1395-S AMH BOEH H4146.1
SHB 1395 - H AMD 3003
By Representative Boehnke
On page 1, beginning on line 5, strike all of section 1 and insert the following:
"NEW SECTION.  Sec. 1. The purpose of this act is to:
(1) Increase the cost of housing by making direct contractors pay both the subcontractors and the subcontractors' employees for the same work performed by the subcontractors' employees; and
(2) Further increase the cost of housing by making direct contractors the new entities responsible for enforcing state wage laws on behalf of the state of Washington, with the cost being paid by the purchaser of the home, commercial property, or other building or structure."
EFFECT: Strikes the intent section and establishes new intent language stating that the purposes of the act are to:
(1) Increase the cost of housing by making direct contractors pay both the subcontractors and the subcontractors' employees for the same work performed by the subcontractors' employees; and
(2) Further increase the cost of housing by making direct contractors the new entities responsible for enforcing state wage laws on behalf of the state of Washington, with the cost being paid by the purchaser of the home, commercial property, or other building or structure.
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