1648.E AMS LGOV S2148.1
EHB 1648 - S COMM AMD By Committee on Local Government
On page 2, line 37, after "in a" insert "payment agreement under subsection (12)(b) of this section or a"
On page 4, line 24, after "specified in" strike "(((c))) (b)" and insert "(c)"
Beginning on page 4, line 29, after "(b)" strike all material through "(c)))" on page 5, line 1 and insert "The treasurer ((must)) may provide, by electronic means or otherwise, a payment agreement that provides for payment of current year taxes, inclusive of prepayment collection charges. The treasurer may provide, by electronic means or otherwise, a payment agreement for payment of past due delinquencies, which must also require current year taxes to be paid timely. The payment agreement must be signed by the taxpayer and treasurer prior to the sending of an electronic or alternative bill, which includes a payment plan for current year taxes. The treasurer may accept partial payment of current and delinquent taxes including interest and penalties using electronic bill presentment and payments.
On page 5, at the beginning of line 8, strike "(((d))) (c)" and insert "(d)"
On page 5, at the beginning of line 13, strike "(((e))) (d)" and insert "(e)"
On page 5, line 19, after "(13)" strike "The" and insert "In addition to the payment program in subsection (12)(b) of this section, the"
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