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Washington State Senate | 5th Order | |
Introduction & First Reading Short Titles and Referrals |
2017 Regular Session of the 65th Legislature |
CYRUS HABIB, President of the Senate | TIM SHELDON, President Pro Tem | ||
HUNTER G. GOODMAN, Secretary of the Senate | JIM HONEYFORD, Vice President Pro Tem | ||
FRIDAY, JANUARY 20, 2017 | 12TH DAY | ||
SB 5316 | By Senators Fortunato, Rossi, Rivers, Miloscia, Padden, Becker, Braun, Angel, Warnick, Schoesler, Brown and Zeiger Concerning the removal of provisions that are no longer necessary for continued publication in the Revised Code of Washington. Referred to Committee on STATE GOVERNMENT. |
SB 5317 | By Senator Angel Concerning the payment of certain required costs of the Tacoma Narrows toll bridge. Referred to Committee on TRANSPORTATION. |
SB 5318 | By Senators Hunt, Takko, Warnick and Brown Promoting agriculture science education in schools. Referred to Committee on EARLY LEARNING & K-12 EDUCATION. |
SB 5319 | By Senators Brown and McCoy; by request of Department of Health Transferring authority for low-level radioactive waste management from the department of ecology to the department of health. Referred to Committee on ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT & TELECOMMUNICATIONS. |
SB 5320 | By Senators Padden, Warnick, Angel, Rivers, Fortunato, Miloscia, O'Ban, Wilson, Braun, Becker, Brown, Baumgartner, Bailey, Honeyford, Pearson and Zeiger Requiring notification to parents or guardians in cases of abortion. Referred to Committee on LAW & JUSTICE. |
SB 5321 | By Senators Rivers, Liias, Darneille, Miloscia, Becker, Warnick and Honeyford Concerning parental rights and responsibilities of sexual assault perpetrators and survivors. Referred to Committee on LAW & JUSTICE. |
SB 5322 | By Senators King, Frockt, Miloscia, Bailey, Conway, Hobbs and Becker Concerning agreements between dentists and third parties that provide supportive services to dentists. Referred to Committee on HEALTH CARE . |
SB 5323 | By Senators Rivers and Takko; by request of Department of Agriculture Creating a voluntary marijuana production standard and certification program. Referred to Committee on AGRICULTURE, WATER, TRADE & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. |
SB 5324 | By Senators Takko and Rivers; by request of Department of Agriculture Adding authority to the department of agriculture to regulate sanitary processing of marijuana-infused edibles. Referred to Committee on AGRICULTURE, WATER, TRADE & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. |
SB 5325 | By Senators Zeiger and Conway Clarifying the authority of a nurse working in a school setting. Referred to Committee on EARLY LEARNING & K-12 EDUCATION. |
SB 5326 | By Senators Pearson, Walsh and Brown Regarding disclosure and use of personal information of employees and volunteers of law enforcement and employees and volunteers of the department of corrections. Referred to Committee on LAW & JUSTICE. |
SB 5327 | By Senators Angel and Padden Clarifying the duties of court clerks. Referred to Committee on LAW & JUSTICE. |
SB 5328 | By Senators Honeyford, Hobbs, Bailey, Becker, Miloscia, Angel, Brown, Sheldon, Rivers, Warnick and Rossi Creating a community aviation revitalization board. Referred to Committee on WAYS & MEANS. |
SB 5329 | By Senators Honeyford, Becker, Bailey, Angel, Rivers, Warnick and Rossi Exempting the state of Washington from daylight saving time and implementing year-round Pacific Standard Time. Referred to Committee on STATE GOVERNMENT. |
SB 5330 | By Senators Zeiger, Palumbo, Fain, Mullet, King, Hobbs, Liias, Wellman and Miloscia Implementing public-private partnership best practices for nontoll transportation projects. Referred to Committee on TRANSPORTATION. |
SB 5331 | By Senators Takko and Warnick Concerning irrigation district administration. Referred to Committee on AGRICULTURE, WATER, TRADE & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. |
SB 5332 | By Senators Warnick, Takko and Sheldon Extending the expiration date of the public utility tax exemption for certain electrolytic processing businesses. Referred to Committee on ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT & TELECOMMUNICATIONS. |
SB 5333 | By Senators Miloscia, Liias, Zeiger and Pearson; by request of Secretary of State Modifying presidential primary provisions. Referred to Committee on STATE GOVERNMENT. |
SB 5334 | By Senators Zeiger, Liias, Walsh and Kuderer; by request of Secretary of State Concerning voter registration. Referred to Committee on STATE GOVERNMENT. |
SB 5335 | By Senators Fain, Billig, Zeiger and Walsh; by request of Secretary of State Collecting voter registration sign up information for persons seventeen years of age during the period one year prior to attaining eighteen years of age including the designation of voter registration locations and voter sign up locations. Referred to Committee on STATE GOVERNMENT. |
SB 5336 | By Senators Miloscia, Hunt, Zeiger and Kuderer; by request of Secretary of State Criminalizing damaging, destroying, tampering, or removing ballot return boxes or contents. Referred to Committee on LAW & JUSTICE. |
SB 5337 | By Senators Miloscia, Hunt, Zeiger and Kuderer; by request of Secretary of State Modifying declaration of candidacy provisions. Referred to Committee on STATE GOVERNMENT. |
SB 5338 | By Senators Wilson and Takko Concerning registration enforcement for off-road vehicles and snowmobiles. Referred to Committee on TRANSPORTATION. |
SB 5339 | By Senators O'Ban, Padden, Miloscia, King, Schoesler, Zeiger, Becker, Baumgartner, Rossi, Wilson, Sheldon, Angel, Honeyford, Braun and Warnick Accommodating the civil rights of religious objectors to mandatory payments to labor organizations. Referred to Committee on COMMERCE, LABOR & SPORTS. |
SB 5340 | By Senators Keiser and Baumgartner; by request of Department of Labor & Industries Concerning class B elevator work permits. Referred to Committee on COMMERCE, LABOR & SPORTS. |
SB 5341 | By Senators King and Baumgartner; by request of Department of Labor & Industries Modifying monetary penalties imposed for infractions relating to mobile and manufactured home installation. Referred to Committee on COMMERCE, LABOR & SPORTS. |
SB 5342 | By Senators King, Takko, Pearson and Pedersen; by request of Parks and Recreation Commission Concerning the distribution of monetary penalties to local courts and state agencies paid for failure to comply with discover pass requirements. Referred to Committee on NATURAL RESOURCES & PARKS. |
SB 5343 | By Senators Warnick and Takko Concerning notice sent by and certain release of information affecting registered tow truck operators. Referred to Committee on TRANSPORTATION. |
SB 5344 | By Senators Fain, Walsh, Baumgartner and Rivers Enhancing enforcement of the equal pay act. Referred to Committee on COMMERCE, LABOR & SPORTS. |
SB 5345 | By Senators Walsh, Kuderer, Sheldon, Takko, Miloscia, Zeiger and Honeyford Creating Imagine special license plates. Referred to Committee on TRANSPORTATION. |
SB 5346 | By Senators Walsh, Rolfes, Zeiger, Hobbs, Warnick, Pedersen, Nelson, Darneille, Kuderer, Hunt, Keiser, McCoy and Honeyford Creating a legislative page scholarship program. Referred to Committee on STATE GOVERNMENT. |
SB 5347 | By Senator Walsh Concerning the definition of work activity for the purposes of the WorkFirst program. Referred to Committee on HUMAN SERVICES, MENTAL HEALTH & HOUSING. |
SB 5348 | By Senators Fain, Rolfes, Zeiger, Darneille and Conway Concerning students who receive special education services who earn certificates of individual achievement. Referred to Committee on EARLY LEARNING & K-12 EDUCATION. |
SB 5349 | By Senators Cleveland, Billig, Rivers, Conway, Keiser, Saldaña and Hasegawa Concerning elder justice centers. Referred to Committee on HEALTH CARE . |
SB 5350 | By Senators Fortunato, Padden, O'Ban, Braun, Angel, Schoesler and Brown Establishing deadlines for final determinations and dispositions in agency adjudicative proceedings. Referred to Committee on LAW & JUSTICE. |
SB 5351 | By Senators Rivers and Cleveland; by request of Department of Health Concerning dental professions. Referred to Committee on HEALTH CARE . |
SB 5352 | By Senators Rivers and Cleveland; by request of Department of Health Increasing the number of members on the board of osteopathic medicine and surgery. Referred to Committee on HEALTH CARE . |
SB 5353 | By Senators Rivers and Cleveland; by request of Department of Health Concerning foundational public health services. Referred to Committee on HEALTH CARE . |
SB 5354 | By Senators Miloscia, Carlyle, Walsh, Darneille, Pedersen, Billig, Kuderer, Hunt, Hasegawa and Ranker; by request of Attorney General Reducing criminal justice expenses by eliminating the death penalty and instead requiring life imprisonment without possibility of release or parole as the sentence for aggravated first degree murder. Referred to Committee on LAW & JUSTICE. |
SB 5355 | By Senators Conway, Rivers, Cleveland, Keiser, Kuderer, Hasegawa and Saldaña Expanding the use of telemedicine to improve access to care for injured workers. Referred to Committee on COMMERCE, LABOR & SPORTS. |
SB 5356 | By Senators Fain, Palumbo, Miloscia, Frockt, Bailey, Rolfes and Angel Concerning the humane treatment of dogs. Referred to Committee on LAW & JUSTICE. |
SB 5357 | By Senators Ranker, Fain, Billig, Sheldon, Hunt, Palumbo, Zeiger, Hobbs, Rolfes, Pearson, Rivers, Carlyle, Saldaña, Walsh and Liias Establishing a pilot project to license outdoor early learning and child care programs. Referred to Committee on EARLY LEARNING & K-12 EDUCATION. |
SB 5358 | By Senators Schoesler and Ranker Improving tax and licensing laws administered by the department of revenue, but not including changes to tax laws that are estimated to affect state or local tax collections as reflected in any fiscal note prepared and approved under the process established in chapter 43.88A RCW. Referred to Committee on WAYS & MEANS. |
SB 5359 | By Senators Conway, Zeiger, Bailey, Rolfes and Hobbs Requiring annual reporting on the implementation of laws to streamline licensing processes for military service members and their spouses. Referred to Committee on STATE GOVERNMENT. |
SB 5360 | By Senators Bailey, Rivers, Cleveland, Darneille, Brown, O'Ban, Conway, Walsh, Rolfes, Zeiger, Hasegawa, Keiser and Wellman Reducing training requirements for developmental disability respite providers working three hundred hours or less in any calendar year. Referred to Committee on HEALTH CARE . |
SB 5361 | By Senators Bailey, Mullet, Zeiger, Palumbo, Fain, Frockt and Carlyle Concerning the opportunity scholarship program. Referred to Committee on HIGHER EDUCATION. |
SB 5362 | By Senators Braun, Mullet, Baumgartner, Liias and Rossi Providing an exemption from unemployment compensation for certain providers of commercial transportation services. Referred to Committee on COMMERCE, LABOR & SPORTS. |
SB 5363 | By Senators Walsh, Frockt, Rivers, Fain, Carlyle, Darneille, Miloscia and Warnick Concerning the appointment of counsel for youth in dependency court proceedings. Referred to Committee on HUMAN SERVICES, MENTAL HEALTH & HOUSING. |
SB 5364 | By Senators Palumbo, Angel, Takko and Zeiger Removing disincentives to the voluntary formation of regional fire protection service authorities by establishing parity, equalizing certain provisions with existing laws governing fire protection districts, and clarifying the formation process. Referred to Committee on LOCAL GOVERNMENT. |
SB 5365 | By Senators King, Hobbs, Liias and Wilson; by request of Department of Transportation Concerning relocation assistance for persons displaced by agency property acquisitions. Referred to Committee on TRANSPORTATION. |
SB 5366 | By Senators Hobbs, King and Liias; by request of Department of Transportation Concerning the authorization of and deposit of moneys from department of transportation advertising activities. Referred to Committee on TRANSPORTATION. |
SB 5367 | By Senators Becker and Warnick Modifying the pupil transportation funding formula to address underfunded school districts that operate pupil transportation efficiently. Referred to Committee on EARLY LEARNING & K-12 EDUCATION. |
SB 5368 | By Senators Becker, Rivers, O'Ban, Brown, Sheldon, Angel, Bailey, Braun, Warnick and Honeyford Limiting the authority to seek medicaid waivers. Referred to Committee on HEALTH CARE . |
SB 5369 | By Senators Becker, Cleveland, Rivers, Keiser, Bailey, Angel and Warnick Concerning the practice of naturopathy. Referred to Committee on HEALTH CARE . |
SB 5370 | By Senators Becker, Bailey, Rivers, O'Ban, Fain, Zeiger, Brown, Fortunato, Warnick, Miloscia and Angel Concerning federal funding programs requiring changes in state law. Referred to Committee on WAYS & MEANS. |
SB 5371 | By Senators Becker, Rivers, Brown, Braun, Angel, Warnick and Honeyford Protecting public sector workers' rights through public disclosure of public sector unions' finances. Referred to Committee on COMMERCE, LABOR & SPORTS. |
SB 5372 | By Senators Becker, Rivers, Brown, Miloscia, O'Ban, Zeiger and Angel Addressing state audit findings of noncompliance with state law. Referred to Committee on STATE GOVERNMENT. |
SB 5373 | By Senators Becker, Angel, Rivers, Brown, Miloscia, Fortunato, Bailey and Zeiger Concerning the recruitment and retention of Washington state patrol officers. Referred to Committee on TRANSPORTATION. |
SB 5374 | By Senators Becker, Bailey, Rivers, Brown, Miloscia, O'Ban, Warnick, Angel, Honeyford, Padden and Braun Concerning state employee whistleblower protection. Referred to Committee on LAW & JUSTICE. |
SB 5375 | By Senators Fain, Braun, Angel, Brown, Becker, O'Ban, Miloscia, Schoesler, Bailey, Sheldon, Warnick, King, Rivers, Fortunato, Rossi, Baumgartner, Wilson, Honeyford, Padden and Zeiger Renaming the cancer research endowment authority to the Andy Hill cancer research endowment. Referred to Committee on HEALTH CARE . |
SB 5376 | By Senators Sheldon and Padden Modifying indigent defense provisions. Referred to Committee on LAW & JUSTICE. |
SB 5377 | By Senator Sheldon Modifying certain vote count requirements for homeowners' associations. Referred to Committee on FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS & INSURANCE. |
SB 5378 | By Senators Sheldon, Dansel, Hasegawa and Conway Modifying the operation of motorcycles on roadways laned for traffic. Referred to Committee on TRANSPORTATION. |
SB 5379 | By Senator McCoy Constructing all new public buildings with cross-laminated timber. Referred to Committee on STATE GOVERNMENT. |