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Washington State Senate | ||
Introduction and First Reading of Bills, Memorials, Joint Resolutions and Concurrent Resolutions |
2017 Regular Session of the 65th Legislature |
CYRUS HABIB, President of the Senate | TIM SHELDON, President Pro Tem | ||
HUNTER G. GOODMAN, Secretary of the Senate | JIM HONEYFORD, Vice President Pro Tem | ||
February 3, 2017 - Friday | 26TH DAY | ||
SB 5693 | By Senator Darneille Concerning removal of juvenile convictions or adjudications from sexually violent predator status under RCW 71.09.030. Referred to Committee on LAW & JUSTICE. |
SB 5694 | By Senator Darneille Concerning the sealing of juvenile records. Referred to Committee on HUMAN SERVICES, MENTAL HEALTH & HOUSING. |
SB 5695 | By Senators Darneille and Hunt Concerning the development of a juvenile special sex offender disposition alternative treatment court. Referred to Committee on HUMAN SERVICES, MENTAL HEALTH & HOUSING. |
SB 5696 | By Senators Wellman, Fain, Warnick, Walsh and Zeiger Concerning breakfast after the bell programs. Referred to Committee on EARLY LEARNING & K-12 EDUCATION. |
SB 5697 | By Senators Rivers, Cleveland, Conway, Keiser and Bailey Developing a standardized prescription drug benefit package for individual and small group market offerings. Referred to Committee on HEALTH CARE . |
SB 5698 | By Senators Rivers and Liias Concerning cannabis health and beauty aids. Referred to Committee on HEALTH CARE . |
SB 5699 | By Senators Rivers and Mullet Addressing pharmacy appeals of payments made by pharmacy benefit managers. Referred to Committee on HEALTH CARE . |
SB 5700 | By Senators Ranker, Rivers, Liias, Pedersen and Darneille Requiring training for long-term care providers on the needs of the LGBTQ population. Referred to Committee on HEALTH CARE . |
SB 5701 | By Senators Frockt, Keiser, Chase, Hasegawa, Darneille, Ranker, McCoy, Kuderer, Saldaña, Conway and Hunt Creating the Washington apple care trust. Referred to Committee on HEALTH CARE . |
SB 5702 | By Senators Keiser, Honeyford and Frockt Improving state funding for school construction, modernization, and asset preservation. Referred to Committee on WAYS & MEANS. |
SB 5703 | By Senator Padden Establishing a special allegation for habitual property offenders. Referred to Committee on LAW & JUSTICE. |
SB 5704 | By Senator Becker Concerning the modification of the disposable income calculation for the property tax exemption for senior citizens, disabled veterans, and disabled retired persons. Referred to Committee on WAYS & MEANS. |
SB 5705 | By Senators Becker, O'Ban, Rivers, Bailey, Miloscia, Schoesler, Warnick, Brown, Zeiger and Honeyford Concerning inspection and review of state contracted behavioral health and recovery agencies. Referred to Committee on HUMAN SERVICES, MENTAL HEALTH & HOUSING. |
SB 5706 | By Senators Becker, Rivers, Bailey, Brown, O'Ban, Fortunato and Warnick Addressing parent-initiated behavioral health treatment for children aged thirteen to seventeen years old. Referred to Committee on HUMAN SERVICES, MENTAL HEALTH & HOUSING. |
SB 5707 | By Senators Rossi, Palumbo, Miloscia, Mullet, Rivers, Sheldon, Pearson and Zeiger Authorizing the replacement of Interstate 405 express toll lanes with a general purpose lane and a high occupancy vehicle lane. Referred to Committee on TRANSPORTATION. |
SB 5708 | By Senator Walsh Creating a competitive equipment assistance grant program to enhance student nutrition in public schools. Referred to Committee on EARLY LEARNING & K-12 EDUCATION. |
SB 5709 | By Senator Miloscia Providing notification to parents when a minor accesses behavioral health services. Referred to Committee on HUMAN SERVICES, MENTAL HEALTH & HOUSING. |
SB 5710 | By Senators Kuderer and Palumbo Concerning penalties awarded for violations of the public records act. Referred to Committee on STATE GOVERNMENT. |
SB 5711 | By Senators Ericksen, Hobbs, Honeyford and Palumbo Concerning telecommunications services. Referred to Committee on ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT & TELECOMMUNICATIONS. |
SB 5712 | By Senators Zeiger, Frockt, Saldaña, Warnick, Fain, Walsh, Bailey, Hawkins, Baumgartner, Braun, Schoesler, Hasegawa, Billig, Mullet and Rolfes Developing a bilingual educational workforce. Referred to Committee on EARLY LEARNING & K-12 EDUCATION. |
SB 5713 | By Senators Palumbo, Wilson, Zeiger and King Creating the skilled worker outreach, recruitment, and key training program. Referred to Committee on HIGHER EDUCATION. |
SB 5714 | By Senator McCoy Extending the duration of the social emotional learning benchmarks work group to complete additional work. Referred to Committee on EARLY LEARNING & K-12 EDUCATION. |
HB 1018 | By Representatives Dent, Gregerson, Hargrove, Tarleton, Pike and Klippert Modifying the maximum amount for grants provided to airports and air navigation facilities. Referred to Committee on TRANSPORTATION. |
HB 1053 | By Representatives Reeves, Vick, Kirby, Ormsby, Gregerson and Tarleton Addressing the Washington state credit union act. Referred to Committee on FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS & INSURANCE. |
HB 1064 | By Representatives Morris, Smith, Doglio and Hudgins; by request of Utilities & Transportation Commission Removing expiration dates, obsolete dates, and an outdated statutory reference from the enforcement provisions of the underground utility damage prevention act. Referred to Committee on ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT & TELECOMMUNICATIONS. |
HB 1069 | By Representatives Jinkins, Appleton, Kirby, Fey and Cody Concerning procedures for enforcing outpatient civil commitment orders. Referred to Committee on LAW & JUSTICE. |
HB 1091 | By Representatives Appleton, Ormsby, Stanford, McDonald, Dolan, Doglio, Gregerson, Kilduff, Santos, Tarleton, Pollet and Peterson Authorizing tribal court judges to solemnize marriages. Referred to Committee on LAW & JUSTICE. |
HB 1107 | By Representatives Haler, Wylie, Riccelli, Shea, Stanford, Robinson, Fey, Tarleton and Pollet Eliminating the term "branch" as an identifying factor for extensions of the public institutions of higher education. Referred to Committee on HIGHER EDUCATION. |
HB 1125 | By Representatives Condotta, Sawyer and Vick Limiting the total number of retail marijuana licenses that may be held by a retailer and co-owners. Referred to Committee on COMMERCE, LABOR & SPORTS. |
HB 1139 | By Representatives Kilduff, Rodne, Jinkins and Muri; by request of Board For Judicial Administration Concerning the methods of services provided by the office of public guardianship. Referred to Committee on LAW & JUSTICE. |
HB 1150 | By Representatives DeBolt and Blake; by request of Department of Ecology Clarifying procedures for appointment to the Chehalis board created by chapter 194, Laws of 2016. Referred to Committee on ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT & TELECOMMUNICATIONS. |
HB 1162 | By Representatives Kilduff, Muri, Rodne, Jinkins, Orwall and McDonald Concerning requirements for providing notice regarding court review of initial detention decisions under the involuntary treatment act. Referred to Committee on LAW & JUSTICE. |