This publication includes digest and history for bills, joint memorials, joint resolutions, concurrent resolutions, initiatives, and substitutes. Engrossed measures may be republished if the amendment makes a substantive change. Electronic versions of Legislative Digests are available at HB 1080 by Representatives Tharinger and DeBolt; by request of Office of Financial Management Concerning state general obligation bonds and related accounts. Authorizes the state finance committee to issue general obligation bonds to provide funds to finance the projects described and authorized by the legislature in the omnibus capital and operating appropriations acts for the 2017-2019 fiscal biennium.
HB 1081 by Representatives Vick and Kirby Authorizing funeral planning and funeral services as noninsurance benefits under group life and disability insurance policies. Authorizes life insurers and disability insurers, with prior approval of the insurance commissioner, to include funeral planning and funeral services as part of a policy or certificate of group life insurance or group disability insurance, as applicable.
HB 1082 by Representatives Manweller, Condotta, and Buys Prohibiting regulation of the amount of rent for commercial properties. Prohibits a city or town from enacting, maintaining, or enforcing ordinances or other provisions which regulate the amount of rent to be charged for commercial rental structures or sites other than properties in public ownership or properties under public management.
HB 1083 by Representatives Manweller and Condotta Creating an exemption from the intents and affidavits requirements when paying prevailing wages. Exempts contractors and subcontractors from the requirement to submit a statement of intent to pay prevailing wages and an affidavit of wages paid for certain contract amounts.
HB 1084 by Representatives Shea, McCaslin, Buys, and Van Werven Identifying certain water rights held by municipal water suppliers as water rights available for municipal water supply purposes. Requires the department of ecology, if certain conditions are met and if requested by a municipal water supplier, to amend the water right documents and related records to identify irrigation purpose of use water rights or agricultural irrigation purpose of use water rights as being for municipal water supply purposes without reducing the amount of water available under the water rights.
HB 1085 by Representatives Blake, Vick, J. Walsh, Chapman, Buys, and McBride Regulating the minimum dimensions of habitable spaces in single-family residential areas. Authorizes amendments to the uniform building code that: (1) Eliminate any minimum gross floor area requirement for single-family detached dwellings; or(2) Provide a minimum gross floor area requirement below the minimum performance standards and objectives contained in the state building code.
HB 1086 by Representatives Blake, J. Walsh, Springer, Wilcox, and Hargrove Promoting the completion of environmental impact statements within two years. Requires a lead agency to aspire to prepare a final environmental impact statement in as expeditious a manner as possible while not compromising the integrity of the analysis.
HB 1087 by Representatives Appleton and Macri Reducing the penalty for possession of controlled substances. Revises the uniform controlled substances act to reduce the penalty for possession of controlled substances.
HB 1088 by Representatives Appleton, Ormsby, and Jinkins Allowing for more than one vacation of a misdemeanor and gross misdemeanor conviction. Authorizes a person to apply to the sentencing court for, and the court may grant, vacation of the records of conviction for more than one misdemeanor or gross misdemeanor offense at one time, unless otherwise prohibited.
HB 1089 by Representatives Appleton and Fitzgibbon Amending the schedule for updates to the comprehensive plan of Kitsap county. Revises the growth management act with regard to the schedule for updates to the comprehensive plan of Kitsap county.
HB 1090 by Representatives Appleton, Stanford, Goodman, Frame, Buys, Gregerson, and Peterson Concerning breed-based dog regulations. Prohibits a city or county from prohibiting the possession of a dog based upon its breed, imposing requirements specific to possession of a dog based upon its breed, or declaring a dog dangerous or potentially dangerous based upon its breed unless certain conditions are met.
HB 1091 by Representatives Appleton, Ormsby, Stanford, McDonald, Dolan, Doglio, Gregerson, Kilduff, Santos, Tarleton, Pollet, and Peterson Authorizing tribal court judges to solemnize marriages. Authorizes the judge of a tribal court to solemnize marriages.
HB 1092 by Representative Appleton Authorizing home production of recreational marijuana. Allows the possession of no more that six marijuana plants and up to twenty-four ounces of useable marijuana harvested from lawfully grown plants if the person in possession is at least twenty-one years old.Allows the possession of no more than twelve marijuana plants and forty-eight ounces of useable marijuana, in the aggregate, by the adult residents of a single housing unit, regardless of the number of persons who are at least twenty-one years old residing in the housing unit.
HB 1093 by Representatives Appleton, Ormsby, Jinkins, Stanford, Dolan, Santos, Pollet, and Peterson Clarifying legal financial obligation provisions. Provides that if a court determines that an offender is homeless or a person who is mentally ill, failure to pay towards a legal financial obligation that is a condition or requirement of a sentence is not willful noncompliance and shall not subject the offender to penalties.
HB 1094 by Representatives Sawyer, Kirby, Stonier, Condotta, Appleton, Farrell, Frame, Macri, and Kloba Concerning medical marijuana patients and their employers. Revises the medical use of cannabis act to prohibit an employer from refusing to hire a qualifying patient, discharging or barring a qualifying patient from employment, or discriminating against a qualifying patient in compensation or other terms and conditions of employment because of the qualifying patient's: (1) Status as a qualifying patient; or(2) Positive drug test for marijuana components or metabolites.
HB 1095 by Representatives Appleton, Pollet, and Peterson Concerning antifreeze products. Changes requirements for wholesale containers of fifty-five gallons or more of engine coolant or antifreeze.
HB 1096 by Representatives Appleton, Chapman, and Dolan Removing the limit on the total number of marijuana retail outlets that may be licensed. Eliminates the limit on the total number of marijuana retail outlets that may be licensed or medical marijuana endorsements that may be issued in the state or in any county, city, or town.Allows the state liquor and cannabis board to establish a limit on the total number of marijuana licenses that an individual licensee and all other persons or entities with a financial or other ownership interest in the business operating under the license may hold, in the aggregate.
HB 1097 by Representatives Sawyer, Hansen, Fitzgibbon, Stanford, Jinkins, Frame, Gregerson, Santos, Tarleton, and Pollet Concerning tribal consultation regarding hunting rights and activities. Authorizes the governing body of any tribal government of a tribe with federally recognized hunting rights within the state to request a consultation with the governor and the fish and wildlife commission regarding a specific fish and wildlife department policy, rule, or action that affects tribal hunting rights.Requires the governor to convene a meeting within thirty days of receiving the request.Requires the fish and wildlife commission to attend the meeting or delegate the responsibility to the director of the department of fish and wildlife, when agreed upon by the requesting tribe.
HB 1098 by Representatives Sawyer, Kirby, and Condotta Establishing a process for qualifying patients age eighteen and over and designated providers to purchase their lawful marijuana plants and seeds from marijuana retailers with a medical marijuana endorsement. Allows certain qualifying patients and designated providers to purchase lawful marijuana plants and seeds from marijuana retailers with a medical marijuana endorsement.
HB 1099 by Representatives Sawyer, Condotta, and Kirby Addressing local governments' unofficial moratoria on state-licensed marijuana retail outlets. Addresses a local government's unofficial moratoria on state-licensed marijuana retail outlets.
HB 1100 by Representatives Taylor, Blake, Shea, Harmsworth, Condotta, Short, Volz, Van Werven, Irwin, Hargrove, and Buys Concerning concealed pistol license renewal notices. Requires the department of licensing, approximately ninety days before a concealed pistol license expiration date, to mail a renewal notice to the licensee.Creates the concealed pistol license renewal notification account.
HB 1101 by Representatives Taylor, McCaslin, J. Walsh, Shea, Griffey, and Buys Simplifying the population growth criteria for planning required by the growth management act. Revises the growth management act to simplify the population growth criteria for planning required by the act.
HB 1102 by Representatives Taylor, Goodman, Shea, McCaslin, Young, J. Walsh, Condotta, Smith, and Buys Concerning technology-enhanced government surveillance. Prohibits a state agency from procuring an extraordinary sensing device unless money is expressly appropriated by the legislature for that specific purpose.Prohibits a local agency from procuring an extraordinary sensing device without the explicit approval of the governing body of the locality, given for that specific extraordinary sensing device to be used for a specific purpose.
HB 1103 by Representatives Taylor, Shea, McCaslin, Volz, Condotta, Short, and Buys Concerning the transfer of federal land to the state. Establishes the transfer of public lands act.Creates the joint select committee on the transfer of public lands to: (1) Prepare certain proposed legislation, with guidance from other interested parties and stakeholders, including creating a public lands commission; and(2) Study any issues related to public lands as determined by the commissioner of public lands and the attorney general.
HB 1104 by Representatives Taylor, Shea, Short, McCaslin, Condotta, Pike, Holy, and Buys Concerning unlawful entry onto private property. Establishes the following crimes: Trespassing to unlawfully collect resource data from private land; unlawfully collecting resource data if he or she enters onto private land and collects resource data from private land; and trespassing to access adjacent or proximate land.
HB 1105 by Representatives Stanford, Orcutt, Clibborn, Stambaugh, Hayes, Stonier, Koster, Holy, Ryu, Ormsby, Fey, Wylie, Dolan, Sells, Muri, Haler, Goodman, Doglio, Hudgins, Gregerson, Barkis, Kilduff, Santos, Tarleton, Pollet, Farrell, and Riccelli Concerning passenger-carrying vehicles for railroad employees. Requires the utilities and transportation commission to: (1) Regulate persons providing contract railroad crew transportation and contract crew hauling vehicles with respect to the safety of equipment, driver qualifications, insurance, and safety of operations;(2) Compile data regarding reported safety complaints, accidents, regulatory violations and fines, and corrective actions taken by the commission involving passenger-carrying vehicles; and(3) Develop an inspection program for contract crew hauling vehicles.
HB 1106 by Representatives Tarleton, Gregerson, and Pollet Regulating water pollution discharges from motorized mineral prospecting activities. Requires the department of ecology to issue a national pollutant discharge elimination system general permit or a general permit, or both, that applies to small scale motorized mining.
HB 1107 by Representatives Haler, Wylie, Riccelli, Shea, Stanford, Robinson, Fey, Tarleton, and Pollet Eliminating the term "branch" as an identifying factor for extensions of the public institutions of higher education. Removes the term "branch" as an identifying factor for extensions of the public institutions of higher education.
HB 1108 by Representative Klippert Addressing controlled substances trafficking investigations pursuant to the privacy act. Provides appropriate investigative tools that facilitate and promote cooperation between local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies that remove barriers to cooperation in drug trafficking investigations.
HB 1109 by Representatives Orwall, McCabe, Griffey, Hayes, McBride, Frame, Goodman, Klippert, Stanford, Stambaugh, Jinkins, Fey, Harmsworth, Dolan, Sells, Muri, Gregerson, McDonald, Wylie, Kilduff, Kloba, Tarleton, Pollet, Farrell, Kagi, Riccelli, Senn, Peterson, Bergquist, and Doglio Supporting victims of sexual assault. Creates the Washington sexual assault initiative pilot project within the office of the attorney general to provide funding to support multidisciplinary community response teams engaged in seeking a just resolution to sexual assault cases resulting from evidence found in previously unsubmitted sexual assault kits.Creates the joint legislative task force on sexual assault forensic examination best practices to: (1) Review best practice models for managing all aspects of sexual assault examinations; and(2) Reduce the number of untested sexual assault examination kits that were collected.Requires the criminal justice training commission to provide training for persons responsible for investigating sexual assault cases involving adult victims.Levies a four-dollar fee upon the admission to a sexually oriented live adult entertainment establishment.Creates the Washington sexually oriented business fee account.
HB 1110 by Representatives Appleton, Stanford, Doglio, and Pollet Concerning the slaughter of horses and other equines for human consumption. Prohibits a person from: (1) Slaughtering a horse if the person knows or should know that the meat from the slaughtered animal is intended to be used for human consumption; and(2) Possessing, purchasing, bartering, selling, or transporting horses if the person knows or should know that the horse or its meat will be used for human consumption.
HB 1111 by Representatives Orwall, Klippert, Goodman, Hayes, Stanford, Jinkins, Fey, Muri, Gregerson, and Kilduff Concerning DNA biological samples. Provides that this act may be known and cited as Jennifer and Michella's law.Finds that: (1) The state has routinely required collection of DNA biological samples from certain convicted offenders and persons required to register as sex and kidnapping offenders; and(2) Procedural improvements and measured expansions to the collection and analysis of lawfully obtained DNA biological samples are both appropriate and necessary to solve cold cases and unsolved crimes, provide closure to victims and family members, and support efforts to exonerate the wrongly accused or convicted.
HB 1112 by Representatives Orwall, Goodman, Ryu, Frame, Stanford, Ormsby, Jinkins, Hudgins, Macri, Tarleton, Pollet, Farrell, Kagi, and Bergquist Vacating convictions arising from offenses committed as a result of being a victim of trafficking, promoting prostitution, or promoting commercial sexual abuse of a minor. Addresses the vacating of prostitution offenses when the person committed the offense as a result of being a victim of trafficking, promoting prostitution in the first degree, promoting commercial sexual abuse of a minor, or trafficking in persons under the trafficking victims protection act.
HB 1113 by Representatives Hayes, Senn, Nealey, Appleton, Shea, Goodman, McCaslin, Wylie, Stokesbary, Peterson, Wilcox, Springer, Griffey, Ryu, Hargrove, Robinson, Vick, Ortiz-Self, Fey, Tharinger, Buys, Orwall, Harmsworth, Pike, Farrell, McBride, Stambaugh, Clibborn, Gregerson, Holy, Kloba, Stanford, Muri, Sells, McDonald, and Bergquist Concerning gradually increasing the local government share of excess liquor revenues until the percentage-based method for distributions is restored. Removes the statutory cap on excess liquor revenues and gradually returns the distributions to cities and counties to the percentage amounts before Initiative Measure No. 1183.
HB 1114 by Representatives Fey and Tarleton Exempting certain leasehold interests in performing arts facilities or arenas from the leasehold excise tax. Exempts from leasehold excise taxes, leasehold interests in the public or entertainment areas of a performing arts facility or arena if the facility or arena has a seating capacity of more than two thousand and is located on property that is owned by a city and: (1) Was formerly the site of a World's Fair; or(2) Has been in continuous operation since 1983.
HB 1115 by Representatives Bergquist, Muri, Ortiz-Self, Harris, Stanford, Stambaugh, Gregerson, and Kilduff Concerning paraeducators. Provides the minimum employment standards for a paraeducator who works in the special education program, the basic education program, the learning assistance program, the federal disadvantaged program, and English language learner programs.Requires school districts to begin implementing the paraeducator certification for paraeducators working in the programs.Requires the professional educator standards board to design and implement a training program for teachers and principals as it relates to their role working with paraeducators.Requires the state institute for public policy to conduct a study on the effectiveness of paraeducators in improving student outcomes.Requires the office of the superintendent of public instruction and the education data center to provide the data necessary to conduct an analysis.
HB 1116 by Representatives Robinson, Doglio, Senn, Reeves, Gregerson, Frame, Lytton, Kagi, Stonier, Tarleton, Jinkins, Ortiz-Self, Ormsby, Macri, Riccelli, Tharinger, Appleton, Stanford, Peterson, McBride, Kloba, Kirby, Dolan, Hudgins, Wylie, Slatter, Santos, Pollet, Farrell, Bergquist, Goodman, and Sells Implementing family and medical leave insurance. Allows workers to: (1) Care for family members with a serious health condition or to recover from their own serious health condition; and(2) Deal with exigencies arising out of the military service of a family member.Requires the employment security department to: (1) Establish and administer a family and medical leave insurance program; and(2) Pay family and medical leave insurance benefits.Changes the name of the family leave insurance account to the family and medical leave insurance account.
HB 1117 by Representatives Cody, Caldier, Jinkins, Harris, McBride, Kilduff, and Tharinger; by request of Insurance Commissioner Addressing health care services balance billing. Establishes the balance billing protection act to provide for the protection of consumers against balance billing for emergency and other health care services when: (1) Emergency health care services are provided to a covered person; or(2) Health care services are provided to a covered person at an in-network facility, but are provided by an out-of-network provider when no in-network provider is available to provide the health care services.
HB 1118 by Representatives Peterson, Appleton, McBride, Pike, Stanford, Jinkins, Fey, and Gregerson Concerning immunity from civil liability for damage or injury that results from the entry of a vehicle to render assistance. Provides a person with immunity from civil liability for any damage or injury that results from his or her entry into a vehicle for the purpose of rendering assistance to an animal, minor, or vulnerable adult present in the vehicle.
HB 1119 by Representatives Peterson, Condotta, and Sawyer Equalizing differences in the distillery and winery industries by authorizing certain sales of spirits carrying a private label exclusive to a restaurant or private club that is a licensed spirits retailer. Authorizes certain sales of spirits carrying a private label exclusive to a restaurant or private club that is a licensed spirits retailer to equalize the differences in the distillery and winery industries.
HB 1120 by Representatives Smith, Morris, Short, Hayes, Stanford, Koster, Van Werven, McDonald, MacEwen, Muri, Haler, Ryu, Condotta, and Buys Concerning the regulatory fairness act. Provides that the regulatory fairness act does not apply to the adoption of a rule if an agency is able to demonstrate that the proposed rule does not affect small businesses.Requires a proposing agency to consider mitigation options if a proposed rule affects only small businesses.Requires the office of regulatory assistance to: (1) Act as the central entity to collaborate with and provide support to state agencies to assist agencies in meeting the requirements of the regulatory fairness act;(2) Conduct extemporaneous reviews of agency compliance with the regulatory fairness act; and(3) Solicit comments on the review from the agency and include those comments in a review report.
HB 1121 by Representatives Muri, Fitzgibbon, Short, Peterson, Fey, Smith, Kagi, Barkis, McBride, Farrell, Wilcox, Jinkins, Haler, Stanford, Gregerson, Kilduff, Tarleton, Tharinger, and Pollet; by request of Puget Sound Partnership Concerning the frequency of Puget Sound action agenda implementation strategy and science work plan updates. Changes the frequency of Puget Sound action agenda implementation strategy and science work plan updates.
HB 1122 by Representatives Kagi, Jinkins, Cody, Robinson, Gregerson, Ryu, Ortiz-Self, Fitzgibbon, Farrell, Tharinger, Doglio, Dolan, Frame, Tarleton, Appleton, Springer, Lytton, Chapman, Stanford, Peterson, Ormsby, McBride, Fey, Kloba, Senn, Sells, Kilduff, Santos, Riccelli, Bergquist, and Goodman Protecting public safety through responsible storage of firearms. Addresses community endangerment due to unsafe storage of a firearm in the first and second degree.Requires a firearms dealer, when selling a firearm, to offer to sell or give the purchaser a locked box, a lock, or a device that prevents the firearm from discharging.
HB 1123 by Representatives Condotta, Ryu, Barkis, Kirby, Wilcox, Tarleton, McBride, Smith, Muri, Frame, Tharinger, Morris, and J. Walsh Concerning tourism marketing. Establishes the statewide tourism marketing act.Creates the Washington tourism marketing authority to act as a business management organization on behalf of the citizens of the state to manage financial resources and contract for statewide tourism marketing services.Requires the joint legislative audit and review committee to conduct an evaluation of the performance of the authority to determine the extent to which the authority has contributed to the growth of the tourism industry and economic development of the state.Creates the statewide tourism marketing account.
HB 1124 by Representatives Condotta, Sawyer, and Vick Addressing marijuana-infused edible product packaging and labeling requirements. Provides requirements for packages containing marijuana-infused edible product in solid form that contain more than one serving in the package and are sold at retail.
HB 1125 by Representatives Condotta, Sawyer, and Vick Limiting the total number of retail marijuana licenses that may be held by a retailer and co-owners. Limits an individual marijuana retail licensee and all other persons or entities with a financial or other ownership interest in the business operating under the license, in the aggregate, to holding a collective total of not more than five marijuana retail licenses.
HB 1126 by Representatives Condotta, Sawyer, and Vick Establishing a deadline for the use and implementation of a marijuana retail license by a licensee. Requires the forfeiture of a marijuana retail license if the licensee fails to establish a retail business that is fully operational and open to the public within two hundred seventy days from the date of the initial issuance of the license by the state liquor and cannabis board.
HB 1127 by Representatives Condotta, Sawyer, and Vick Concerning the licensing of marijuana-related businesses involving a partnership, employee cooperative, association, nonprofit corporation, corporation, business entity, or nonprofit entity. Addresses licenses for producing, processing, researching, transporting, delivering, or selling marijuana, useable marijuana, marijuana concentrates, or marijuana-infused products with regard to marijuana-related businesses involving a partnership, employee cooperative, association, nonprofit corporation, corporation, business entity, or nonprofit entity.
HJR 4201 by Representatives Taylor, Shea, Appleton, Goodman, McCaslin, J. Walsh, Harmsworth, Condotta, Gregerson, Young, Stanford, Haler, Buys, and Pollet Amending the state Constitution to ensure that electronic communications and data are secure from unreasonable searches and seizures. Proposes an amendment to the state Constitution to ensure that electronic communications and data are secure from unreasonable searches and seizures.
SB 5032 by Senators Keiser, Pedersen, Rolfes, Conway, Darneille, Hasegawa, Cleveland, Hunt, Chase, Ranker, McCoy, Hobbs, Nelson, Billig, Frockt, and Palumbo Implementing family and medical leave insurance. Allows workers to: (1) Care for family members with a serious health condition or to recover from their own serious health condition; and(2) Deal with exigencies arising out of the military service of a family member.Requires the employment security department to: (1) Establish and administer a family and medical leave insurance program; and(2) Pay family and medical leave insurance benefits.Changes the name of the family leave insurance account to the family and medical leave insurance account.
SB 5033 by Senators Keiser, Honeyford, Frockt, Warnick, Conway, and Palumbo Concerning financing essential public infrastructure. Improves access and reliability to low-cost financing for local government infrastructure projects by authorizing public works bonds when local governments can demonstrate: (1) The importance of the project;(2) Their difficulties accessing existing private credit markets for borrowings at reasonable interest rates; and(3) The ability to reliably repay their share of the state's total cost of retiring the public works bonds.Makes changes to the existing public works program and creates the public works financing assistance program.Creates the public works financing assistance account and the public works financing assistance bond repayment account.Takes effect January 1, 2018, if the proposed amendment to Article VIII, section 1 of the state Constitution, contained in Senate Joint Resolution No. . . . (S-0298/17), is approved by voters at the next general election.
SB 5034 by Senators Rivers, Takko, and Dansel Concerning local government financial reports. Requires financial reports to be prepared, certified, and filed by the county treasurer if the county treasurer acts as the treasurer for a special purpose district and the annual revenue of the special purpose district is less than ten thousand dollars.
SB 5035 by Senators Pedersen, Rivers, Cleveland, Becker, Keiser, Walsh, Conway, Bailey, O'Ban, Mullet, Kuderer, Darneille, and Wellman Concerning patients' access to investigational medical products. Authorizes an eligible patient and his or her treating physician to request that a manufacturer make an investigational product available for treatment of the patient.
SB 5036 by Senators Takko and Sheldon Clarifying the authority and procedures for unit priced contracting by public utility districts. Authorizes a public utility district to procure public works with a unit priced contract for the purpose of completing anticipated types of work based on hourly rates or unit pricing for one or more categories of work or trades.
SB 5037 by Senators Padden, Frockt, O'Ban, Darneille, Miloscia, Kuderer, Zeiger, Carlyle, Pearson, Conway, Rolfes, Palumbo, Angel, and Wellman Making a fourth driving under the influence offense a felony. Makes a fourth driving under the influence offense a felony.
SB 5038 by Senators Padden, Pedersen, Kuderer, Darneille, Frockt, and Angel Concerning disclosures regarding incentivized evidence and testimony. Requires the state, before it introduces any testimony or statement of an informant in a trial or other criminal proceeding, to disclose to the defendant certain material and information that is known by the state or reasonably available to be discovered by the state.
SB 5039 by Senators Pedersen, O'Ban, Frockt, and Padden; by request of Uniform Law Commission Adopting the uniform electronic legal material act. Establishes the uniform electronic legal material act.
SB 5040 by Senators Pedersen and Padden; by request of Secretary of State Making revisions to the uniform business organizations code. Revises the uniform business organizations code.
SB 5041 by Senators Baumgartner, Bailey, Conway, Rolfes, Darneille, Zeiger, Chase, and Wellman; by request of Attorney General Concerning consumer protections for military service members on active duty. Revises the Washington service members' civil relief act with regard to consumer protections for military service members on active duty.
SB 5042 by Senators Angel, Hobbs, and Wellman Authorizing funeral planning and funeral services as noninsurance benefits under group life and disability insurance policies. Authorizes life insurers and disability insurers, with prior approval of the insurance commissioner, to include funeral planning and funeral services as part of a policy or certificate of group life insurance or group disability insurance, as applicable.
SB 5043 by Senators Angel, Mullet, and Hobbs Concerning collection agency transaction fees for processing electronic payments. Allows a licensee or employee of a licensee, under the collection agency act, to collect or attempt to collect in addition to the principal amount of a claim, a transaction fee for processing a credit card payment.
SB 5044 by Senators Hasegawa and Chase Changing the burden of proof in certain civil asset forfeiture hearings. Changes the burden of proof in certain civil asset forfeiture hearings.
SB 5045 by Senators Hasegawa and Chase Concerning the regulation of employment agencies. Repeals most of chapter 19.31 RCW (the employment agency act).Prohibits an employment agency, employment directory, or employment listing service from charging a fee to an applicant or prospective employee.
SB 5046 by Senators Hasegawa, Chase, Darneille, and Rolfes Providing public notices of public health, safety, and welfare in a language other than English. Requires state agencies, that are required by law or rule to provide public notices to a community or area to advise or inform the public about an imminent or emergent public health, safety, or welfare risk, to provide the notices in the language that diverse residents can understand when a significant segment of the community speaks a language other than English and has limited proficiency in English.Requires each local organization or joint local organization for emergency management to maintain updated demographic data for their jurisdictions and information on the languages represented by their respective communities.
SB 5047 by Senators Braun and Ranker; by request of Office of Financial Management Making 2017 supplemental operating appropriations. Makes 2017 supplemental operating appropriations.
SB 5048 by Senators Braun and Ranker; by request of Office of Financial Management Making 2017-2019 fiscal biennium operating appropriations. Makes 2017-2019 fiscal biennium operating appropriations.
SB 5049 by Senator King Concerning relocation assistance following real property acquisition. Requires the state, local public agencies, and other persons who have the authority to acquire property by eminent domain under state law to comply with chapter 8.26 RCW (relocation assistance--real property acquisition policy) in order to assure the fair and equitable treatment of all persons and property owners impacted by public projects.
SB 5050 by Senators Frockt, Ranker, Kuderer, Wellman, Saldaña, Liias, Darneille, Chase, and Cleveland; by request of Attorney General Banning the sale of assault weapons and large capacity magazines. Prohibits a person, unless certain conditions are met, from manufacturing, possessing, distributing, importing, transferring, selling, offering for sale, or purchasing an assault weapon or large capacity magazine.
SB 5051 by Senators Brown, Warnick, Honeyford, Becker, and Schoesler Concerning nondefault termination provisions in state land leases for agricultural or grazing purposes. Requires a nondefault termination provision included in a state land lease for agricultural or grazing purposes to: (1) Require advance written notice of at least one hundred eighty days by the department of natural resources to the lessee before termination of the lease; and(2) Require the department to provide written documentation to the lessee demonstrating that the department has included the leased land in a plan for higher and better use, land exchange, or sale.
SB 5052 by Senators Dansel and Palumbo Modifying the penalty amount for certain left lane driving. Provides a base penalty amount of seventy dollars for a traffic infraction for driving continuously in the left lane of a multilane roadway when it impedes the flow of other traffic.
SB 5053 by Senators Dansel, Darneille, Mullet, and Palumbo Adjusting the maximum speed limit for certain segments of Interstate 90. Makes the maximum speed limit seventy-five miles per hour on the portions of interstate 90 from Ellensburg to mile post 120 and from mile post 150 near George to mile post 255 at the Spokane county border.
SB 5054 by Senators Dansel, Darneille, and Rolfes Requiring safety belts in school buses. Requires a school bus purchased by a school district after the effective date of this act to have safety belts for each person riding the bus, in addition to any other specifications required by rule of the superintendent of public instruction.
SB 5055 by Senator Dansel Concerning proceedings of the joint administrative rules review committee. Provides that upon filing of a petition for review with the joint administrative rules review committee and service of the petition upon the agency, all promulgation, implementation, enforcement, and amendment of the proposed or existing rule, policy, interpretive statement, guideline, or document is stayed pending final conclusion of the rules review process.
SB 5056 by Senator Dansel Modifying limitations on new evidence taken on judicial review of administrative actions. Changes the limitations on new evidence taken on judicial review of administrative actions.
SB 5057 by Senator Dansel Authorizing the removal of an adjudicative proceeding to the office of administrative hearings. Authorizes a party to remove an adjudicative proceeding to the office of administrative hearings upon notice provided within ten days following the commencement of the adjudicative proceeding.
SB 5058 by Senator Dansel Concerning the payment of interim attorneys' fees to nongovernment parties under certain claims. Allows the payment of interim attorneys' fees to nongovernment parties under certain claims.
SB 5059 by Senators O'Ban, Fortunato, Rivers, Miloscia, Brown, Warnick, Honeyford, and Padden Addressing motor vehicle property offenses. Modifies offender score provisions with regard to motor vehicle property offenses.
SB 5060 by Senators O'Ban, Conway, and Wellman Concerning the number of adult family homes permitted in residential neighborhoods. Requires the rules and standards for adult family homes to recognize the additional vehicular traffic and need for services that adult family homes require in residential neighborhoods.Requires the rules and standards adopted by the department of social and health services to provide that no more than two adult family homes may be located within a four block area of a residential community.
SB 5061 by Senators O'Ban, Pedersen, Fortunato, Sheldon, Miloscia, Zeiger, Wilson, Warnick, Becker, Brown, and Rolfes Addressing military service credit for members of the Washington state patrol retirement system. Modifies Washington state patrol retirement system provisions with regard to military service credit for members of that system.
SB 5062 by Senators Hunt and Dansel Extending the period for which a bond levy may be increased. Extends the period for increasing a bond levy.
SB 5063 by Senators Fain and Palumbo Clarifying the taxation of pet adoption fees. Modifies business and occupation taxation provisions with regard to pet adoption fees.
SB 5064 by Senators Fain, Rolfes, Rivers, Pedersen, Ranker, Mullet, Billig, Becker, Braun, King, Darneille, Chase, Carlyle, and Palumbo Concerning freedom of expression rights of students at public schools and institutions of higher education. States that public high school students and students at institutions of higher education have the right to exercise freedom of speech and freedom of the press in school-sponsored media.
SB 5065 by Senators Miloscia and Zeiger Concerning government performance and accountability. Establishes the performance management act.Creates the office of performance management, in the office of the governor, which should: (1) Be granted administrative authority over state performance management programs, ensuring that all executive branch agencies properly implement world-class lean performance management systems to achieve operational excellence; and(2) Coordinate performance assessments of state agencies by independent examiners.Requires the department of enterprise services to enter into a partnership with the national institutes of standards and technology, United States department of commerce, and performance excellence northwest and Washington state quality award to develop a suite of web-based classroom training modules for employees, middle managers, supervisors, and senior agency leaders.
SB 5066 by Senators Miloscia, Rivers, Zeiger, Rossi, Fortunato, Bailey, O'Ban, Honeyford, Sheldon, Brown, Schoesler, Padden, and Angel Concerning state budgeting through zero-based budget reviews. Establishes the zero-based budget review process to provide more thorough analysis of the programs and services provided by state agencies and to better prioritize the expenditure of public resources.
SB 5067 by Senator Miloscia Enacting the Washington voting rights act. Establishes the Washington voting rights act to: (1) Authorize district-based elections;(2) Require redistricting and new elections in certain circumstances; and(3) Establish a cause of action to redress lack of voter opportunity.
SB 5068 by Senators Miloscia, Rivers, Schoesler, Honeyford, and Padden Establishing a voting rights act to promote equal voting opportunity in certain political subdivisions by authorizing district-based elections in cities, towns, code cities, and counties. Promotes equal voting opportunity in certain political subdivisions by authorizing district-based elections in cities, towns, code cities, and counties.
SB 5069 by Senators Walsh, Frockt, O'Ban, Zeiger, Chase, Hasegawa, Conway, and Palumbo; by request of State Board for Community and Technical Colleges Providing associate degree education to enhance education opportunities and public safety. Authorizes the state board for community and technical colleges to authorize a board of trustees within the system to promote and conduct associate degree education and training of incarcerated adults through new or expanded partnerships between the community and technical colleges and the department of corrections.Authorizes an inmate to be selected to participate in a state-funded associate degree education program, based on priority criteria determined by the department of corrections.
SB 5070 by Senators Rivers, Mullet, Braun, Hobbs, and Rolfes Concerning paraeducators. Provides the minimum employment standards for a paraeducator who works in the special education program, the basic education program, the learning assistance program, the federal disadvantaged program, and English language learner programs.Requires school districts to begin implementing the paraeducator certification for paraeducators working in the programs.Requires the professional educator standards board to design and implement a training program for teachers and principals as it relates to their role working with paraeducators.Requires the state institute for public policy to conduct a study on the effectiveness of paraeducators in improving student outcomes.Requires the office of the superintendent of public instruction and the education data center to provide the data necessary to conduct an analysis.
SB 5071 by Senators Keiser, Rivers, Conway, Cleveland, Bailey, and Hasegawa Concerning family medicine residency application criteria. Prohibits statewide family medicine residency programs receiving certain funds from requiring applicants who are United States citizens and graduated from the Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina Cuban medical school to meet any application screening criteria additional to the application criteria required of graduates of United States and Canadian medical schools.Allows the residency program to require that the medical graduate be certified by the educational commission for foreign medical graduates.
SB 5072 by Senators Keiser, Rivers, Conway, Cleveland, Saldaña, Bailey, Hasegawa, and Wellman Concerning graduate medical education. Requires the deans of the schools of medicine, the medical profession, hospitals, and clinics located throughout the state, in consultation with the family medicine education advisory board, in reviewing the development of new residency programs, to pursue opportunities to develop residency programs that would be enhanced by Spanish speaking residents who have graduated from either domestic or foreign medical schools.
SB 5073 by Senators Frockt, McCoy, Pedersen, Hasegawa, Darneille, Chase, Hunt, and Wellman Concerning recommendations from the joint legislative task force on the use of deadly force in community policing. Responds to the recommendations from the joint legislative task force on the use of deadly force in community policing on the following subject matter: The state deadly force statute; training and community outreach; law enforcement accountability to its community; data collection; behavioral health; less lethal weapons; and funding and oversight.
SB 5074 by Senators Frockt, Hasegawa, Carlyle, McCoy, Rolfes, Mullet, and Palumbo Aligning eligibility for the college bound scholarship program with the state need grant program. Aligns eligibility for the college bound scholarship program with the state need grant program.
SB 5075 by Senators Takko and Warnick Concerning dispute resolution between seed buyers and dealers. Revises the state seed act with regard to dispute resolution between seed buyers and dealers.
SB 5076 by Senators Mullet, Darneille, Pedersen, Frockt, Carlyle, Liias, McCoy, Billig, Nelson, Wellman, Conway, Palumbo, and Hunt Providing for a simple majority of voters voting to authorize school district bonds. Allows a simple majority of voters voting to authorize school district bonds.Takes effect if the proposed amendment to Article VII, section 2 and Article VIII, section 6 of the state Constitution (S-0426/17) providing for a simple majority of voters voting to authorize school district bonds is approved by the voters at the next general election and certified by the secretary of state.
SJM 8002 by Senators Hasegawa, Chase, Conway, Palumbo, and Wellman Requesting that Congress enact legislation that would reinstate the separation of commercial and investment banking functions that were in effect under the Glass-Steagall act. Requests that congress enact legislation that would reinstate the separation of commercial and investment banking functions that were in effect under the Glass-Steagall act.
SJR 8201 by Senators Keiser, Honeyford, Frockt, Conway, and Palumbo Amending the Constitution to allow the state to guarantee debt issued to local governments for infrastructure projects. Proposes an amendment to the state Constitution to allow the state to guarantee debt issued to local governments for infrastructure projects.
SJR 8202 by Senators Mullet, Darneille, Pedersen, Frockt, Carlyle, Liias, McCoy, Billig, Nelson, Wellman, Conway, Palumbo, and Hunt Amending the Constitution to allow a simple majority of voters voting to authorize school district bonds. Proposes an amendment to the state Constitution to allow a simple majority of voters voting to authorize school district bonds.