Washington State Senate 5th Order

Introduction & First Reading
Short Titles and Referrals
2017 Regular Session of the 65th Legislature
CYRUS HABIB, President of the Senate TIM SHELDON, President Pro Tem
HUNTER G. GOODMAN, Secretary of the Senate JIM HONEYFORD, Vice President Pro Tem

SB 5522 By Senators Palumbo, Fain and Nelson

Requiring the department of social and health services to collect and publicly report information on the safe surrender of newborn children.


SB 5523 By Senator Fortunato

Concerning the removal of provisions that are no longer necessary for continued publication in the Revised Code of Washington.

Referred to Committee on STATE GOVERNMENT.

SB 5524 By Senators Hobbs and Honeyford

Removing diking districts in Snohomish county from county surface water management fees.

Referred to Committee on LOCAL GOVERNMENT.

SB 5525 By Senators Wilson, Palumbo, Cleveland, Baumgartner, Zeiger, O'Ban, Liias, Frockt, Schoesler and Hobbs

Concerning veterans' mental health services at institutions of higher education.

Referred to Committee on HIGHER EDUCATION.

SB 5526 By Senators Zeiger and Rolfes

Concerning educator preparation data for use by the professional educator standards board.

Referred to Committee on EARLY LEARNING & K-12 EDUCATION.

SB 5527 By Senators Frockt and Chase

Simplifying and enforcing employee status under employment laws to ensure fairness to employers and employees and address the underground economy.

Referred to Committee on COMMERCE, LABOR & SPORTS.

SB 5528 By Senators Hasegawa, Keiser and Conway

Concerning the employee antiretaliation act.

Referred to Committee on COMMERCE, LABOR & SPORTS.

SB 5529 By Senators Rolfes, Walsh, Fain, Frockt, Zeiger and Hunt

Concerning dual language in early learning and K-12 education.

Referred to Committee on EARLY LEARNING & K-12 EDUCATION.

SB 5530 By Senators Baumgartner and Braun

Concerning labor standards for employees in certain counties.

Referred to Committee on COMMERCE, LABOR & SPORTS.

SB 5531 By Senators Baumgartner, Wilson, Rossi and Braun

Providing reasonable accommodations in the workplace for pregnant women.

Referred to Committee on COMMERCE, LABOR & SPORTS.

SB 5532 By Senator Baumgartner

Concerning labor standards for employees of nonprofit corporations.

Referred to Committee on COMMERCE, LABOR & SPORTS.

SB 5533 By Senators Rossi, Baumgartner, Fortunato, Braun, Brown, Wilson, Becker and Padden

Prohibiting contributions to gubernatorial candidates by entities that collectively bargain with the state.

Referred to Committee on COMMERCE, LABOR & SPORTS.

SB 5534 By Senators Fortunato, Rossi, Zeiger, Braun, Bailey, Sheldon, Fain, Angel, Warnick and Becker

Providing a housing allowance for certificated and classified school staff in school districts with above average residential housing costs.

Referred to Committee on WAYS & MEANS.

SB 5535 By Senator Fortunato

Concerning a property tax exemption for residents eighty years and older.

Referred to Committee on WAYS & MEANS.

SB 5536 By Senator Fortunato

Providing funding for the hunter education training program operated by the department of fish and wildlife through the issuance of national rifle association special license plates.

Referred to Committee on TRANSPORTATION.

SB 5537 By Senators King and Keiser

Authorizing licensed spirits and wine distributors to sell spirits and wine products to their employees in certain circumstances.

Referred to Committee on COMMERCE, LABOR & SPORTS.

SB 5538 By Senators Becker, Mullet, Miloscia, O'Ban, Bailey, Keiser and Cleveland

Concerning health profession licensure fees.

Referred to Committee on HEALTH CARE .

SB 5539 By Senators Billig, Padden, Pedersen and Baumgartner

Creating a pilot program for the supervision of motor vehicle-related felonies.

Referred to Committee on LAW & JUSTICE.

SB 5540 By Senators Walsh, Darneille, Rivers and Braun

Creating an oral health pilot program for adults with diabetes and pregnant women.

Referred to Committee on HEALTH CARE .

SB 5541 By Senator Baumgartner

Addressing teen wages.

Referred to Committee on COMMERCE, LABOR & SPORTS.

SB 5542 By Senator Darneille

Concerning overwater residences within a historic district listed in the Washington heritage register.


SB 5543 By Senators Padden and Baumgartner

Concerning a reexamination of the classification of land in flood control districts.

Referred to Committee on LOCAL GOVERNMENT.

SB 5544 By Senators Billig and Baumgartner

Extending the expiration date on the health sciences and services authority sales and use tax authorization.

Referred to Committee on WAYS & MEANS.

SB 5545 By Senators Wilson, Braun and Rossi

Requiring public employee collective bargaining sessions to be open meetings.

Referred to Committee on COMMERCE, LABOR & SPORTS.

SB 5546 By Senators Hawkins, McCoy, Fortunato, Pearson, Braun, Sheldon, Rivers and O'Ban

Concerning proactively addressing wildfire risk by creating a forest health treatment assessment.

Referred to Committee on NATURAL RESOURCES & PARKS.

SB 5547 By Senators Rolfes and Rivers; by request of Professional Educator Standards Board

Concerning the confidentiality of educator professional growth plans.

Referred to Committee on EARLY LEARNING & K-12 EDUCATION.

SB 5548 By Senators Rivers and Rolfes; by request of Professional Educator Standards Board

Authorizing reimbursement for substitute teachers participating in activities of the Washington state professional educator standards board to carry out its powers and duties.

Referred to Committee on EARLY LEARNING & K-12 EDUCATION.

SB 5549 By Senators Honeyford, Hunt and King

Addressing the performance of personal services by members of the liquor industry to retailers.

Referred to Committee on COMMERCE, LABOR & SPORTS.

SB 5550 By Senators Rossi, Baumgartner, Bailey, Braun, Brown, Honeyford, Wilson and Becker

Authorizing state agencies and institutions of higher education to contract for services.

Referred to Committee on COMMERCE, LABOR & SPORTS.

SB 5551 By Senators Rossi, Baumgartner, Braun, Bailey, Brown, Becker, Honeyford and Wilson

Requiring periodic certification elections for labor unions representing public employees.

Referred to Committee on COMMERCE, LABOR & SPORTS.

SB 5552 By Senators Pedersen, Zeiger, Frockt, Takko, O'Ban, Fain and Hobbs

Concerning firearms sales and transfers.

Referred to Committee on LAW & JUSTICE.

SB 5553 By Senators Pedersen, Fain, Frockt, Takko, Hobbs and Zeiger

Preventing suicide by permitting the voluntary waiver of firearm rights.

Referred to Committee on LAW & JUSTICE.

SB 5554 By Senators Hobbs, Rivers, Cleveland and Fain

Addressing private health plan coverage of contraceptives.

Referred to Committee on HEALTH CARE .

SB 5555 By Senators Wellman, Kuderer, Saldaña, Cleveland, Hasegawa, Carlyle, McCoy, Nelson, Keiser, Rolfes, Darneille and Chase

Addressing wage and salary information.

Referred to Committee on COMMERCE, LABOR & SPORTS.

SB 5556 By Senators Hunt, Miloscia, Hawkins, Palumbo, Zeiger, Walsh and Liias

Providing an enhanced retirement benefit for public employees' and teachers' retirement system plans 1.

Referred to Committee on WAYS & MEANS.

SB 5557 By Senators Rivers and Takko

Extending the sales tax exemption for clay targets purchased by a nonprofit gun club.

Referred to Committee on WAYS & MEANS.

SB 5558 By Senators Darneille, O'Ban and Angel; by request of Department of Corrections

Issuing a two-year identicard for offenders released from prison facilities.

Referred to Committee on LAW & JUSTICE.

SB 5559 By Senators Darneille, Saldaña, Hasegawa, Wellman, Cleveland, Palumbo, Keiser and McCoy

Implementing a vulnerable youth guardianship program.


SB 5560 By Senators Brown, Palumbo and Walsh

Creating a special permit for certain wine auctions.

Referred to Committee on COMMERCE, LABOR & SPORTS.

SB 5561 By Senators Fortunato, Zeiger, Padden, Hawkins and Brown

Regulating disclosure of information regarding treatment or care of minors.

Referred to Committee on HEALTH CARE .

SB 5562 By Senator Fortunato

Providing flexibility to school districts by authorizing school district waivers.

Referred to Committee on EARLY LEARNING & K-12 EDUCATION.

SB 5563 By Senators Fortunato, Hawkins and Brown

Providing flexibility to school districts to reduce costs related to compliance with truancy laws.


SB 5564 By Senators Fortunato, King, O'Ban and Hawkins

Concerning vehicle taxation.

Referred to Committee on TRANSPORTATION.

SB 5565 By Senator Warnick

Concerning employment laws regarding transportation contractors, including the definition of "truck."

Referred to Committee on COMMERCE, LABOR & SPORTS.

SB 5566 By Senators Kuderer, Pedersen, Keiser, Hasegawa and Billig

Concerning admissibility of mental health evidence in claims for noneconomic damages under certain civil rights laws.

Referred to Committee on LAW & JUSTICE.

SB 5567 By Senator Miloscia

Implementing the education sector excellence assessment framework.

Referred to Committee on EARLY LEARNING & K-12 EDUCATION.

SB 5568 By Senators Liias, Palumbo, Frockt, Ranker, Wellman, McCoy, Kuderer, Conway, Cleveland, Nelson, Billig, Hunt and Hasegawa

Freezing tuition at institutions of higher education.

Referred to Committee on HIGHER EDUCATION.

SB 5569 By Senators Angel, Sheldon, Rivers and Padden

Concerning protected classes in housing.

Referred to Committee on LAW & JUSTICE.

SJR 8204 By Senators Fortunato, Angel, Rossi, Bailey, Braun, Sheldon, Schoesler, Becker, Warnick and Baumgartner

Amending the Constitution to prohibit the taxation of individual income.

Referred to Committee on WAYS & MEANS.

SJR 8205 By Senators Miloscia, Baumgartner, O'Ban, Becker, Bailey and Warnick

Amending the Constitution concerning religious matters.

Referred to Committee on STATE GOVERNMENT.