1357-S2 AMH SAWY H2300.1
2SHB 1357 - H AMD 405
By Representative Sawyer
On page 2, at the beginning of line 17, strike "legislative council" and insert "joint committee"
Beginning on page 2, line 19, strike sections 2 through 10 and insert the following:
NEW SECTION.  Sec. 2.  "(1)(a) A joint committee on tribal-state relations is established, with members as provided in this subsection (1).
(i) The president of the senate must appoint four members from each of the two largest caucuses of the senate.
(ii) The speaker of the house of representatives must appoint four members from each of the two largest caucuses of the house of representatives.
(b) Executive agencies, including the department of fish and wildlife, the department of natural resources, and the governor's office of Indian affairs, must cooperate with the committee and provide information as the cochairs may reasonably request.
(c) The committee must choose its cochairs from among its membership. The two cochairs must represent different chambers as well as different political parties.
(2) The committee must serve as a forum for effective government-to-government communications and seek to foster resolution of issues of mutual concern between the tribes and the state. The committee must consider the needs and concerns of tribal groups and organizations in Washington, as well as the needs and concerns of all American Indians in Washington.
(3) The cochairs may schedule up to two meetings per year, at least one of which must be scheduled in Olympia to coincide with committee assembly meetings convened by either the senate or the house of representatives. Committee meetings must be scheduled and conducted in accordance with the requirements of both the senate and the house of representatives. By December 15th of each year, and in compliance with RCW 43.01.036, the cochairs must develop and submit an annual report of committee activities, findings, and recommendations to the governor and the legislature.
(4) Staff support for the committee is provided by senate committee services and the house of representatives' office of program research.
(5) Legislative members of the committee are reimbursed for travel expenses in accordance with RCW 44.04.120.
(6) The expenses of the committee must be paid jointly by the senate and the house of representatives. Committee expenditures are subject to approval by the senate facilities and operations committee and the house of representatives executive rules committee, or their successor committees.
(7) The committee may not abrogate or supersede negotiations or relations that any Indian tribe, band, or group might have or develop individually with any state, federal, or local government.
NEW SECTION.  Sec. 3.  Sections 1 and 2 of this act constitute a new chapter in Title 44 RCW.
NEW SECTION.  Sec. 4.  Sections 1 and 2 of this act expire July 1, 2025."
Renumber the remaining section consecutively, correct any internal references accordingly, and correct the title.
EFFECT: Establishes an eight-member joint committee on tribal-state relations instead of a separate legislative agency on Indian affairs. Provides for four Senate members and four House members, with cochairs representing both the Senate and the House as well as different caucuses. Requires cooperation from executive agencies.
Requires the committee to: Serve as a forum for effective government-to-government communications; seek to foster resolution of issues of mutual concern between the tribes and the state; and consider the needs and concerns of tribal groups and organizations and all American Indians in Washington.
Authorizes the cochairs to schedule up to two meetings per year, including one in Olympia during Committee Assembly. Requires the cochairs to submit annual reports by December 15th.
Requires expenses to be paid jointly by the Senate and the House, and meetings to be scheduled and conducted in accordance with Senate and House requirements. Provides for staff support by Senate Committee Services and the Office of Program Research.
Bars the committee from abrogating or superseding negotiations or relations of any Indian tribe with any state, federal, or local government.
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