sender's identity with respect to an electronic transmission, or (c) with respect to a record to be filed with the secretary of state, in compliance with the standards for filing with the office of the secretary of state as prescribed by the secretary of state.
(15) "Foreign corporation" means a corporation for profit incorporated under a law other than the law of this state.
(16) "Foreign limited partnership" means a partnership formed under laws other than of this state and having as partners one or more general partners and one or more limited partners.
(17) "General social purpose" means the general social purpose for which a social purpose corporation is organized as set forth in the articles of incorporation of the corporation in accordance with RCW 23B.25.040(1)(c).
(18) "Governmental subdivision" includes authority, county, district, and municipality.
(19) "Governor" has the meaning given that term in RCW 23.95.105.
(20) "Includes" denotes a partial definition.
(21) "Individual" includes the estate of an incompetent or deceased individual.
(22) "Limited partnership" or "domestic limited partnership" means a partnership formed by two or more persons under the laws of this state and having one or more general partners and one or more limited partners.
(23) "Means" denotes an exhaustive definition.
(24) "Notice" has the meaning provided in RCW 23B.01.410.
(25) "Person" means an individual, corporation, business trust, estate, trust, partnership, limited liability company, association, joint venture, government, governmental subdivision, agency, or instrumentality, or any other legal or commercial entity.
(26) "Principal office" means the office, in or out of this state, so designated in the annual report where the principal executive offices of a domestic or foreign corporation are located.
(27) "Proceeding" includes civil suit and criminal, administrative, and investigatory action.
(28) "Public company" means a corporation that has a class of shares registered with the federal securities and exchange commission pursuant to section 12 or 15 of the securities exchange act of 1934, or section 8 of the investment company act of 1940, or any successor statute.
(29) "Qualified director" means (a) with respect to a director's conflicting interest transaction as defined in RCW 23B.08.700, any director who does not have either (i) a conflicting interest respecting the transaction, or (ii) a familial, financial, professional, or employment relationship with a second director who does have a conflicting interest respecting the transaction, which relationship would, in the circumstances, reasonably be expected to exert an influence on the first director's judgment when voting on the transaction; (b) with respect to RCW 23B.08.735, a qualified director under (a) of this subsection if the business opportunity were a director's conflicting interest transaction; and (c) with respect to RCW 23B.02.020(5)(k), a director who is not a director (i) to whom the limitation or elimination of the duty of an officer to offer potential business opportunities to the corporation would apply, or (ii) who has a familial, financial, professional, or employment relationship with another officer to whom the limitation or elimination would apply, which relationship would, in the circumstances, reasonably be expected to exert an influence on the director's judgment when voting on the limitation or elimination.
(30) "Record" means information inscribed on a tangible medium or contained in an electronic transmission.
(31) "Record date" means the date established under chapter 23B.07 RCW on which a corporation determines the identity of its shareholders and their shareholdings for purposes of this title. The determinations shall be made as of the close of business on the record date unless another time for doing so is specified when the record date is fixed.
(32) "Registered office" means the address of the corporation's registered agent.
(33) "Secretary" means the corporate officer to whom the board of directors has delegated responsibility under RCW 23B.08.400(3) for custody of the minutes of the meetings of the board of directors and of the shareholders and for authenticating records of the corporation.
(34) "Shareholder" means the person in whose name shares are registered in the records of a corporation or the beneficial owner of shares to the extent of the rights granted by a nominee certificate on file with a corporation.
(35) "Shares" means the units into which the proprietary interests in a corporation are divided.
(36) "Social purpose" includes any general social purpose and any specific social purpose.
(37) "Social purpose corporation" means a corporation that has elected to be governed as a social purpose corporation under chapter 23B.25 RCW.
(38) "Specific social purpose" means the specific social purpose or purposes for which a social purpose corporation is organized as set forth in the articles of incorporation of the corporation in accordance with RCW 23B.25.040(2)(a).
(39) "State," when referring to a part of the United States, includes a state and commonwealth, and their agencies and governmental subdivisions, and a territory and insular possession, and their agencies and governmental subdivisions, of the United States.
(40) "Subscriber" means a person who subscribes for shares in a corporation, whether before or after incorporation.
(41) "Subsidiary" means an entity in which the corporation has, directly or indirectly, a controlling interest.
(42) "Tangible medium" means a writing, copy of a writing, or facsimile, or a physical reproduction, each on paper or on other tangible material.
(43) "United States" includes a district, authority, bureau, commission, department, and any other agency of the United States.
(44) "Voting group" means all shares of one or more classes or series that under the articles of incorporation or this title are entitled to vote and be counted together collectively on a matter at a meeting of shareholders. All shares entitled by the articles of incorporation or this title to vote generally on the matter are for that purpose a single voting group.
(45) "Writing" does not include an electronic transmission.
(46) "Written" means embodied in a tangible medium.
Sec. 6. RCW 23B.12.010 and 2017 c 28 s 10 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) ((A corporation may on the terms and conditions and for the consideration determined by the board of directors))Unless the articles of incorporation provide otherwise, approval by a corporation's shareholders is not required:
(a) To sell, lease, exchange, or otherwise dispose of ((all,))any or ((substantially)) all((,)) of ((its))the corporation's property and assets in the usual and regular course of its business; or
(b) To mortgage, pledge, dedicate to the repayment of indebtedness, whether with or without recourse, or otherwise encumber any or all of ((its))the corporation's property and assets, regardless of whether or not ((any of)) these actions are in the usual and regular course of its business.
(2) Unless the articles of incorporation ((require it, approval by the shareholders of a transaction described in subsection (1) of this section is not required.
(3) A dedication of a))provide otherwise, approval by a corporation's shareholders is not required to dedicate the corporation's property and assets to the repayment of its creditors ((may be effected by the board of directors)) through an assignment for the benefit of creditors in accordance with chapter 7.08 RCW ((or by obtaining))that is approved by the board of directors, or by the appointment of a general receiver in ((accordance with))a proceeding under chapter 7.60 RCW((, and))that is approved by the board of directors. The assumption of control over the corporation's property and assets by an assignee for the benefit of creditors or by a general receiver relieves the directors of any further duties with respect to the liquidation of the corporation's property and assets or the application of any property and assets or proceeds toward satisfaction of the claims of creditors.
Sec. 7. RCW 23B.12.020 and 2017 c 28 s 11 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) ((A corporation may sell,))Except as provided in subsection (11) of this section, a sale, lease, exchange, or ((otherwise dispose of all, or substantially all, of its))other disposition of a corporation's property and assets, ((otherwise))other than in the usual and regular course of its business, ((on the terms and conditions and for the consideration determined by the corporation's board of directors. Except as provided in subsection (8) of this section, a transaction described in this subsection)) requires approval of the corporation's shareholders if the disposition would leave the corporation without a significant continuing business activity.
(2) A continuing business activity will be conclusively presumed to represent a significant continuing business activity if, for the corporation and its subsidiaries on a consolidated basis, it represented at least:
(a) Twenty-five percent of total assets at the end of the most recently completed fiscal year; and
(b) Either: (i) Twenty-five percent of income from continuing operations before taxes, or (ii) twenty-five percent of revenues from continuing operations, in each case for the most recently completed fiscal year.
(3) No presumption that a disposition will leave the corporation without a significant continuing business activity will arise from the fact that the corporation's continuing business activity does not equal or exceed any of the percentages set forth in subsection (2) of this section.
(4) The determination of whether or not a continuing business activity constitutes a significant continuing business under subsection (2) of this section may be based either on financial statements prepared on the basis of accounting practices and principles that are reasonable in the circumstances or, in the case of subsection (2)(a) of this section, on a fair valuation or other method that is reasonable in the circumstances.
(5) For a ((transaction))disposition to be approved by a corporation's shareholders:
(a) The board of directors must approve the disposition and submit the proposed ((transaction to))disposition for approval by the shareholders ((for their approval));
(b) The board of directors must recommend the proposed ((transaction))disposition to the shareholders unless (i) the board of directors determines that because of ((conflict))conflicts of interest or other special circumstances it should make no recommendation or (ii) RCW 23B.08.245 applies, and in either case the board of directors communicates the basis for so proceeding to the shareholders; and
(c) The shareholders entitled to vote on the proposed disposition must approve the ((transaction))proposed disposition as provided in subsection (8) of this section.
(((3)))(6) The board of directors may condition its submission of the proposed ((transaction))disposition on any basis, including the affirmative vote of holders of a specified percentage of shares held by any group of shareholders not otherwise entitled under this title or the articles of incorporation to vote as a separate voting group on the proposed ((transaction))disposition.
(((4)))(7) If the approval of the shareholders is to be given at a meeting, the corporation ((shall))must notify each shareholder, whether or not entitled to vote, of the proposed shareholders' meeting ((at which the proposed transaction is to be submitted for approval)) in accordance with RCW 23B.07.050. The notice must state that the purpose, or one of the purposes, of the meeting is to consider the ((sale, lease, exchange, or other))proposed disposition ((of all, or substantially all, of the property and assets of the corporation)) and contain or be accompanied by a description of the ((transaction))proposed disposition, including a summary of the material terms and conditions thereof and the consideration to be received by the corporation.
(((5)))(8) In addition to any other voting conditions imposed by the board of directors under subsection (((3)))(6) of this section, the ((transaction))proposed disposition must be approved by two-thirds of the voting group comprising all the votes entitled to be cast on the ((transaction))proposed disposition, and of each other voting group entitled under the articles of incorporation to vote separately on the ((transaction))proposed disposition, unless shareholder approval is not required under subsection (((8)))(11) of this section. The articles of incorporation may require a greater or lesser vote than provided in this subsection, or a greater or lesser vote by any separate voting groups provided for in the articles of incorporation, so long as the required vote is not less than a majority of all the votes entitled to be cast on the ((transaction))proposed disposition and of each other voting group entitled to vote separately on the ((transaction))proposed disposition.
(((6)))(9) After a ((sale, lease, exchange, or other disposition of property and assets has been approved as required by this section, the transaction may be abandoned, subject to any contractual rights, without further shareholder approval, in a manner determined by the board of directors.
(7)))proposed disposition has been approved by the shareholders as required by this section, and at any time before the proposed disposition has been consummated, the board of directors may abandon the proposed disposition without further action by the shareholders, subject to any contractual rights of other parties relating thereto.
(10) A ((transaction))disposition that constitutes a distribution is governed by RCW 23B.06.400 and not by this section.
(((8)))(11) Unless the articles of incorporation otherwise require, approval by the shareholders of a parent corporation is not required for the transfer of any or all of the parent corporation's property and assets to one or more ((subsidiary corporations or other entities))subsidiaries all of the shares or interests of which are owned, directly or indirectly, by the parent corporation.
(((9) The sale, lease, exchange, or other disposition of all, or substantially all, the assets of one or more subsidiaries of a corporation, if not in the usual and regular course of business as conducted by that subsidiary or those subsidiaries, is to be treated as a disposition by the parent corporation within the meaning of subsection (1) of this section if the subsidiary or subsidiaries constitute all, or substantially all, the assets of the parent corporation.))(12) The assets of a subsidiary are to be treated as the assets of its parent corporation for purposes of this section.
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