Background: Certain theaters are authorized to obtain a license allowing the theater to sell spirits, beer, and wine at retail for on-premise consumption. To be eligible for a spirits, beer, and wine theater license, the theater must:
- have no more than 120 seats per screen;
- prepare, cook, and serve complete meals; and
- provide tabletop accommodations for in-theater dining.
Certain theaters are authorized to obtain a license allowing the theater to sell beer, strong beer, and wine at retail for on-premise consumption. To be eligible for this theater license, the theater may not have more than four movie screens.
If minors are allowed in the theater, the theater must submit an alcohol control plan to the Liquor and Cannabis Board for approval. Any person serving alcohol must have completed a mandatory alcohol server training program. The maximum fines and suspensions for violations involving minors or failure to follow an alcohol control plan are doubled for theaters.