Washington State Senate 5th Order

Introduction & First Reading
Short Titles and Referrals
2017 Regular Session of the 65th Legislature
CYRUS HABIB, President of the Senate TIM SHELDON, President Pro Tem
HUNTER G. GOODMAN, Secretary of the Senate JIM HONEYFORD, Vice President Pro Tem

SB 5851 By Senator Rossi

Concerning the valuation of motor vehicles for purposes of certain motor vehicle excise taxes.

Referred to Committee on TRANSPORTATION.

SB 5852 By Senator Frockt

Preventing the organized militia of this state from being used to enforce federal immigration laws.

Referred to Committee on LAW & JUSTICE.

SJR 8208 By Senators Fain, Braun, Rivers, Brown, Zeiger, Becker, Wilson, Angel, Bailey, Miloscia, Ericksen, Warnick, Schoesler, Honeyford, Walsh, King, Padden, Sheldon, O'Ban, Rossi, Baumgartner, Short and Fortunato

Requiring the legislature to enact a four-year balanced budget.

Referred to Committee on WAYS & MEANS.


ESHB 1194 By House Committee on State Government, Elections & Information Technology (originally sponsored by Representatives Hayes, Pettigrew, Smith, Springer, Kretz, Schmick, Santos, Short, Haler, Lovick, Riccelli, Blake, Senn, Jinkins, Gregerson, Muri, Frame, Wylie, Kilduff, McBride, Bergquist, Fey, Stambaugh, Ormsby, Farrell and Pollet)

Creating a legislative page scholarship program. (REVISED FOR ENGROSSED: Creating the Gina Grant Bull memorial legislative page scholarship program. )

Referred to Committee on STATE GOVERNMENT.

ESHB 1843 By House Committee on Appropriations (originally sponsored by Representatives Sullivan, Lytton, Jinkins, Orwall, Appleton, Springer, Chapman, Tarleton, Tharinger, Goodman, Farrell, Macri, Ormsby, Fitzgibbon, Slatter, Hudgins, Doglio, Fey, Pollet, Ortiz-Self, Santos and McBride)

Fulfilling the state's paramount duty for all children through equitable and responsible investments in the state's basic education program and reductions to local effort contributions.

Referred to Committee on WAYS & MEANS.

SHB 2106 By House Committee on State Government, Elections & Information Technology (originally sponsored by Representatives Koster, Hudgins, Taylor and Shea)

Concerning election year restrictions on state legislators.

Placed on 2ND READING CALENDAR (Previously known as "Boost").