Washington State
House of Representatives
Office of Program Research
SHB 1041
As Amended by the Senate
Title An act relating to promoting successful reentry by modifying the process for obtaining certificates of discharge and vacating conviction records.

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Summary of Substitute Bill:
Persons Testifying: (In support) Representative Drew Hansen, Prime Sponsor; Russell Brown, WAPA/Executive Director; Dan Satterberg, King County Prosecutor’s Office, WA State Reentry Council; Tamaso Johnson, WA State Coalition Against Domestic Violence; Carolina Landa, Civil Survival; Andre Taylor, Not This Time and De-Escalate Washington; Devitta Briscoe, Community Justice Project; Collin Dow; Crystal Nelson; Portia Linear; Tarra Simmons, Public Defender Association, Civil Survival, WA State Reentry Council; Dominic Jones.
(Other) Ruth Gordon, Washington Association of County Clerks; Alex MacBain, Department of Corrections.