2299-S AMH TAYL LUCE 259


SHB 2299 - H AMD TO H AMD (H-5008.1/18) 1147

By Representative Taylor


    On page 56, after line 14, insert:

"General Fund-State Appropriation (FY 2019). . . . . . . . .  $31,000"


    On page 56, line 20, correct the total.


    On page 56, after line 28, insert the following:

    "(3) $31,000 of the general fund-state appropriation for fiscal year 2019 is provided solely for implementation of Senate Bill No. 5912 (tomosynthesis/mammography). If the bill is not enacted by June 30, 2018, the amounts provided in this section shall lapse."


    On page 146, line 25, decrease the general fund-state appropriation for fiscal year 2019 by $5,031,000


    On page 147, line 9, correct the total.


    On page 167, after line 32, insert the following:

    "(ooo) The authority may not provide benefits or services to permit a woman to voluntarily terminate her pregnancy, except when the abortion is medically necessary, which means that, as determined by reasonable, good faith clinical judgement of the patient's primary care physician, the life of the woman seeking the abortion is in imminent danger because of a serious physical disorder, illness, or injury if the abortion is not performed."


    On page 196, line 7, increase the general fund-state appropriation for fiscal year 2019 by $3,000,000


    On page 197, line 11, correct the total.


    On page 208, after line 36, insert the following:

     "(44) The department may not provide benefits or services to permit a woman to voluntarily terminate her pregnancy, except when the abortion is medically necessary, which means that, as determined by reasonable, good faith clinical judgement of the patient's primary care physician, the life of the woman seeking the abortion is in imminent danger because of a serious physical disorder, illness, or injury if the abortion is not performed.

(45) $3,000,000 of the general fund-state appropriation for fiscal year 2019 is provided solely to support organizations that provide breast and cervical cancer screenings at the county level.  None of these amounts may be provided to organizations that perform abortions."


    On page 386, after line 18, insert:

"General Fund: For transfer to the sexual assault prevention and

    response account for fiscal year 2019 .................$2,000,000"


    Correct any internal references accordingly.




    EFFECT: Prohibits the Medical Assistance program in the Health Care Authority and the Reproductive Health and Wellness program in the Department of Health (DOH) from paying for abortions that are not deemed medically necessary by the patient's primary care physician.  Funding for those programs is reduced by $5,031,000 General Fund-State in fiscal year 2019. 


Increases funding for the DOH to support organizations that provide breast and cervical cancer screenings at the county level by $3,000,000 in fiscal year 2019. Prohibits any of these funds from going to organizations that perform abortions.   


Transfers $2,000,000 from the general fund-state to the Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Account.


Provides $31,000 to the Office of the Insurance Commissioner for the implementation of Senate Bill No. 5912 (Tomosynthesis/mammography).



    FISCAL IMPACT: No net change to appropriated levels.



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