Washington State House of Representatives Office of Program Research | BILL ANALYSIS |
Agriculture & Natural Resources Committee |
HB 1562
This analysis was prepared by non-partisan legislative staff for the use of legislative members in their deliberations. This analysis is not a part of the legislation nor does it constitute a statement of legislative intent. |
Brief Description: Continuing the work of the Washington food policy forum.
Sponsors: Representatives Gregerson, Stonier, Orwall, Senn, Slatter, Peterson, Lovick, Farrell, Santos, Ryu, McBride, Ortiz-Self, Hudgins, Pollet, Riccelli, Macri, Pike, Stanford, Doglio, Fitzgibbon, Bergquist, Tharinger, Sawyer, Ormsby, Dolan, Cody and Fey.
Brief Summary of Bill |
Hearing Date: 2/2/17
Staff: Robert Hatfield (786-7117).
The Washington Food Policy Forum.
The Washington State Conservation Commission (Commission) convened a food policy forum in response to direction and funding in the 2016 State Supplemental Operating Budget. This forum followed a previous food system roundtable established by Executive Order No. 10-02.
The forum is composed of members appointed by the Director of the Commission, as well as four members from the Legislature.
The Commission must report the food policy forum's recommendations to the Legislature by October 31, 2017.
Summary of Bill:
The Washington food policy forum is established as a public-private partnership, and must build on both the work of the temporary forum established in 2016 and the work of the food system roundtable initiated by Executive Order No. 10-02.
The purpose of the food policy forum is to develop recommendations to promote the following food system goals:
to increase production, sales, and consumption of Washington-grown food;
to develop and promote programs that bring healthy Washington-grown foods to Washington residents;
to review and develop programs that support providing proper nutrition;
to protect land and water resources needed for food production;
to examine ways to encourage retention of an adequate number of farmers; and
to reduce food insecurity and hunger.
The food policy forum's recommendations must consider, at a minimum, how the following can help achieve the goals of the forum:
increased collaboration between different levels of government;
innovative public-private partnerships;
improvements to state and federal laws;
improvements in state or federal program implementation; and
identification of additional public and private investments needed to accomplish the recommendations.
The Director of the Commission must appoint the members of the food policy forum with a goal of ensuring a diversity of knowledge, experience, and perspectives. Four members of the Legislature may also serve on the forum, one from each of the two largest caucuses in the House and Senate.
The members of the forum will not receive compensation, but may be reimbursed for their travel expenses.
The Commission must provide staff for the food policy forum. The Commission is also responsible for transmitting the forum's recommendations to the Legislature. The forum's recommendations must be submitted to the Legislature by October 31, 2018.
Appropriation: None.
Fiscal Note: Available.
Effective Date: The bill takes effect 90 days after adjournment of the session in which the bill is passed.