Washington State's Model Toxics Control Act (MATA) is carried out by DOE to ensure cleanup of sites hazardous substances have been released. MTCA is funded by a 0.7 percent tax on the wholesale value of hazardous substances, cost recovery from remedial actions, mixed waste fees, and to a lesser extent fines, penalties, and other charges.
Under MTCA, DOE is directed to investigate, conduct remedial actions, enforce actions to protect human health, and provide technical and administrative assistance. Hazardous waste sites are ranked by considering the amount and type of contamination, the risk the contamination will spread, and routes of exposure. Liable parties must clean up sites contaminated with hazardous materials. A potentially liable person includes a facility owner or operator, or someone who owned the hazardous substance and arranged for its disposal or treatment or transport.
When there is more than one potentially liable person, each person is jointly and severally liable for cleanup at the site. Start.