SB 5130
As Amended by House, December 2, 2020
Title: An act relating to increasing transportation revenues to help fund state fish barrier removal.
Brief Description: Increasing transportation revenues to help fund state fish barrier removal.
Sponsors: Senators Rolfes and Salda?a; by request of Office of Financial Management.
Brief History:
Committee Activity: Ways & Means: 1/16/19, 1/22/19 [w/oRec, w/oRec-TRAN].
Transportation: 2/06/19.
Floor Activity:
Brief Summary of Bill
  • bullet
Majority Report: That it be referred without recommendation and be referred to Committee on Transportation.
Signed by Senators Rolfes, Chair; Frockt, Vice Chair, Operating, Capital Lead; Mullet, Capital Budget Cabinet; Braun, Ranking Member; Brown, Assistant Ranking Member, Operating; Honeyford, Assistant Ranking Member, Capital; Bailey, Becker, Billig, Conway, Darneille, Hasegawa, Hunt, Keiser, Liias, Pedersen, Van De Wege, Wagoner, Warnick and Wilson, L.
Minority Report: That it be referred without recommendation and be referred to Committee on Transportation.
Signed by Senator Schoesler.
Background: Background text.
Summary of Bill: Summary text.
Appropriation: None.
Fiscal Note: Not requested.
Creates Committee/Commission/Task Force that includes Legislative members: No.
Effective Date: Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.
Staff Summary of Public Testimony: Summary text.
Persons Testifying: PRO: Scott Merriman, OFM.
CON: James King, Independent Business Association; John Ehrenreich, Wfpa.
OTHER: Jane Wall, WA State Association of Counties; Clay Hill, Association of Washington Business; Carl Schroeder, Association of Washington Cities.
Persons Signed In To Testify But Not Testifying: No one.
EFFECT OF HOUSE AMENDMENT(S): Effect statement text.