EHCR 4400
This analysis was prepared by non-partisan legislative staff for the use of legislative members in their deliberations. This analysis is not a part of the legislation nor does it constitute a statement of legislative intent. |
As Passed Legislature
Brief Description: Naming the 1063 Building "Helen Sommers Building."
Sponsors: Representatives Cody, Kagi, Johnson, Appleton, Frame, Ormsby, Jinkins, Short, Young, DeBolt, Hudgins and Tarleton.
Brief History:
Committee Activity:
State Government, Elections & Information Technology: 1/18/17, 1/20/17, 1/27/17 [DP].
Floor Activity:
Passed House: 2/9/17
Passed House: 6/29/17, 90-4.
Passed House: 1/17/18, 91-4.
Passed Senate: 1/19/18, 48-0.
Passed Legislature.
Brief Summary of Engrossed Bill |
Majority Report: Do pass. Signed by 9 members: Representatives Hudgins, Chair; Dolan, Vice Chair; Koster, Ranking Minority Member; Volz, Assistant Ranking Minority Member; Appleton, Gregerson, Irwin, Kraft and Pellicciotti.
Staff: Megan Palchak (786-7105).
The Legislature may approve names for new or existing buildings owned by the state, based on recommendations from the State Capitol Committee and the Director of the Department of Enterprise Services (DES), with advice from the Capitol Campus Design Advisory Committee, within certain limitations. New or existing buildings may be named, or renamed, after an individual who has had a significant role in Washington history, or other criteria specified in state law. When naming or renaming buildings and other spaces, consideration must be given to:
any disparity that exists with respect to the gender of the persons after whom spaces are named;
diversity of human achievement; and
diversity of the state's citizenry and history.
Representative Helen Sommers first joined the Washington State House of Representatives (House) in 1972 and was among 12 women actively serving as one of more than 90 members of the House. Prior to retiring in 2009, Representative Sommers chaired five committees, including State Government, Revenue, Higher Education, Capitol Budget, and Appropriations.
In 2013 the Legislature directed the Department of Enterprise Services, via Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill 5035, to initiate construction of the new state office building commonly referred to as the "1063 Building," located at 1063 Capitol Way South in Olympia, Washington.
Summary of Engrossed Bill:
Acknowledging Representative Helen Sommers' service, the Legislature approves the DES to place the name "Helen Sommers Building" on the newly constructed 1063 Building.
Appropriation: None.
Fiscal Note: Available.
Staff Summary of Public Testimony:
(In support) Many people are interested in naming the new building, overlooking the Capitol Campus, the Helen Sommers Building. Representative Helen Sommers admired the Capitol grounds during her many years of service.
(Opposed) None.
Persons Testifying: Yona Makowsi.
Persons Signed In To Testify But Not Testifying: None.