Background: There are exemptions from Washington vehicle registration requirements for federally
recognized tribal government license plates, under certain conditions. Current law does not
specifically address tribal license plates issued to an individual tribal member for the member's
personal vehicle.
There are at least two tribes currently providing tribal-issued license plates to individual tribal
members for the member's personal vehicle. In this situation, the Department of Licensing
(DOL) is involved in providing a specific plate configuration recommendation. The particular
tribe then works directly with Department of Corrections' Correctional Industries Program to
design and produce these plates. The DOL does not currently collect any vehicle or owner
information for these plates.
This analysis was prepared by non-partisan legislative staff for the use of legislativemembers in their deliberations. This analysis is not a part of the legislation nor does itconstitute a statement of legislative intent.Under federal law, a state is generally preempted from imposing a tax on tribes or tribal members
on tribal lands. As a result, there are currently several exemptions from vehicle-related taxes and
fees. Some of these exemptions for tribal members residing on tribal lands include:
- sales and use taxes on vehicle purchases;
- transportation benefit district vehicle fees; and
- a motor vehicle excise tax imposed by a Regional Transit Authority.