HB 2412
As Reported by Senate Committee On:
Labor & Commerce, February 25, 2020
Title: An act relating to domestic brewery and microbrewery retail licenses.
Brief Description: Concerning domestic brewery and microbrewery retail licenses.
Sponsors: Representatives Stonier, MacEwen, Blake, Young, Eslick, Riccelli and Wylie.
Brief History: Passed House: 2/18/20, 84-12.
Committee Activity: Labor & Commerce: 2/25/20.
Brief Summary of Bill
  • Provides that nothing in statute prohibits an owner of a licensed domestic brewery or a licensed microbrewery from allowing dogs on the premises of a retail location
  • Increases the number of retail liquor licenses a domestic brewery or microbrewery licensee may hold from two to four.
Staff: Amanda Cecil (786-7460)

Domestic Breweries and Microbreweries. A person may manufacture beer under a domestic brewery license or a microbrewery license. A domestic brewery or microbrewery may also act as a distributor and retailer of beer of its own production. A microbrewery may sell from its premises, for on-premises and off-premises consumption, beer produced by another brewery or cider produced by a winery. Any domestic brewery or microbrewery operating as a distributor or retailer must comply with the applicable laws and rules relating to distributors or retailers, as appropriate.


Retail Licenses. A microbrewery and domestic brewery may also hold up to two retail licenses to operate an on-premises or off-premises tavern, beer and/or wine restaurant, or spirits, beer, and wine restaurant.

Summary of Bill:

The number of retail liquor licenses a domestic brewery licensee or a microbrewery licensee may hold is increased to four. Domestic brewery and microbrewery licensees may obtain any combination of retail liquor licenses available. The domestic brewery and microbrewery licenses are each amended to provide that nothing under statute prohibits the licensee owner from allowing dogs on the premises of a retail location held by the licensee.


  • The domestic brewery and microbrewery licenses are each amended to provide that nothing under statute prohibits the licensee owner from allowing dogs on the premises of a retail location held by the licensee.
  • Test line
Appropriation: None.
Fiscal Note: Not requested.
Creates Committee/Commission/Task Force that includes Legislative members: Yes.
Effective Date: Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.