Washington State
House of Representatives
Office of Program Research
Appropriations Committee
2SHB 1733
Brief Description: Retaining productive farmland.
Sponsors: House Committee on Appropriations (originally sponsored by Representatives Gregerson, Dye, Dent, Blake and Tarleton).
Brief Summary of First Substitute Bill
Hearing Date:
Background: Membership of the State Conservation Commission.
The State Conservation Commission (Conservation Commission) has 10 members: two appointed; three elected; and five ex-officio. Two members are appointed by the Governor, one of which must be a landowner or operator of a farm. The two appointed members serve four-year terms. The three elected members serve three-year terms. One of these members is elected each year by the district supervisors at their annual statewide meeting. One of the members must reside in Eastern Washington, one in Central Washington, and one in Western Washington. At least two of the three elected members must be landowners or operators of a farm.
The ex-officio members of the Conservation Commission are: the Director of the
Department of Ecology, the Director of the Department of Agriculture, the Commissioner of
Public Lands, the President of the Washington Association of Conservation Districts, and the
Dean of the College of Agriculture at Washington State University.
Summary of Bill (First Substitute):
Fiscal Note:
Effective Date: