Background: The United States Constitution is a grant of limited power authorizing the federal government to exercise only those constitutionally enumerated powers expressly delegated to it by the states. In contrast, the Washington state constitution imposes limitations on the otherwise plenary power of the state to do anything not expressly forbidden by the state constitution or federal law. Each duly elected legislature is fully vested with this plenary power. No legislature can enact a statute that prevents a future legislature from exercising its law-making power. Consequently, that which a prior legislature has enacted, the current legislature can amend or repeal.
In addition to the state general fund, which may be expended for any lawful purpose, the state maintains several hundred accounts that are dedicated to particular statutory purposes. Generally, changes the use or dedication of an account may be accomplished through separate legislation or through the omnibus appropriation act on a temporary basis for that fiscal biennium. In addition, the omnibus appropriation act may direct the State Treasurer to the transfer moneys from dedicated accounts to other accounts, including the general fund. Courts have rejected challenges to legislative acts to change the use of a dedicated account or divert moneys from a dedicated account finding such legislative acts are within the plenary power of the legislature unless restricted by the State Constitution or federal law.
The State Constitution does contains restrictions on the use of certain revenues. For example, Article 2, Section 40 of State Constitution requires that the state's motor vehicle fuel taxes, vehicle licensing fees, and all other state revenue intended to be used for highway purposes be deposited into the Motor Vehicle Fund and moneys in that fund may only be spent for highway purposes. Article 9, Section 2 requires the state tax for common schools to be used exclusively for the support of the common schools and Article 9, Section 3 requires proceeds from the sale of certain timber from state lands to be used exclusively for the purpose of financing the construction of facilities for the common schools.